[H-RP]: The Hallowed Host

He says this on the forums but when he can’t help but begin bothering us with weird quasi-OOC RP in broken common if we accidentally exist next to him


Yeah it’s not so great honestly. The only distinction between Okiba and Yorold as characters is that one says ahoy loads

So in fact when you said “I disagree” you meant “I agree 100%” because that is what I said

If you grow your guild (or community) you need to equally grow the means to keep those people entertained ie. people shouldn’t be left out or feel that only the core group matters in a guild’s narrative - but that is a problem of organisation, not of the quality of the membership

Yes - so what is your argument? Because it feels like you’re just agreeing with me

I think when we have a large pool of guilds with roleplayers that I like to roleplay with come together and run a campaign-size event without any drama and with pretty rave reviews, that is something to brag about in a big way - and for me that experience was universally good

You don’t have to like it - I’m not so interested in that. I’m more interested in the feedback of the attendees/members (of which, may I quickly remind you, there were 140 :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:)


I think that hectic-ness you talk about has to be mostly owed to how an event is structured, or how you choose to adapt. When I have to create an event for a larger number of attendees I usually lean to more sandboxy, puzzle style events. Things where i get time to sit back and assess what the group is doing, whereas if it’s a small party, I can focus on combat and descriptive battle emotes where everyone feels like their strike is properly acknowledged and contributes to the outcome.

If I tried DMing a big battle for 10+ users it would be an unsatisfying disaster that left me stressed and the group bored.

If you err on the side of such descriptive stuff featuring more creative control for the DM rather than stories told with a more sandbox and grand scale relying on everyone to pull their weight, I can imagine you’re always going to prefer rp in smaller groups.


Ooft. Minus points, copying someone else’s homework without research, shameful.

I expected better.

That is an excellent way to sum it up. My thanks!

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You forgot

The funny


I think you might have forgotten the funny just then

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I have to agree - the funny is unfortunately nowhere to be found

I’m disagreeing with the absolutist notion that you somehow need a large quantity in order for the roleplay to be engaging.

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You being amused was never a concern.

Come on boys! Theres steam in the Rage train yet!

Hydrate! Pace yourselves! Stay in the game!

Of all the lazy attention parasites, you are by far the worst… Of 2020.


You’re an absolute legend for that one!

I’ll laugh as soon as I can!

OK, that is not a claim anyone made at any point

My claim is solely that I am proud that our community is large and active + letting a guy who barely has a guild left that we’re not exactly struggling for an audience

I’m not claiming you need 500 people to attend every RP sesh you do - we run many small-scale interactions ourselves - it’s just that an 140 player event (something bigger than some campaigns, even) working so well for me is something I will brag about. It was just really fun

Not really sure who asked


Your posts read like a teen that lacks social interaction - wasn’t sure they could get any more embarrassing until right now


Bullsh1ttery and sh1t slinging like this is one of the reasons which made me quit AD. Pointless arguing whoms dick is bigger, even when the obvious is stated, and pissing against the wind. People openly being stupid and then crying and blaming when the said wind turns their piss back at themselves.


Mine, by the way.


You’re never wrong love

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But it still keeps you coming back for more, like a love sick college drop out!

Where is it you went?


Buddy, my dude, you did not answer my question.

Now i know you think I’m a PCU shill (simply because i agree with them most of the time) but i’m really not.

So, who has a bigger community than the PCU on AD?

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Regardless, seeing as you did pose a fair question, I just figured I’d give you an elaborate answer and not leave anything out. Nothing of my reply was meant to be argumentative towards any other specific post you’ve made in this thread.

The disagreement that lead up to this seem to have stemmed from me reading your post as: ‘guilds advocating quality > quantity are just struggling to recruit as opposed to simply appealing to a specific niche of roleplayers’ - which, after you elaborated, I’m guessing isn’t what you meant.

EDITx3: Spelling.