[H-RP]: The Umbrage Academy 📖 [[DISCONTINUED]]

He just thinks it’s edgy, don’t let it bother you :wink:


Zooms past like: yeeeEEEEEEEEEEEeees! And then kicks up the door.



this is exactly what illidari rp should be about and I’m extremely excited to see you flourish in this regard, as well as all others!


Glad to have your approval, Asme! I’m hoping to bring some quality demon hunter RP into the scene once we’re properly set up!


This sounds pretty solid. We’ll be waiting, should someone stray too far :vampire:t2:‍♀

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Following our position yesterday at the Recruitment Faire held by Rogmasha, we just want to provide an update!

We’re steadily growing and got a lot of attention and traction in large part thanks to our invitation to said event, so I wanted to extend the thanks of the officer team to Rogmasha for that lovely assist!

Furthermore, upon discussion with the guild, we will be looking to relocate in the coming weeks. Presently we remain at Ravenholdt Manor, and once we’ve moved, I will look to update the original post and create a further post here as well.

An actual story will come to this thread shortly, as soon as I finish writing it! See you all soon.


Smaaaaall update!

We’re currently seeking a void tutor! If you, or someone you know is interested, please refer them to any of the points of contact provided on the original post.


“You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing that we call ‘failure’ is not falling down, but staying down.“

– Mary Pickford

Wiskerville was spent. For the longest time he had been toiling on what he would pursue once he officially retired from service to the Brotherhood. He never really planned to have to make that decision after he had resigned. Regrettably, his own oversights gave him no leniency nor respite from the oncoming wall of boredom, and the feeling of no longer having a purpose. It was a void that he’d work to fill.

His first choice had been to help a friend with their own project. A defence force tasked with the protection of the two primary continents of Azeroth. It certainly wasn’t his style considering he had just been the figurehead of a fanatically-driven cult of anarchists, but all things considered, it would be a decent means into a proper retirement. This was the Aegis of Ibraesyl project, and much like far too many projects, fell through before it even attempted to take a step forward. It was a lesson well heeded. A project worth following required a strong-willed leader. He remembered back to what he had told himself back then. That if the only leader he felt was strong enough would be himself, that he would do so. He certainly wasn’t keen on being the public figurehead or leader, but he did not feel he had much of a choice.

So he toiled at home. Trying to devise some semblance of a plan as to how to proceed. If he was ready to fade into obscurity as quickly as he came into the spotlight. If he was willing to accept a retirement and seek out his final rest. He had entertained many a conversation with his beloved over the dinnertable on such topics, displaying a genuine interest in her own respective position on the matter. Ultimately, those were neither here nor there. He required insight from someone who had a professional and currently withstanding relationship with him. He needed to resort to the Fel Witch.

Gwylathiel was always an incredibly perceptive and insightful mind that he often bounced ideas off of. She provided much needed counter-arguments and could debunk any logic that was not absolutely solid. It was his day-long conversations with her that led him to the answer of starting an Academy. It after all, made sense. Both of them had the funds, mastery and willingness to guide others toward a goal of improving the general public – or atleast, those willing to endorse it. This would ultimately be the founding ideology of the Umbrage Academy; to work towards combating and overcoming social stigmatism in respect to certain magics that people dismissed as “only endorsed by evildoers” or were shunned by entire societies.

That led him to now. He had selected his team, and had set out to achieve just this. It would take many years, but such was the enjoyment created by challenge. He had taken students before, but solely in attempts to guiding them towards the vision of the Brotherhood, of his own machinations. This was entirely new for him. It was not something he would’ve considered even a few months ago, back when he was with the Brotherhood of the Wheel. And yet, it felt right. His time apart had given him much time to deliberate his motives in respect to the world around him.

It took him a moment to realise where he was. How long he had been absently thinking about the events that had led him to this time and place. He was in Orgrimmar, and he could hear the voices of Gwylathiel and Valdrex below. He pushed off from the bannister he had been reliably leaning upon, and turned to head downstairs to join them. He glanced over the railing, spotting dozens of other organisations and countless more potential people to welcome into the fold. With a deep inhale and slowburning exhale, he clasped his hands at the front of the stall, where he proclaimed simply:

“Welcome, one and all, to the Umbrage Academy.”

He had a long ways to go. But with this much attention and traction so soon into the Academy’s founding, he had plenty of reasons to see it through. For once, there was a fire within him. A commitment and excitement he had not felt or witnessed in a long time. This academy needed a headmaster. He would give them one.


What a lovely guild! I had the pleasure of attending one of their lectures and sticking around for some social RP afterwards, and I absolutely had a blast. Definitely the people to reach out to, if you’re interested in learning the darker arts. :slight_smile:


Thank you for the kind words! I’m really glad you enjoyed swinging by and I hope we’ll see you about for the future ones as well. Really pleasant to see you again! <3

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Howdy folks!

Here are the lesson plans for this coming week:

Scouting Grounds :telescope:
We’ll be looking to do some indepth analysis for our current student board, to try and understand where everyone is currently situated on the learning curve. See who understands what, any fundamentals that are in need of patching, and to try and establish a case-by-case basis of “is it a natural gift, or a carefully honed skill?”

