The Hand wishin’ you a merry yule, happy holidays, merry christmas, and a fantastic new year!
It’s incredibly typical that an exercise that had our members confronting their own burdens ended up being failed but everyone except a whooping total of two people.
If you can’t outrun your past it means you ain’t trying hard enough!
Ahhh, that feeling when One Bad Roll sends you on a months-long journey of self-discovery, vague disappointment, and trauma management!
We should look into recruiting a kind grandma to give us hot cocoa and tell us that everything’s gonna be okay.
Soon to finish our Shadowlands campaign, finally having arrived in Revendreth. I must say it’s been great. I’ve found a good excuse and plotline to draw us into these lands, and it’s been very interesting to take part in these places, even if out-world RP isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Soon back to Azeroth to face more local threats!
The “/who Hand of the Titans” command is having some trouble showing all players online, making it harder to find me. Players seeking membership may want to add Xyra-Moonglade, Asperia-Moonglade and Anroka-Moonlgade to their Friend’s List to more easily spot me online!
Our general is back, and our adventures in the Shadowlands are over. Or are they…?
Yeah, no, they weren’t over, BUT! We’ve also been slaying zombies and studying Light cults back on Azeroth. Fun times.
Killing zombies and hunting slavers, having a great time (and a few moral issues) occasionally visiting the Land of the Vivid Dead.
We’re still beating up zombies! Azeroth is a little safer now we’ve dealt with the Dreadraisers… for now…
points up
There’s the new keeper of the Avengers, people. (Anyel will remain at the Hand frontlines as an ordinary meatshield.)
Keeper’s Report Twelve
Our people are being hunted by some stranger called the Craftmeister. We have encountered two of their minions: undead constructs with numbers for names. According to Grintooth’s sharp eyes they are constructed of an assortment of bodyparts: animals, people. Abominations to the highest degree.
They went for Rheyna first. She survived. Next, for Benari and Grintooth himself. I have coordinated patrols with my Avengers, and other members of the Hand, as well as the guards on the Isle.
I must keep them safe.
Signing off
Keeper Ohru Bearbrother
We have returned to Azeroth! Ohru conducted some training and was surprised (not sure why!) to find not many folks are into meditation
Maybe a few more sessions will help!!
One day we’re hunting fleshmoulders and cultists, the next we’re investigating vanished raptors. Interesting job, we got.
Any’s looking like a hot potato in his new get-up tho
It’s his ooc-gear sadly
At least I think it was, I changed since I wrote this o.o.
Ohru stands quietly beside the burning hut, hands tucked at the small of his back, pale eyes unblinking as he stares into the flames. Eversong is silent around him, the red rush of leaves fluttering in the smoke and heat billowing out of the enormous fire before him - the light turns his blue warpaint purple.
The Thing has burnt itself into his memory.
He shifts the effigies on his back, feeling their familiar weight pressing against the straps that keep them upright. He wonders what his grandfather would think - what the old bull would say…
After they had given the Thing mercy he had stood alone with the Commander, the stars wheeling overhead, indifferent to the tragedy of the night: the dead, the mutilated. The Farstrider had been a child in elven terms, and his heart had juttered in his chest to think on it.
“May Death come for them.” He had said into the night.
The Commander’s voice comes back to him: the whisper of remembering in the roar of the flames. “Worse.” He recalled her astride her horse, back to him, the raw tang of fury rolling off her stiff shoulders. “We’re coming for them.”
Hate and rage burn deep in his stomach, rearing up and blazing through his chest; his scarred hands ball into tight fists and he shifts his hooves, tail curling.
It is time for the red warpaint.
Anroka Scaleslicer has been demoted! Who knew that letting yourself get captured and held hostage for months (and then spending even more months in recovery) doesn’t look good on a resume? (Okay, fine, so we were the ones who let her get captured.)
We’re glad to have her back regardless. Especially Lara, who never stopped calling her “Champion” in the first place.
For an expansion focused exclusively on Death, we’re having some significant troubles with its opposite force. The Hand is currently trying to discreetly dispose of a cult of weird druids who use the power of Life in ways that the power of Life should never be used.
If you try hard enough, even healing can be used to hurt!
Big campaign to Northrend coming up. Time to take the battle to the frozen wastes of the Scourge lands.
We also have a Discord now, for those that like that kind of thing.
Hi, Dear Hand of the Titans.
This is Lindomien, calling from the other side. Not from death, but the Alliance.
I wonder if you ever would consider a traitor to join you? (faction change?)
Is there anyone I should contact to talk of this?
Hello there! Fancy meeting you here.
Everything you need to know about recruitment (and the Hand in general) is there in the first post, including ways to contact us, so please give it a read! You will find answers to most questions you might have there, really, including a list of characters for you to contact. Just make sure you read the post first to know what exactly we can offer.
As for the faction change, we are happy to include anyone as long as they are 1. a nice person, and 2. playing on our faction (like, game-mechanics-wise, in-character they don’t necessarily need to be loyal to the Horde IC–my main for example is Neutral at best, and pro-Alliance if you push him).
That said, if the character you are wishing to faction-change is the lvl 35 one you are posting from right now, I would suggest simply making a new one–leveling is very fast these days and a faction change costs money that could otherwise be saved.