[H-RP] The Tirisfallen (Closing down - New project WIP!)

The dull yellow light of several candles cast a soft light over the fresh parchment, his quill hovered a hair’s breadth above the paper, ink threatening to drip from its tip and blot his work. He pinched the bridge of his nose with his boney hand, his thoughts less of a gentle stream and more a torrent of rapids.

“Where do we begin?” he asked of himself.

He mused on the Fourth War and the scars it had left on their homeland, blighted and burnt like never before, so many meeting their Final Death across fields of war that stretched the world. Yet it was her betrayal that wounded them most, she who had protected them, gave them purpose, crafted and dictacted what it was to be Forsaken. Was that the final nail in the coffin of their people?

No, her betrayal came before the war had even begun, written in the bodies of the Forsaken she’d killed at the Arathi Highlands. It was a masterly stroke, he gave her that much: culling Forsaken who dared to live in hope, not fear and offering them as an example to the others. He’d lost dear friends that day, the day she decimated the Desolate Council. But now she was gone, and with no council of Governors, Ministers or Listeners to help steady their people’s hearts and minds he felt more alone, and isolated, than ever.

The quill touched the parchment:

“I wonder if we feel the same, you and I? I watch the sunset and wonder if we’ll see tomorrow, I feel at times alone and afraid just like I had when the Lich King’s dominion over us was first shattered. I wonder how I will meet my Final Death? Will it be the blade of a Banshee Loyalist in my back or by the torches of a rogue Alliance order ignoring the armistice? Do my still-living family look back and smile when they think of me, or would they be disgusted with my fate? My tale of my life is no more worth the telling than any, but know me and know how we are alike:

My name is Corvenus Winteroak, I was born in Tirisfal and trained as a Priest of The Light at Alonsus Chapel. I had a loving family, we lived in a small house that smelt of fresh bread every morning. I died on the streets of Capital City, my heart pierced by an arrow. I don’t remember being a slave of the scourge, and for that I am grateful. I chose to help people undo the work of The Scourge, to continue to serve The Light as best I might as a Cleric of the Argent Dawn and later Argent Crusade. I always took my leave back home in Tirisfal and The Undercity, helping and healing in what ways I might, kindness was my currency, and a sympathetic ear for all our people. I joined The Conclave during the Legion’s invasion, a disciple of Alonsus Faol and assisted The Desolate Council in the months following. I was a great supporter of Prime Governor Elise Benton and Governor Parqual Fintallas and mourned their Final Deaths.

I always believed that we had a right to meet our Final Death if we so wished, to continue to worship The Light if we so wished, to connect with and embrace our former lives if we so wished and to live unashamedly as Undead Lordaeronians if we so wished.

These are challenging times for our people, resources are scarce across Lordaeron, there is much to rebuild but is there much to ‘live’ for? I believe there is. So I say this to you: you are not alone, my brothers and sisters. Our spirits, our hearts and our minds might be all we have, but they are all that are worth having. We must not lose them, give them away or let them take them from us again. In our spirits, in our hearts and in our minds we are free. You are deserving of compassion and of kindness and most of all, you are deserving of a place in this world.

My brother and I have started an organisation to assist our people across Lordaeron in whatever ways we can. If you need supplies, help finding or re-building your home or simply wish for some company then don’t be afraid to reach out, you have a place with us by our hearth.

Corvenus Winteroak

First-Minister of The Tirisfallen


The Tirisfallen is a Forsaken RP Guild inspired by the Desolate Council that looks to help the Forsaken people rebuild and begin new in the wake of Sylvanas’ betrayal. We’re based from the Tirisfal Glades for the time being, starting with RP to help struggling Forsaken survive and rebuild in the wake of the Fourth War.

About Us

As a guild there are several themes which guide and shape our RP and identity

Echo of the Desolate Council - In some ways The Tirisfallen continues the work of the Desolate Council but on a much smaller scale: assisting Forsaken in their daily lives, listening to them, working to make their lives better and protecting them as we are able.

