[H-RP]: The Hallowed Host

I just remember how you acted on DFB, then on Okiba here
Afterwards a fine lad mentioned you’re this rogue as well and it all fit together nicely in the troglodyte nerdraging package that’s your track record as a role-player across two realms

This isn’t stalking, this is your behavior being very same-y and childish in every iteration of your presence both on the forums and more prominently ingame in raid and general chats

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AAW is not Jorricks discord.

Only react to what we see, living rent free in you and your GM’s head.


sure the 140 PCU people that was at the last big PCU evnet says otherwise.

Seems you are the only one loosing hair here.

Hm… true


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Boomer rage, in 7 quotes.

Thankyou :rofl:

Still dont want anything to do with any of you. Woe and forbid some for finding interaction with you unpleasant, what horrible people :joy:

Not the problem

I’ve asked twice now why YOU don’t like us

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Intensely ironic - I remember there was a discord where from: okiba and the keyword “perroy” had at least twenty million results

I guess you were pretty steamed that I didn’t want to RP with you, but can you blame me?

You specifically printed up to a group of us in Orgrimmar for roleplay a few weeks ago. I recall your undead (who served under what was advertised as an elite undead military group) weirdly parroting your orc character’s exact dialogue. Very strange - but you could just avoid us as you say here

How about another joke, Yorold?


No, Morsteth posted a simple complaint - effectively that he thought that calling people (who don’t even interact with you, really) “cancer” was a poor thing to do. Perhaps he (like many of us) have lost people to this terrible disease and feels strongly about that word - and he would be right

The discussion here has grown because you began turning pink in here instead of a generic “ah, sorry, my bad!” or whatever

Sounds good but not sure who asked

Furthermore - with your PCU alt character / your anger at being denied roleplay in the crossroads means that you are simply not one of those people



not in his own discord, just loudly :poop:d about in a public discord :slight_smile:

So what’s the real biggest community Yorold? Is it Hallowed Host? Because something tells me they need more than 11 (probably a few alts too) members for that!

true there’s a handful of real wacky people that have grown obsessed with the heroic feeling of standing up to ‘the man’ even while the man isn’t holding them down.

Thankfully 99% of the server doesn’t actually care, which enables us to run massive 148 attendee events (entirely in-community, imagine if that was a public event!)


Does it matter? :joy:

If I’m actively avoiding you, does it matter why?

Cant a ‘170’ people hack one single person not giving a a drop of interest?

With the way I’m laughing right now I’d revise that statement to “Yorold finds us hilarious”.

You aren’t actively avoiding us - you have on many occasions sprinted towards us to roleplay. Sadly I cannot name one time that this was memorable in a good way. This goes on to the point that you literally joined a PCU guild

They can certainly make him react in a forum thread, at least

Nobody who has ever posted “I am laughing so much …!” is ever laughing


It likely matters to some of the people that you mindlessly hate without apparent reason, and if nothing else, I’m certainly intrigued by your distaste

Your refusal to answer suggests one of two things:

a) You’ve been told by other people to dislike and / or avoid our community and you downloaded that opinion and made it your own
b) You actually have no reason at all, not even anybody else’s, and instead you just decide to dislike us because other people default to that viewpoint too (amusingly enough, often for either reason one or two that I’ve stated here)

If you had a legitimate reason and you disliked us as much as your vocal outcries suggest, I’m not sure why you’d have even a sliver of hesitance to tell us why that is

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Do you write this blog?

I see the prompt cards are coming out with the low key insults and advertising and the old its “hear say” line.

You forgot the buzz words by the way, kings.

I dont hate you. I find you hilarious. It seems you all just have a communal rager for anyone who wants you kept at arms length.

I do not.

Don’t get why some feel it necessary to make a point based on high turnup events.

I’m sure that, to most of the servers population, roleplay is more than just a stack of numbers. Quality > quantity, and so forth.

Anyways, best of luck to your initiative, OP.

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I’d advise against shilling it.
It runs counter to your apparent lack of interest, and frankly whoever writes it probably needs a more grounding hobby to escape to.

Why choose when you can have both :fist::triumph:


Revealed at last! Damn. Now I do hope your GM will :poop:ing on our community in public discords

if you’d read the thread you’d know that yorold was making a wacky point of how PCU is totally fleeing Horde while instead we are just growing in both factions.

Naturally you didn’t read the thread and blindly posted instead, so you couldn’t know.


This is a fabrication.



Still avoiding my fairly civil question

Guess your opinions really don’t belong to you and you’ve just bookmarked somebody else’s on “Yahoo! Answers” for quick reference every time you’re challenged

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Oh, I read the thread. The point was brought up quite frequently, which is why it struck out to me. Doesn’t really matter who started it. Wouldn’t change my stance on the subject, either way.

No need to take it personal just because I ended up responding to your quote. I just found it helpful.

Presumably because when the argument is “this whole server is against you…!” is easily disproven by showing off a large audience

A good guild should have both consistent quality / quantity. Pretending they are opposing values is cope by guilds that are having trouble recruiting - quality is unaffected by quantity if you maintain the same rules for recruitment for every given player

Weird post

Is your question “why do communities advertise positive aspects of themselves?”

Probably because it helps them to recruit / attract cool roleplayers / remain active


Honestly I am getting second hand embarrassment from just having been in the same community as you with this behaviour of yours