[H-RP] The Convocation of Elrendar is Recruiting

Cheers for the solidarity. Short of being cursed the Convocation are taking Maldraxxus pretty well. Nothing like a bit of a more upbeat Scourge to put blood elves in a solid mood. Whether we follow it up with a different part of the afterlife or head back remains to be seen.


Day 47 among the Sinā€™dorei - Their incessant snoring is beginning to grate on me. If luck is on my side, the less than adequate air quality in Maldraxxus is the culprit, and a stint in Revendreth will clear their lungs.

Spooky vampire goth hell awaits! :partying_face:


Came across the Convocation roleplaying out in Maldraxxus a few days back. Good to see you guys out there too. Have fun in Revendreth!


The Convocationā€™s time in Revendreth has left most of our paladins existentially depressed. One class down, a dozen more to go.

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Appropriately enough with 9.1 right around the corner, the Convocation are hanging around in the Shadowlands still, our time in Revendreth improving some peopleā€™s dancing skills while making others fairly sad.

Iā€™ve lost track of the days, but our rendezvous in Revendreth has confirmed that their snoring is the least of my concerns. The stone fiends couldnā€™t seem to grasp the concept of earmuffs, either.

Itā€™s all gone down the drain, as they say, and the man at the helm of this coterie has increased my salt levels exponentially at every turn. Iā€™m well aware that the feeling is mutual.

Do not trust the blue man group, comrades.

(We out here in Bastion, baybee :sunglasses:)

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Despite some Death Knights going rogue weā€™re about to cap off a peaceful stay in Bastion with therapy booked for the Convocation be it in Ardenweald or back on Azeroth.


Just had a little frolick through the woods with these guys in the Weald, turned up in the nick of time! Bit odd seeing Blood Knights around town, but canā€™t complain - cheers for the assist, clankies.


Just fancy elves doing fancy things. :elf:


Low-key hoping to see this bunch of snobby elves bedazzle everyone at the Forsaken Ball this weekā€¦? :sparkles: :eyes: :sparkles:


Weā€™re still hanging around in Ardenweald, sad to say, but after next week weā€™ll be making our way back to Silvermoon for whatā€™s sure to be a peaceful and relaxing time.

A lil bump for my pointy buds. :elf:


The Convocation is back in Quelā€™thalas and about to enjoy a much deserved rest, right after shutting down a demon-associated contraband ring and getting lost in the Plaguelands.

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Holiday is over and weā€™re on our way to Orgrimmar to shut up encourage someone who has dirt on the Convocationā€™s time in the Shadowlands.

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Shutting up sources whoā€™ve dirt on the Convocation is backbreaking and expensive work, so their next destination is passing by Northrend for a bounty contract.

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