One People One Nation - The men and women of The Tirisfallen will grow to connect and associate themselves more and more as both Forsaken and Undead Humans, reconciling with what parts of their humanity they continue to cherish and their identity as Lordaeronians in death. All Forsaken are welcome within The Tirisfallen, regardless of who or what they had been in life. If you feel as we do, then you have a place at our hearth.

The Past and Present - With the Banshee Queen removed from power her strict policy of discouraging association with one’s past life is no more. Forsaken are free to openly revisit their old homes, to secure momentos and use the names they had in life if they so wish. The Tirisfallen endeavours to reconcile what it is to be undead with what it was to be Lordaeronian. If there is a middle ground, we shall strive to find it.

Baby Steps - While the reconciliation of one’s life as a Forsaken and one’s past-life as a human of Lordaeron is the goal, it is a lofty one at the end of a long and difficult path. The Tirisfallen will develop across many stages, starting most importantly with our “Local Stage”. Our RP is based in Tirisfal and the surrounding areas and focuses on helping our fellow Forsaken to recover from the war and to rebuild while starting to cultivate interests and connections to their past lives as Lordaeronian Humans.


At the moment The Tirisfallen is two brothers working together to help their people, so we lack a formal structure for the time being. However over time we’ll develop along the following lines:

The Tirisfallen is led by the First Minister who appoints ministers to his cabinet to help run and oversee the daily management and life of The Tirisfallen. Ministers are responsible for a particular facet of Enclave life. Ministries could include:

  • Ministry of The Watch
  • Ministry of Labour & Trades
  • Ministry of Diplomacy
  • Ministry of Magic
  • Ministry of Archives and Archaeology

Commendation & Reputation System

  1. Events and RP your character participates in will each them Commendations:
  • Commendation of Labour = 1 Commendation
  • Commendation of Valour = 2 Commendations
  • Commendation of the First Minister = 3 Commendations

Joining guild events, taking part and organising social RP, completing Ministerial Missions on the Tirisfallen’s Notice Board are all good ways to earn more commendations.

  1. The number of Commendations you have determines your Tirisfallen Reputation. These are represented using Guild Ranks in game. The Reputations are:
  • 0 - 9 Commendations = Neutral
  • 10 - 19 Commendations = Friendly
  • 20 - 29 Commendations = Respected
  • 30 - 39 Commendations = Honoured
  1. Your Tirisfallen Reputation will entitle your character to certain ranks within their Ministry. Using the Ministry of The Watch as an example:
  • Neutral = Private (0-9 Commendations)
  • Friendly = Corporal and then Sergeant (10 - 19 Commendations)
  • Respected = Knight > Lieutenant > Captain (20 - 29 Commendations)
  • Honoured = Marshal (30 - 39 Commendations)

Some ranks have quests attached to them which your character must complete in order to earn their next promotion.

  1. The Reputation and Commendation system is a dynamic system, the more proactive a character the more commendations they can earn. If a character breaks rules, or does something to bring the guild into disrepute, make a wrong call in a mission leading to the harm of others/ failure of the objective then commendations can be taken away.

Each ministry will have its own ranks mapped across our reputation system which are also earnt through participating in guild events, casual rp and by completing Ministerial Missions.


At the moment knowledge of The Tirisfallen is to be found by worth of mouth, something shared between like-minded Undead who seek a home and greater purpose to their unlife. It is known The Tirisfallen work from The Sepulcher and that they are often in Orgrimmar assisting the refugees. One can seek them out in person, or write to Corvenus who is publicly known as the leader of this movement.


Q: Are you a guild only for Human Forsaken?
A: Not at all, all members of the Forsaken are welcome at our table

Q: Uniforms?
A: The Ministry of The Watch has a uniform which matches the guild aesthetic and members who join the watch will be required to wear that uniform only for the time they are formally on duty. Other members are encouraged to wear sets that reflect the community nature of The Tirisfallen, our general Warcraft III tone and our values as more progressive and moderate Undead.

