[H-RP] Hand of Zul – Troll/Zandalari Guild - Travelling to Tanaris 🌴

oh my god, exposed!

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We be drawin’ blades now? :crossed_swords:

Dat? Dat nah be loa… dat be a snakeoil sellin snake with wings… dat died twice!

We be needin a proper blood god!

looks a g’huun and then looks back
…dat does not look like a moldy tumor :face_vomiting:

G’huun and Hakker, grow some legs or feck off back to angry worm town.

T… there is no Blood Cult! And I am not a part of it, even if I use blood magic.

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Ah so it’s you who’s the leader of the cult! Interesting!

Oh… I think… I heard Prophet Rakhuul call my name.

I… uh, gotta go!



back in zandalar

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You know what Zandalari trolls have really done, for me?
They made me realise I loathe nothing more than levelling, but heritage is mine… finally. :sob:

In other news, the Hand has just had an awesome social evening, amongst themselves & their (unexpected) allies, found amongst The First Empire in victory of the most recent Northrend campaign! An awesome, insightful lot to troll RP and what can come of it in discussion around it. The Hand is as ever a blast; and is always looking for more trolls!


A weekly event schedule is posted on the discord, so there’s always something to look forwards to! Be leaving for good ol’ STV tonight.

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“I don’t know man, it’s not so bad”
→ he said, after I groaned down the mic at him, stuck in a 1h47m dungeon queue as a tank

I guess everyone changes their tune eventually . . .


Devastatin’? Pfah, no. Tribals have tried to rise before; as ever, beneath de heel of their betters do they go. If they seek ta rise in opposition, they will all be shown what they are.
Kora’je tilts his jaw up, sneering.

I feel like Rak’huul is just seeking conflict between all the various, civilised tribes and the savage Zandalari tribe.

The Rak’arai are the chosen guards of the Council “who have no power”, but somehow it’s filled with those that look down upon the “tribals” (and ignore they are members of the Zandalari Tribe).

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If you want the Rak’arai to have more tribals, why don’t you join them

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The Hand is now back to its main hub of Zul’Gurub!

If you’re interested in engaging with the guild, be it as a friend or as a foe, don’t hesitate to reach out or stroll into the jungles!


guffaw, as if the tribals think of anything else than flail and gibber!

Filthy Farraki.

Based. Nothing quite as bad as the Farraki.

…Except maybe the Gurubashi…

You’re on thin ice boy.

Yes it’s true. :smiling_imp:

They don’t like me :<

Apparently they discriminate against both the superior troll races (jungle, sand, forest, ice) and they discriminate against undeath!

That and I would be the strongest besteth member, taking away all your shine :wink:

Please leave the Razorbranch tribe alone :frowning: