[H-RP]: The Hallowed Host

If a Clown is entertaining people will come back to laugh at it more often :clown_face:

Have you consider becoming a Mime?

It’s an undervalued art, despite being the pinnacle of repetitive mimicry.

I feel you’d excel.

Goes crazy at PCU > “I really don’ care ahoy! xD :joy:”


:sunglasses: :smoking:

Dont bring smokes if you ain’t gonna bring popcorn too.

I see you’re still going Yorold that’s a day well spent


wheres jorrick


Everything alright man? You been kinda crazy for a good while. Did you forget to stay hydrated on water? Too much rum?

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– HoA for all of 2019


On monday the 10th we’ll be starting of our new event chain! During which we’ll have our first encounters with the powers of Darkness unleashed upon the world in 8.3 and it’s effects on the local populace of Pandaria.

Updates to the story will be posted here on the regular so you know exactly what we’ll be up to.


Could say that, more like falling off the wagon briefly and getting back on it because…

It sure as hells ain’t.


The Hallowed Host has been away from Orgrimmar to start the first chapter of our “Corruption in Pandaria” arc. The arc was a wild success and we all managed to have a great time!

First by going to aid the Pandaren at Greenstone village and falling into a trap set by the worshippers of the old god. Sadly, the Host fell into the trap with ease as their perceptions were twisted by N’zoth. Luckily through some quick thinking they were able to destroy the threat before it took control of their senses.

Then on to Dawn’s blossom to aid in finding the culprit behind a mysterious murder. The Host very nearly accused the wrong person but after uncovering some additional evidence was able to find the true hand behind Dawn’s blossom’s woes.

Our last event had us confront the corruption more directly as the old god threatened to overtake a cloud serpent! The Host managed to fight their way through by bringing to bear the unholy might of the damned.

Having succeeded but only just the Host has returned to Orgrimmar to look for new volunteers and extra supplies before they go to do battle again.

If you wanna see what we’re all about, keep an eye on this thread for event summaries or contact us directly and ask away!


Stuck on a rat-hole of a rock waiting to attack the forces of darkness…

…I’m going to need another rum.

Tonight our plot against the forces of the shrine of the storm kicks off proper. With some luck, we may even get out alive-- you know what I mean.

Abit of an update for our radio silence,

We returned from our mission in Kul Tiras. Using both disguises and having the power of illusion at the ready the group managed to slip onto a pirate invested rock from which we moved further along the coasts of Stormsong valley, and not without hard fought succes.

The Host managed to take the fight to the N’zothi cultists some of which still lingered in Stormsong and managed to get their hands on a horn of storms before it got corrupted by the forces of the old god. While the Horn was damaged it should still prove a powerful tool at banishing the mad god’s corruption as we move on towards our continuing Pandaria plotline.


The Blackflag Confederacy hopes the best for all of you!

The topic seems interesting, despite the dumpsterfire that the replies to this are, I wanted to show some positivity. No clue what the drama is about, or who you are, but the topic of the guild, the idea, is really appealing!

I hope it does well, we need that undead representation in horde!


Aww that’s very kind of you, Nice hat by the way. We’ll have to have some pirate Hi-jinks at some point.

In other news! We’re in Pandaria slaying the minions of the old god! Fun and games abound for those who lack a pulse, and friends.

Hey everyone!

We’ve set down in the Valley of the four winds for a few days after learning of a imminent mantid incursion. Luckily through some ruthless interrogating by Silyse we managed to uncover the location and stop the mantid at Dustback gorge before they could sneak their way around the defenders at Stoneplow.

Now We’re busy cleaning up the aftermath and helping the locals root out the trouble stirred up by the mantid! If you’re looking to help we always welcome people to join us on our outings so they can get a feel for what we do and how we do it.

If you’re interested. Feel free to talk to me or Yorold at any time.

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…Mantid, Mantid everywhere.

So many to swat, so little time! AAHHHHHH :bug:

Moving from the Valley of the four winds we joined the defense of the vale of Eternal blossoms as a mantid army once again threatens to take the vale by storm. Currently encamped in Mistfall after helping the Shado pan deal with some of the mantid’s living siege machines the Host licks their wounds and prepares to take their place on the wall a second time.

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Spending some time in Orgrimmar before heading out to Kosh’Harg festival in Nagrand aswell as planning multiple cooperative events with other guilds. So far the guild has come a long way in banding people together and setting out to secure the interests of any undead that is loyal to the principles of the Horde.