Q: What sort of guild are you?
A: At the moment we’re a community style guild for Forsken who feel as we do, with room to expand as we gain more members and the lore for the Forsaken grows and develops. We hope to have active Ministeries such as our Watch or Labour & Trades to bring a township style RP to the guild in future with scope for some RP-PVP.

Q: Are you pro-Alliance?
A: We’re loyal to our people and the Horde, who kept our people safe for many years. It is a debt that can not be repaid except through honour. We’re not closed to RP with members of the Alliance and Alliance individuals who look for undead loved ones to reconnect with in a manner similar to that in the novel “Before the Storm”. We will help our people defend our lands and our homes against those who would seek to take them from us and remove us from them.


More Forsaken RP, yes please! We already had brief IC interactions at Kosh’harg and
Would love to hear more from you lot in the future! Our guild is mostly stationed in Hillsbrad Foothills so perhaps, one day a co-op or working together is possible!


I would love that! It was really lovely meeting you and some other Horde guild leaders and am really grateful for the warm reception so far. When the festival is over we should look to organising some casual events and bits together.


This sounds really good :clap:

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Sounds like an awesome guild!
Perhaps we could do some events together.

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Quite the amusing concept, and a way of sparking up things after the recent… Dramatic turn of events, let’s call it. Even for a hardcore Sylvanas loyalist, your heretical and completely profound concept is quite pleasing.

I am absolutely positive, and optimistic that you’d do well. Would surely be a decent sight to see the Forsaken community come together finally.

Best of luck to you, you already seem better than the last few undead/forsaken guilds that spawned relatively recently.


Thank you! I was really inspired by “Before the Storm” and following the plot of Elise Benton and the other regular, every-day, Forsaken. I found it challenged my own player held preconceptions of the Forsaken, I never really saw the citizenry until reading that book and so The Tirisfallen looks to capture some of that culture and atmosphere.


Hope to bump into you guys soon! Love the idea!

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Corvenus recently accepted an invitation to travel to Nagrand to attend the Kosh’harg Festival and has started making some friends and allies there. You’re be more than welcome to orchestrate bumping into him there, or simply sending him a letter so we meet up!

I hope you lot bend the knee to our true Queen whose name was Menethil :eyes:


Get out, don’t want to ever to hear or see that sentence again.


Sounds like a really nice take on Forsaken RP. As much fun as the evil undead army trope often is (and will continue to be), it’s neat to see a more human approach.

Best of luck!

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We’ll have to see what approach she takes to her people, but so far all signs are promising. She was kind towards her people in Before the Storm, not caring they were Undead, and herself has/ had an Undead mentor in Alonsus Faol.

Thank you, diversity is the spice of life!


Awesome guild idea, The Paw will likely be there to support you!


I’ll hold you to that while Corvenus is preaching about faith and cultivating a new identity as Undead while you keep loyalists from stabbing him in the back, you’ll regret our friendship yet!

Thank you though to yourself and everyone in the Frozen Paw Clan, I feel very fortunate to have stumbled upon you in Frostfire Ridge while levelling which lead to meeting a wonderful group of RPers who have been really helpful and supportive of Corvenus getting started in the world.


Interesting looking guild! Hope to meet you someday, been looking to do some undead RP on my alt!

I like how you focus on the day-to-day life of Forsaken society as well, instead of just being another fighting squad.

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Thank you! If you see me around drop me a message, we’d be more than happy to welcome your alt into our community.

Reminds me very much of a concept that was alive for a while in Hearthglen some time back… Think it was at the Start of Legion, if not even before that. The Enclave of Menethil I think it was called! Looks good, all the best to you :slight_smile:

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I was the founder of the Enclave! Some of its concepts have been used to make this project!

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this seems like such a great concept, i’ve always adored foresaken and any rp concept related to them! Might have to dust off my old shadow priest and see whats happening, best of luck to you all <3

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