[H-RP] The Dust Scavengers - Vulpera Caravan

(Due to inactivity from the previous guild leader/post owner, we chose to close the previous post and make a new one to continue being able to provide actualized information for our guild. Our deepest apologies for this new repetitive upload)

We are Vulpera. We are the children of sands.
We thrive where others die, we endure when others bend the back.
Where you see ruin ,we see treasure ; Where you see hardship, we see adventure.
Everyday is a trial, and every trial made us stronger.
But no trial has to be faced alone, and this is yet another lesson the sands have taught our people.
In this new world beyond the sands, a caravan is a home far from the dunes
We are the Dust Scavengers. We are Vulpera.
A new adventure, a new family.
You are our kin. You are Vulpera.


We are the Dust Scavengers, one of the oldest Vulpera caravans of Argent Dawn, ally of Horde and an independent community of like-minded Vulperas. Our caravan travels all over Azeroth and beyond, in search of adventures, new treasures, and fruitful trades ; all the avenues for any good Vulpera to excel into !

But do not be mistaken, we are more than a mere caravan of traders and explorers. Azeroth may be full of dangers, but so was Vol’dun and our people have learned to defend themselves against such threats

We’re always open for new tails willing to join our ranks and contribute.

For whom do we look ?
We are open as much to new roleplayers as we are to veterans.

For IC reasons, only Vulperas are accepted within the ranks of our caravan.

Our requirements for new members are quite simple, we only need you to be active within the community, motivated, voluntary in the RP you offer, and respectful of basic RP etiquette.

While the true recruitment is done exclusively IC, and you can just meet us directly at the turn of some RP, you can also contact us beforehand to set a meeting either in-game through whispers and mail, or through Discord (Handles are present on our AA page)

The recruiting officers are Xanoxis, NĂ­ko and Kheenah

What do we do ?

The caravan travels around the entirety of Azeroth, setting camp in areas on a regular basis to explore the surroundings, gather knowledge about the vicinity, and harvest ressources to trade. But to not be cut from the rest of Azeroth, the caravan has settled outposts in great spots of passage, in which they store and trade their latest goods, brought in through the prowess of their mages.

Expect us to be present particularly in Orgrimmar and Dalaran, and do not hesitate to take contracts from us for goods you cannot obtain yourself !

For those who prefer to remain in the field, our activity alternates between events of scavenging and exploration, which can also regularly be made as spontaneous adventures by any members, and familial relaxing by the campfire.
We Vulperas might be hardworkers, but even the busiest fox needs a rest once in a while !


1. What are the requirements to join the guild ?

You must be a Vulpera as the caravan accepts no other race. You must also be an active roleplayer - while the guild participates in the other activities of the game, our main focus is roleplaying.
No need to be worried if you are a beginner, we accept as much the new guys as experienced roleplayers.

2. Does the caravan have a home base ?

While we are a traveling caravan and thus do not have a set home, our main outpost is found within Orgrimmar, on the outskirts of the Valley of Honour (We use OOC the Valley of Wisdom’s tauren camp as visual stand-in).
But this is not our sole place to stay !

3. What is the hierarchy within the caravan ?

The caravan is led by a council of Vulpera called “Silverfangs”, marked as its leaders by a fang of pure silver. The rest of the members are then split in different roles of their choosing, all holding the same authority. Last but not least are the Softpaws, new arrivals to the caravan waiting to prove themselves

4. When are your usual activity times ?

We are active all week long, most often during the evening rounds after 7-8pm, though it is not a definite time. You can regularly expect to see members online at any time of the day.

5. How close to the Lore does the guild stick ?

We try to remain as close as possible to the Lore provided by Blizzard, and ask your TRP to reflect accurate information. Still, due to Vulpera Lore being scarce and in the spirit of creativity, we accept a hefty amount of stretching and headcanon.
In doubt, do not hesitate to ask for guidance.

6. What are your rules on displays of affection ?

Showing affection in many ways is a normal part of roleplaying a character’s life, thus they are not forbidden. We only ask they reflect the PG-12 rating of the game, anything else ONLY belongs in private messages.

7. What is your stance on child/kit RP ?

We forbid the active playing of child characters, though we allow them to be represented as NPCs by the parent characters during their RP. Any played character must be AT LEAST a teenager, preferably a young adult, without use of numerical age values.

8. Do you have rules about appearance ?

When choosing the appearance of your character, remain as close as possible to what you can expect of Vulpera culture - transmogs, mounts, pets, etc…

Still, we are an adaptive race and you can reflect this. Just do not go overboard !

The roles of the caravan :
In the spirit of unity of all Vulperas, as this what our caravan wishes to represent, we have named the different paths one may take as parts of a single body.

1. Dune Maw

The Dune Maw is comprised of the Vulperas who feel the most at ease when placed into the fray, putting their lives on the line to defend the caravan from any threat that would arise against them. And while some might seem rough around the edges, as hardened warriors tend to become, rest assured that their hearts are in the right place.

2. Glow Tail

The Glow Tail ais the smart part of the caravan, comprised of various scholars and entertainers who provide the Dust Scavengers with knowledge of the world that surrounds them. If there is anything you do not know, your best bet will always to ask one of those Vulperas in finding the answers to your every question.

3. Cunning Ear

The Cunning Ear is filled with Vulperas who value adaptability above all else, finding themselves more at ease in new and unconventional environments than around the camp itself. But don’t let yourself be fooled by their eccentricity and their time away from camp, they always come back home at some point to share their findings.

4. Keen Claw

The Keen Claw represents the Vulperas who devote themselves with providing the resources necessary for the caravan to continue on its merry way. Though their tasks may seem menial for most at a first glance, there is no question that they are essential in making sure the Dust Scavengers still roll today.

5. Slick Tongue

The Slick Tongue is built from Vulperas who have found a better life in dealing with the hassles of the cities than the difficulties caused by a wandering lifestyle. Though they easily get called quitters or too soft, underestimating their might just be at your disadvantage, lest you wish to find yourself outdone by their honeyed words.


Warm Sands to you all,
The Silverfang Council of the Dust Scavengers


Other info

You may also keep track of the guild on other media. We have a page on Argent Archives on which we put screenshots of our events, but also the Discord of the officers if you desire to contact us for joining or collaborations! argentarchives .org/node/235659

And you can also follow our Twitter for more reactive discussions with the officers who administer it twitter .com/DustScavengers

If something is still unclear and you want to know more, feel free to contact us as we are always there to help!


If you’re for IC meetings, feel free to search for us around Orgrimmar on Sunday, or Dalaran on market day! We’re around there more often than not ^^ We don’t bite… usually. No petting.

Warm sands,
Silverfang Xanoxis

The Dust Scavengers are still hard at work in fulfilling the calling of the caravan as traders and adventurers alike. And though many have regularly scattered on adventures of their own, tying loose ends, looking for horizons best experienced with those closest to them, all return eventually to the campsite they call home

Whether wares sold in the enchanted streets of Dalaran or stories freely given on the nights where the Horde gathers, the Dust Scavengers are a sight that never fails to appear publically in the gatherings of Azeroth.

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The summer winds get colder, as days get shorter…

Dust Scavengers ventured to Vol’dun to remember old and lost tails, and move on from the past. It’s the tradition of the caravan to celebrate season changes.
The summer goes under Fire and Earth this year, as we burn our experiences in heat, to make them stronger, just like clay can become.

The celebrations have ended, and the caravan is back, focused once more on the path ahead. Don’t be surprised to find us where deals can be made, on outposts and Horde gatherings, or just good ol’ Dalaran on the market.
And don’t be shy to visit our campfires, as we always like to share stories and company.

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The echoes of nascent battles and strange occurences have risen in Azeroth over the last weeks, whispers and rumours of the darkness in the hearts ready to seize again the placid Pandaren continent in their iron grip.
And with the Horde taking interest in those murmurs, the Dust Scavengers have made every plans to answer the call and find their way in fighting off the emergent dangers… all while always scavenging what it leaves behind. On their own terms.

While this places a little hold on their plans to explore more untouched parts of the Dragon Isles, duty comes before allowing oneself to be seized by the Vulperan wanderlust once again

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The festive season of Hallow’s End has ended, with the Dust Scavengers embracing renewed beauty with the blossoming of love and the fun parties of Hallow’s End, but also facing terrifying foes in the deep vaults of Pandaria and the cursed swamps of Nazmir.
Needless to say, this has not been a month of rest. And it’s not looking to improve ahead, as new adventures are just around the corner !

The wagon ever rolls on, and the Scavengers keep riding it

New Vulpera ? Dust Scavengers. Our wagon always has a bunk for you to start a beautiful journey.

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Winter sets in, the world slows down as temperatures go down in most places save for the most inhospitable… or magically protected. But a Vulpera never stops moving and the Dust Scavengers intend to keep this tradition !
They’ve embraced the wintery theme by focusing their adventuring efforts on the cold places of Azeroth to find fitting game to celebrate the upcoming Winter’s Veil, with a little unsuspected detour through the Emerald Dream… in full possession of their consciousness.

Peculiarity is the master word of the caravan, but their morale remains undaunted to face the strangeness of the world. What is strange only means it has much to discover yet !

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With the festive season striking its last tolls, the Dust Scavengers pulls out of the mellow slumber of Winter and they get themselves ready for the next adventure to come. With Softpaws in need of proving themselves, the strike of metals fills the air in preparation for a brawl.
But that is not all, as their wagons’ wheels are polished anew, sometimes even replaced, in preparation for their next venture. Where ? They’ve yet to say it !


A lot has happened for caravaners in the last year, even though main wagons have settled for that period at Orgrimmar. Thanks to the Portal Wagon, and other means of transportations, tails had missions and treasures hunts all over the Azeroth, while being social in the city for the chill social evenings. The decision to rest in this way helped the caravan to grow, but so now also grows spirit of adventure!

New Year, and new adventures for Dust Scavengers! Now that dust settles after partying, camp is busy at work, slowly preparing.

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Dust Scavengers started their Dunewandering this weekend, venturing forth towards the Dragon Isles again! All prepared and packed, wagons, hyenas, alpacas and tails moved on to the harbor, boat, and then across the Waking Shores, to reach our new camp at Ohn’ahran Plains.

Ready to explore entire isles as months pass by, vulperas are already securing the camp, and scouting around for adventure!

Nearly a month in the land of the dragons, and the Ohn’ahran Plains have not yet divulged enough secrets for the Scavengers to feel they have flipped every stone and dug every hole out of the ancient treasures.
Still, moving their camp from the plains to the lush groves bordering the New World Tree, their objective seems well-set on approaching it… at the cost of a lot of diplomacy if need be.

But this is nothing to discourage them ! Dealing with some cranky elves in friendly manner is nothing thos Vulperas have not done before, and they intend to do it again !

The scavengers got around treasure hunting and diplomacy, as their camp nests on the cliffs overlooking new World Tree. It’s been an eventful month, scouting the valley below and plains above, as caravan leaders and caravaners visit the new isle to see the wonders with their own eyes. It’s not easy to gain the trust of elves, but that makes it that more enticing for the Dust Scavengers! Nothing good comes easy, and vulperas go the hard way, all the way!

To not get lost too much in the wilderness, the group is visiting the city markets, and as of this week also Kosh’harg Festival, admiring the Horde traditions, and socializing around. If you see any of our tails, feel free to say hello!

Large as they were, the Ohn’ahran Plains have kept the Scavengers well-occupied during their campaign through the Dragon Isles. But even the endless greenery has its end and the caravan has made the call, despite many treasures left to be discovered, to pack up and move onto the next step of their journey.

But after cautiously endearing themselves to the elven populations of Amirdrassil and putting an end to a corrupted splinter of green dragons, the Vulperas know they can always return to the verdant plains and find a warm welcome.

We cannot say the same from their new frigid destination, as they have settled their new camp in the Azure Span to continue their adventures.

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