[H-RP] Orcs of the Red Blade – Now Old Enough to Drive and Vote!


Brothers and sisters,

It’s Midsummer again, the world will be heating up, but that isn’t the only flame that has arisen. Our oath to the Shattered Shield demanded that we would defend Zandalar and our allies, it’s been a troubling campaign where it’s tested our honour. Some of the practises used by our allies went directly against out code, we’ve decided to continue fighting as it’s better to try and change this from within. You have my word, the Elders of the clan will discuss this at the next Shattered Shield moot.

We’ve given a oath to the Shattered Shield, oaths shouldn’t be broken or walked away from. Remember that orcs, we were all New Blood’s once upon a time, you know what it means to swear it by blood! Recently within the clan, a few have decided to turn their backs on it. That speaks more for them then us, for now we need to stay strong and united.

The Path of Cunning was officially unveiled at the last clan gathering, Kor’kosh Ironaxe expressed his concerns about this. I gave him my word that it would be a boon to us all, we have to trust in our pantheon of death, Sharguul. The Path of Cunning will make us stronger, it will investigate and defend the clan from the shadows. Those that wish to switch their path should seek out Razaron Madeye, Vraxxar Wildmark, Kyrazha Throatrender or Kai’gron Ripclaw.

I must also address that Karnna Blackfeather has disappeared, the Varog’Gor will not rest till she is found.

On other news the Tournaments of the Blades was once again held, the defending champion, I, Razaron Madeye was competing. Kargnar Bloodpaw faced me in the final and after a hard fought duel, it was me, Madeye that came out on top. It looks like my little hiccup with death hasn’t effected my moves.

The Wor’aggar that was delayed because of our trip to Nazmir will take place at the end of the month. By then the Alliance should of been routed out of Zandalar and the celebrations will take place. Take your time and rest, for it won’t belong before the winds of change stir up again.

For the Blood of Red Blade,
Razaron Madeye

Gorosh (July) Events

Named in honor of the element of fire, Gorosh, Fire’s Heart, marks the warmest time of year when the sun reaches its highest point. In addition to Gorosh being the month in which the element of fire is at its strongest, it is also the month in which animal spirits begin to appear more freely and may become more common to encounter. The season would additionally be an ideal time to set out into the wide world, nurturing adventure, wildness and freedom.

[Event] Primal Party!
Bring your drums or other musical instruments and stuff! Fire, dancing, music and drinking! After long time on foreign lands. Orcs will celebrate all we have achieved! Happening by the famous tree on Razaron’s Hill on the 7th of Gorosh!

[Event Chains] Murder of Crows
Nearby the Red Blade encampment a flock of crows can be seen in the distance something is off about them. This will take up the orcs time, it’ll start on the 9th of Gorosh and finish on 14th. Seek out Karnna Blackfeather.

[Event] The Cult of the Red Candle
The Red Blades recieved a missive from Stonetalon Mountains, requesting aid to help their spiritual elder pass peacefully into the next life. Curiously, the mysterious note directs them west of Malaka’jin, to the kobold caves in the southeast. Those that want to offer their help should find Morgkha on the 20th of Gorosh.

[Festival] Wor’aggar
Wor’aggar, or the Festival of the Wolf, signifies the coming of Spring and the time to celebrate the renewal of life. Traditionally, this would have been the time for the clan to migrate to new lands and ask the spirits for good tidings. Offerings are made to both Akala to pray for a fertile season and to Kavara for a bountiful hunt. This is a cheerful occasion all around, involving dance, drink, stories and songs.

The Wor’aggar will take place for three days, starting on the 26th of Gorosh!

[PVP-Campaign] Trials of The Black Moon
The Night Elves are causing the Horde trouble in Feralas, we will join with our allies to push them back. The leader of the Rastari Pact, Zul’rohk will lead us in to the deep forests, the Night Elves are seeking revenge and we should not underestimate them! This campaign will take place on the 31st of Gorosh and last for a week.


[IC] Clan Gathering
Every month is another chance to get everyone together to discuss the latest issues that effect the clan. This moot will take place on more familiar grounds, by the tree on Razor Hill, Durotar. Show your face on the 21st of Gorosh!


Been for seven months with ORB now and I Kran’t see even a single reason to why I shouldn’t recommend the Clan to every and each RPer! I’m as amazed as I was at the beginning! Kran grew more KrAngry recently, but he Kran show his love towards the Kra-… coughs Clan sometimes. Unlike me OOC! Kran loves, I love


I will physically hurt you, Kran.


Don’t you hurt my Kranberry, you one-handed bastard.


The last few days of the Zandalar campaign are going in! After this, the clan will be returning to Durotar for some well earned rest, after spending nearly two months between dinoaurs and Trolls. We had a grand time. But, onto new adventures!


The Clan has returned home o Razor Hill for the time being! Time for some recovery (hopefully) from all the Troll business we ran into in Zandalar!


One week to go and im back!

Aaaahhhhhh! :scream: :wolf: :blush:


Since the clan have been back…we have played with some wierd harpy zombies, and saved one of our own…and NOW it is time to finally relax…stares at everyone

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Did you all break my Kargnar?

Again? :thinking:

Dam it guys! He’ll need a full re-boot and malware scan— ahem, I mean tankard of ale and a reassuring pat on the shoulder. Yes.


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With the clan back in Durotar, there is some more time for personal rp, some little plots here and there and generally having a good time and random rp! Do come by cozy little Razor Hill if you want! :smiley:


Has Okiba finally returned? :smiley:

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Soon :blush:

Very, very soon.


Yes they Keep breaking me :frowning: I look away one second, and then someone is dead or dying, missing, getting captured, or going insane

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Throm-ka Brothers, eager to meet you on our travels!

Keep up the good work :+1:


Watched a little bit of their campfire event. Looked cozy. :+1:


Thank you!

You should even join in next time, our fires are generally open to all. (Especially those who bring ale and a good story).

:blush: :wink:


You’re welcome!

I just might :wink:


Ahh! It’s good to be back!

Already managed to squeeze in a clan gathering and an Om’riggor, with the Wor’aggar (festival of the wolf) and an elf bashing Rp-pvp campaign on the horizon.

It is good to run with the pack.

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‘stumbled’ across the clan last week. Was fun RPing with you guys!

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Stumble across us in Sunrock tonight, the 3 night Wor’aggar festival is about to begin!

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