[H-RP] [Social] The Sober Song - Fight Against Booze

An orc can be seen once again sticking crumpled pamphlets on noticeboards and trees. Tac. Tac. Tac. Err, tac. Tac. Tac. The orc’s use of hammer is delicate and calm as he keeps nailing the pamphlets. The text is poorly, VERY poorly written:

PrrroBLEM wItH drrInking? Is YOuRR HonoRr taRRnisHed? YoU neeD hElP? Then WE HELp!
MeEtings In VAlLeY Of WisDOm. CoME MedItATe AND TAlk. ToGetHER We WILL pRrRevaiL!


-HurRgAsh MugbREaKeR

AnD TeA wiLl BE seRRVed."

Maddening whispers of the Old Gods… Tempting corruption of Fel… There are many ways to lose your hopes and dreams, but usually the most mundane ones can be easily overlooked.
The booze.
It slowly poisons your body and mind, shatters families apart and deprives you of your honor. Even the great warriors of iron will can succumb to the depressing intoxication and struggle to get rid of it.

The Sober Song Clan focuses on fixing that problem. It is a group in which anyone willing to help or get helped can join, especially those who can’t put a cork on their bottles. In the meetings everyone can share their own stories of struggle. There are also other rehabilitating activities, like hunting, tea-brewing and meditation. New ideas are always welcome.

Join us, and together we can reach our goals and break the chains of addiction. And your songs of honor will be sung with clarity! :notes:


What is the purpose of all this?

The primary goal is to create light-hearted social RP in Orgrimmar, possibly in other places too. This is also a place for those who seek some character development. The meetings happen about once a week, more or less, depends on the demand. When there are enough interested people, rp events with some sense of adventure become a possibility.

Where did this idea come from?

I was drunk and in underpants. I thought: “Man, there are no AA meetings in Orgrimmar, I should do one. And in orcish/hordish style.”

But… Why Valley of Wisdom?

Are you kidding me?! The sight of the Wyvern’s Tail can make the participants uneasy!

So… Can I come?

Of course! Anyone can come, even those whose characters don’t have drinking problems. They can participate in the meetings by offering their help if they want. Or just have a nice chat with us.

Pfft, what a silly concept.

What, how dare you! We have orphanages, crab people working as shell entrepreneurs, Easter bunnies and santa clauses, toy shops, rock shops (yes you can buy a friggin’ rock!)… The Horde is about surviving together and this group is just that: Survival, getting stronger…!
…Okay, it’s a bit silly.

What is a clan without ranks? Here:

The head of the clan. However, he has an equal amount of power as his fellow clansmen. The only difference is that he has more responsibility for the well-being of the others and speaks for the clan. If the chieftain gets caught for drinking, his title will be stripped away and a new chieftain will be named.

A paragon of sobriety. Champions represent the hope in the fight against one’s addictions. Basically a person who finally managed to put a cork on the bottle and has made exceptional progress. That doesn’t necessarily mean the problem is 100% solved, though.

A member of the clan who has successfully stopped drinking but still struggles to resist to get drunk. Might occasionally take a sip or two. Both physical and mental condition are good enough.

A clan member with a reduced drinking problem, but not sober yet. A day without drinking is not an impossible thought anymore, but it still occupies the mind.

Greatly struggles to put a cork on their bottle. Most of the clansman’s day is occupied by booze. The problem has significantly affected the member’s life negatively.

A member with S-E-R-I-O-U-S alcoholism. Not a single day goes by where they are not drunk. A high possibility of both physical and mental deterioration. Truly, a depressing sight to behold.

Follower - Not an official member of the clan, but wishes to get sober or help others reaching their goal.

Alt/OOC - Those who don’t want to be part of the guild IC or are playing with their alts.

Although the clan’s focus is on the booze, any other source of addiction can be equally good a reason to join the meetings/clan! After all, the primary goal is to get rid of any detrimental substances, magical or not, and bring them closer to clarity/sobriety.
The clan ranks can be applied to those who don’t drink but mess their heads with other things based on the severity. For example, if a tauren has a big problem with smoking those peace pipes and can’t live a day without them, he would be granted a rank of “ Drunk ” or “ Wasted ”.

The Sober Song Clan has of course some basic OOC rules to follow:

  1. no ERP
  2. no meta-gaming
  3. no godmodding
  4. no intentional lore-breaking
  5. no unnecessary OOC drama
  6. have fun!

You are free to ask anything you like! Contact me here or in-game. Happy role-playing and stay safe!


I’m Priestess Lunarglade, and I approve this message.


Me will come to dis and provide pork for all da people dat come! Me gonna make sure Hurr’s thing succeeds cuz it for good cause!

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what about drinking and roleplaying while under the influence of alcoholic beverages


Well, you can but it’s not recommended. Mak’gora will be issued when we find out you’re drunk!
…Just kidding, we only help you get sober. EVEN ooc!

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Amazing concept! I for one hope The Sober Song Clan prosper in the years to come!

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Oh, I love this! Good luck and have fun!

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Good luck with a funny and original concept Hurrgash!

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I love how the rank structure seems to follow my basic progression through an evening, by ‘love’ I in no way mean that it is funny or something to emulate!

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Good luck Hurr, you’ve got my support a million times over :sunglasses:

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Thank you all for your kind words! The first meeting is over, and it was a pleasure to share tea with two great people!
The next meeting will likely take place at the Valley of Wisdom next monday, 27th April at 20:00 realm time. Stay safe and sober!

Although the clan’s focus is on the booze, any other source of addiction can be equally good a reason to join the meetings/clan! After all, the primary goal is to get rid of any detrimental substances, magical or not, and bring them closer to clarity/sobriety.
The clan ranks can be applied to those who don’t drink but mess their heads with other things based on the severity. For example, if a tauren has a big problem with smoking those peace pipes and can’t live a day without them, he would be granted a rank of “Drunk” or “Wasted”.

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