[H-RP] Hand of Zul – Troll/Zandalari Guild - Travelling to Tanaris 🌴

Gurubashi are still superior to all. Who else required the GUARDIAN MEDIVH to defeat them? Punks. We’re just too strong.

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Yeah indeed. Amani are the strongest. :smiling_imp:

Darkspear never die, tho.

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Yeah true.

vengeance for zuljin


Just dropping a note to recommend the guild to any mons with a friendly bump. If you’re new to troll RP or a veteran looking for something different I encourage you give it a try!

As an aside anyone that may be interested in having their character held for ransom, please drop a note as well. Always on the look out!


What the guy above me said, really.

He’s a good ice troll, doesn’t judge me for helping kill his kind either!

Also, we need more IC Death Knights!

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A sub-sect of the guild underneath the Storm-Touched are once again in the Promised Land; Pandaria, her hills of gold. Secrets fit to be unearthed, and a history of Zandalari conquest on the land to be re-visited!
Here’s to hoping all goes well. Looking forwards to the great story-lines the guild has started, even if it does mean being next to tribals. :weary:


Need more Drakkari. Otherwise 5/5.

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Vengeance for Zul’jin intensifies


rabbles in Darkspear Heretics


Taking scalps intensifies.

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We really need more Farraki mons, so… come one, come all!

The sands reign supreme! :cactus:

Dirty Farraki

  • Rakhuul 2k19
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The Council:
The High Priestess:
A glance:
Representatives gathered:

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Btw, u guys still recruiting? I might bring another zandalari char i have into the fold if you’ll have him.

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We are still recruiting indeed! We could give you an interview whenever you like in our Discord and then you can join up at your own convenience IC!


Cool, we can do it now if u want. Discord tag: Just another troll pirate#7584.

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Sent my man!

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