Welcome one and all to the forged Compass! Where heroes are born and stories are told!
Background Story
The Compass was forged by the Pathfinder and her Navigator’s within the city of Orgrimmar, born from steel and embers, the compass guides them through Azeroth’s most Beautiful and darkest lands. They fight to protect her world and her children, to unlock her secrets, and to explore her lands.
Through Rain and thunder, through heat and cold, they travel to aid their brothers and sisters and battle Azeroth’s enemies, old and new. The compass guides us! And as we walk the path of victory, we shall sing our story’s out loud for the world to hear! For The Forged Compass! For Azeroth!!
OOC Guild Content!
Hiya all and welcome to the guild content! Our goal is to create a Roleplaying experience through PvE, creating stories and possible campaigns later down the line via exploring the world of Azeroth, its dungeons, and raids using the power of imagination!! Oooooo! The main theme of our guild will be a group of adventures wanting to protect Azeroth from anything that wish’s to harm her, though we are horde, we’ll play a natural part in hopes to make interesting RP experiences with the opposite factions.
As a guild, we also want to make it our goal to explore and expand on other people’s characters, making personalize events in hopes of in rich and expand character development between themself and the other members with-in the guild. We also wish to encourage people’s creativity by allowing members to make their own personalized story events which will be aided by the officers and GM. As the guild grows we hope to create traditions, such as promotion ceremony’s, Trial by fists, a dual to resolve conflicts and issues, and tale night, where we sit by the fire and tell story’s, eat, drink and be merry.
The guild will be an RP/PvE guild, though we’ll be more focused on Roleplaying, we’ll be wanting to do PvE content as well, doing both dungeons/mythic plus and raid content. We’ll even want to do Transmog runs to make sure everyone gets that perfect look they are looking for. So we welcome all races and classes to the guild.
For In-game Contact please contact my self Synpthia, Miolene, or Hyulin for anything else we can answer as well for an IC interview, I hope to see you all around! Happy Roleplaying!!