“B-by Elune! O-oh mister troll, OwO, pwease don’t put the shackles on me again UwU!-~~~!”
The Trolls of Azeroth don’t need scrawny Sin’dorei hands to help rebuild an empire. We will forge our own empire with the blood, sweat and tears of our own people.
Because I know Rotgarde was really enthusiastic when meat wagon mount was announced and kodos are known to suffer from mental issues due to their tiny legs.
(You are looking way too much into this, mate, you guys are simply most prominent Horde loyalist group of guilds and the rest was just random stuff)
Not so familiar with other guilds beyond Rotgarde, but asking doesn´t hurt: Could I get canister of Plague? For a friend.
I’ve greatly enjoyed my stay in the guild so far. Rarely is it that I encounter people with an actual grasp of ”IC is IC” and I really appreciate how I can be involved in dark scheming in one second and then take part in a heartfelt campfire dinner afterwards.
The constant paranoia on who’s going to betray who is just a bonus ((:
And also the best
For sure
We will be hosting a big gladiatorial event for the remaining slaves this upcoming Sunday evening in the Gurubashi Arena - sadly some of the RPers have taken their leave already, but I can hardly blame them for that. We still intend on giving the best send-off we can to those who are still around!
My word ain’t worth much, but if it was, i’d tell you that this is a very chill bunch of people.
Lovely group of people. Friendly and welcoming. The RP is top notch as well. Totally not biased.
I object! That is very biased.
Na man, its not.
The trolls will rule this world once again, it is just a matter of time!
Offtopic thou: A very a chill bunch of people and a very friendly community overall, lots of casual rp and very well planned events! 10/10
I promised to make troll for this guild, so here it be, mons.
Farakki, Amani, Drakkari, oh my!
Zandalari still reign supreme but… you know. Gotta give some credit to our other allied tribes. They do add some flavour to the guild’s daily activities!
I’m gonna pretend i didn’t see that.
Get your facts straight.
Ahem, it’s the matter of trolls, no longer shall be division between the tribes
tonight is the night where we will, in fact, be entertained
Da zandalari only reign supreme in de fact dey worship all da Loa, for de rest all trolls are equal.
This went 100% according to the plans.
Nothing went wrong, everything went soooo smooothly.
Not even a single gladiator turned on the spectators!