Health always comes first. Take care, and hopefully you’ll get back soon!
Get well soon Zarival! Sometimes life gets in the way like that. I’m glad you’ll still be present behind the scenes until you’re fully better. This guild is really something special.
Hope to have you back among us soon, but don’t rush it, everyone understands that RL goes first.
(Also, the photoshop jobs like that Mean Girls poster above make me laugh more than they should. Great work)
The Melody is back in business!
After a bit of social back and fourth the Melody finally gathered once more for a meeting to discuss many things, Zarival’s Absence, the future of the order and finally what to do when going forward. Some handled the transition of power better than others but in the end they all came together.
That is not all however. Erena, not wanting to let time go to waste has revealed she has heard about an ancient relic known as the Puzzlebox of the Stars that is believed to hold many historical logs of her people and the Kaldorei, if such thing does exist it would indeed be a great boon to many Suramarian scholars. She has instructed the Melody that they will travel to Tanaris to meet with an order of Archaeologists that have agreed to tell them the location of this artifact if they can offer their services first…
Today the Melody ventured into the blistering hot lands of Tanaris to meet their oh so gracious host, the ‘Eccentric’ archeologist Finel.
Finel offered them information on the whereabouts of the rumored puzzlebox, but like everyone else in this world, he wanted a favor done before he would divulge the information to them.
The Melody has reluctantly agreed to help the archeologist with finding some sort of everburning lamp which is obviously a lot more powerful than their host would let on.
For now the Melody has settled into Gadgetzans dingy tavern preparing for their excursion through the desert towards their next goal, Uldum.
Last night the Melody made a choice that will likely bring consequences. Upon meeting with the eccentric Boss once more to be guided to this ancient cave, the group discovered that this “Cave of Wonders” was really a Titan ruin, steeped in dark corruption that pulled on the desires of those within it, tempting them to steal wealth beyond their wildest dreams.
After barely holding onto their sanity the group managed to recover the Ever burning oil lamp, an artifact that holds a mystical flame which does indeed seem to be impervious to being snuffed. On the lamp was a peculiar inscription, but not in a language anyone could read.
Not all was well however, the group did manage to disturb the treasures in the facility and activated some form of lockdown, luckily their arcanists were able to conjure a portal out of the facility and have landed in the Desert down of Mar’at where they have decided to lay low, hoping that the Boss simply thinks them trapped in that cave.
The Melody have sacrificed the knowledge of the Puzzlebox of the Stars to instead claim this Lamp. Ashryn, the bearer of the lamp, guards it cautiously. And the Boss has lost scent of the sisterhood, for now…
Today the Melody put their heads together to unlock the secrets of the Ever-burning Oil Lamp, after Ashryn placed the relic through a few trials she eventually learnt that the Brass Lamp works on Intent and snuffed the flames. Revealing that the Gimmicky Relic that the Treasure Hunter sought was actually a Titan Prison, housing an Elemental Spirit that has been imprisoned since the days of the Black Empire. After lamenting on the state of the world it eventually revealed that it was bound to serve the holder of the containment device until it had fulfilled Three Requests from the owner, once that was completed it was cursed to return to its prison.
The group still does not know the real reason why the “Boss” wants this artifact, but knowing it’s mystical nature the Melody have agreed to keep it guarded, knowing that as long as Ashryn has commands to give, the lamp cannot be stolen.
I have officially stepped down from the Melody. Lunarglade will now take the leading role.
Due to IRL, I no longer have the ability to run a guild and I can admit when such is the reality. - I am truly, truly thankful for the time spent in this guild and how overwhelmingly positive the majority of people on this forum and within the guild have been towards us.
Erena Lunarglade will post updates on the guild and for the future of the guild. I merely wish to apologize for anyone I may have let down or annoyed with my departure from the rank. - I am truly sorry, it was never my intention. But, I must put IRL first and accept when I am not fitting to lead.
Elune-adore friends. Have a lovely day, all of you. Within or outside of the guild.
Such a shame! But definitely RL comes first my friend. It’s saddening that i didn’t have the chance to interact IC, but at least I’m glad that I met you ooc, Zarival. And i hope everything IRL go well for you.
Still looking forward to interact with the Melody, ONE DAY… And still wish the best of luck for this cool bunch.
Elune Adore .
Zarival will be retired.
But you have my discord and perhaps we can arrange RP one time my friendo. Keep being the wonderful man you are Kump. <3
Thankyou for always supporting my guild and being so kind to all of us.
The Moon Pope is death…
Long live the High Priestess!
You’ll be sorely missed as Moon Pope, Zarival <3
I hope Zari and Lei can still RP together at times?
After a somwhat lenghty hiatus, The Priestesses returned to the Temple of Falanaar, only to find their library had been ransacked and left in shambles by a group of Kobolds who had dug their way in and stole everything that was shiny and gleamy. The Priestesses immediately set to work in restoring their Library, and of course to return the things that was stolen from them by the grubby Kobolds.
Thanks to Zari for editing the original post for us!
I’ll always be the Moonpope. And the Moonpope has served, once again.
The Kobolds that had recently invaded the temple has been purged of their existence, after a brief search of the tunnel they came in from, the Melody found the Kobolds warren, it seems the grubby rodents had been hoarding everything shiny they could get their hand on, everything from Suramarian arcane weapons to the simple candle. The Melody found their leader on a mound of his stolen loot, after a fierce but albeit brief battle, the Kobold leader lay dead. The Melody took back what was rightfully theirs and left the remaining Kobolds to squabble over the scraps.
The Melody will be spending some time in Kalimdor! Starting with the Orcish city of Orgrimmar. Please feel free to approach us with questions or just for casual RP.
You guys still around? Even i never got a chance to interact, but i feel i miss you already.
Yes we’re still around! At the moment we’re in Silvermoon getting ready to go on an outing to Feralas with Division 23 and the Reliquary to “Reclaim” some artifacts that are rightfully ours.
The Melody have arrived in Feralas alongside Division 23. They quickly got to work, setting up a Medical Station and offering their services to the horde forces in the area. Tomorrow we will begin our work with the Blood Knights, helping them rescue their Reliquary agents.
We will continue to offer our services throughout the campaign, any and all injured are welcome to visit us for medical care free of charge or just to say hello!
Elune Adore
The Melody has been assisting The Hordes campaign in Feralas for almost a week now, alongside Division 23 they’ve seen their fair share of battles. But none moreso than today, after numerous setbacks and diversions, The Horde won out and secured Feathermoon island. The melody might’ve come out a little bit bruised out of it, but their resolve saw them through the battle and their faith was emboldened now that the Heretics in the Alliance wasn’t squatting on their rightful claim.
Elunity through Order.