The clan is now in Winterspring Celebrating Winter veil, a bit earlier than normal, With all our allies. Lot’s of fun and games to be had.
Looks like the orcs decided to huddle down in Everlook for the time being. Ain’t nobody got time to waddle back to Orgrimmar.
The clan along with a few other of our allies, will be spending the xmas holidays in winterspring, anyone wanting or looking for rp, in this otherwise “slow” time of the year are welcome to come around.
Bumpity bump!
Lots of great stuff planned for the new year, all kinds of lovely plots and events inside and outside the guild!
What will we see in 2020?
Orcs of the Red Blade.
We a-ar… sneezes Sorry bout that. We are still in Everlook. Our Warsongs are starting to believe they are Frostwolves and we have decided that hands are invaluable to have when looking for a mate.
Good, they are now the best clan.
I can sign on to this statement.
My frostwolf would like to have a very harsh word with you.
Bump, with luck I may start to play a bit more again if real-life allows it.
Tonight those camping in Moonglade will return home to reunite with the rest of the family again. <3
We have some exciting weeks ahead planning wise, it’s going to be a lot of fun!
Orcs of the Red Blade moves to Durotar after witnessing the Lunar Festival!
But first I want to link two albums! The first made by Acrona, and the second made by Handmaidens of Elune themselves!
Additionally I want to post the specific images where our orcs are shown!
One orc in these images aren’t one of ours. It’s Rogmasha herself!
Sorry for the links, but I don’t have that level 3 trust yet.
We also want to say thank you to the hosts of this festival! We had a great time!
Handmaidens of Elune and Moonlight Melody!
[A/RP] <The Handmaidens of Elune> A new moon rises... 🌘
[PCU] Eternal Sisterhood - Dawn of the Eternal Night 🌑
And lastly! The Lunar Festival Thread itself!
It’s been quiet the past few days, but something tells me a few of our more sneaky Orcs are off doing sneaky things… Or maybe that’s just my imagination.
Sneaky things happened, that I can assure you! Nightmares down in Pandaria. Who knew sleeping next to Razaron was so deadly?
Just a bump for these wonderful folk……
My wife can attest to this in real-life.
Bumpety bump! We’re currently down in Uldum, doing void fun stuff!
Hot sand, oasis, sitting back drinking wine… but no, the void has to ruin my holiday!
You can’t always spend our campaigns relaxing and drinking wine! Dancing naked is fine, though.