Combat Protocols (Shadow) :crystal_ball:
Cool boys only this event (sorry, Fel gang!) - I’ll be looking to demonstrate some correct measurements to take in any combat scenario - situal awareness, correct postures, any important tidbits to look out for, and generally how to conserve stamina with only necessary movements.

If these lessons interest you, feel free to contact us to swing by and observe, or if you’d be interested in depositing a character into the Academy, I’m always available for a chat! Take care for now.

Two teensy updates:

1 - We now (finally) have an Argent Archives page. It is a little barebones for the time being, however if anyone wants to give it a nosey, it can be found here.

2 - We are excited to be able to attend the Midnight Faire that is happening later on this week. Whilst not all of us will be present, for those curious, this will be another public chance to see us and mingle!


Howdy folks! Hope everyone’s doing well.

The Academy is spreading it’s influence a bit further now. We’ve a consistent base of people involved in the project and I’d like to post a few quick updates.

Firstly, we’re looking to get some more social roleplay going on outside the guild. This includes a recruitment drive on 17/04/2021 (Technically, today!) from 8:30ST onwards, which will be represented throughout both Orgrimmar and Silvermoon. This obviously means if you wanted to, you could easily stumble upon us to ask questions, interact with us, and possibly join if you’re interested!

Secondly, now that we’ve stabilised and gotten ourselves off the ground, I wanted to expand the former point by stating that we’re looking to bring in a new wave of students to join the current batch. We are also still looking for a Void Instructor. If this would apply for you, please feel free to reach out. We’d love to speak to you!

Finally, to answer a few questions some people may have about our guild(?) -

  • Who can host lessons at the Academy? Anyone. Whilst the Instructors are obligated to do so due to their position, Students are also able to do so! If you have an idea, we’re happy to help facilitate that as best we can to ensure that the experience goes off without a hitch.
  • What other kinds of events are you able to do besides lessons? Right now, we are currently entertaining more combat oriented events as well, though not as a primary focus. Naturally all the magic on Azeroth has potency in a battle, and without some good old fashioned Field Practice™ there’s less reason to learn.
  • Do you guys use a roll system? Presently, no - though the officer team is currently discussing this. If we were to use one, it would be an evolution of the standard roll attack/defence, and with progression in mind - though still trying to avoid any convoluted territory.

You should really come join us!


I hope the recruitment drive was fun!

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Following the first quarter, the Academy’s statistics were naturally forwarded toward the Spire to be documented. The number of students, their current anticipated growth, the lessons taught and the more business side of matters - profits, investors, and turnovers.

The Academy itself had made substantial progress in their first few months of the calendar year, enabling a higher-than-projected curve on most of their records. It had been a very solid business thus far, however it was still far from where the business, and it’s founders, wanted it to be.

Following the submission of their data to spire officials in order to be categorised and handled, more publications were issued to the public. Segments of newspapers and printed articles dedicated to the Academy, their motive, and searching for new hopefuls. Fliers were pinned and distributed to the public and throughout the cities of Orgrimmar, Silvermoon, and even Stormwind.

The Academy sung of the progression of it’s current batch of students, offering testimonials and encouraging those that read these notices to attend or enroll. Even seperate notices were published requesting figures interested in becoming teachers to enquire further.

Our first three months have been a bit turbulent - whilst we as a team have grown and started to learn how to create and guide our own vision to carve it’s own place on the server. We knew it wasn’t necessarily going to be smooth sailing considering the miniscule niche the guild panders to. However it’s been great fun and we’re very much looking to continue this well into the future as well.

We do still have vacancy for instructors and if you would be interested, please get in touch! We’d love to speak to you and get to know you a bit better so we can see how to get you involved.

Of course, we are still recruiting for students - we haven’t closed our doors for anyone.


To provide some updates on topics discussed in the progression of this thread:

  • Roll Systems: Our prototype has been undergoing testing and we’re very rapidly approaching the launch of the system. Of course, it isn’t going to be perfect from the get-go, and we’ll be looking to adjust, add, and alter the system accordingly to the guild and it’s growth, to ensure things aren’t imbalanced, or grow stale.

  • Instructors = Officers: In the initial post, we had made a stance that those looking to be an Instructor would have to step up and consider themselves as an Officer of the guild, considering your character is directly responsible for the growth of others. Heading forward, we will be looking to review this ruling, and see if we can open the role up for others, without it being quite as daunting.

Finally, a quick reminder: We’re definitely looking for Instructors initially for Void related topics! Once we have an instructor going for our Void students, we can look to get some more instructors for Fel, Demons, Shadow etc!

Huge thank you to everyone who has been a part of this or has endorsed us so far. Here’s looking to a bigger and brighter future even still!


I heard the new roll system is pretty good. You should definitely try it out!


Whew, time to necro this thread, amirite lads

So, after having attended the Grand World Tournament, we’ve made a few changes to the Academy, particularly in terms of aesthetics and branding!

The Academy building itself has received an in-character overhaul. What was one just basic and plain wood and cobblestone has been replaced to give it a much crisper, and more professional appearance, living up to a more official academy look - and still representing the colours of our studies.

We’ve also recoloured our tabard slightly - not that anyone wears it. The initial purple logo is now an azure blue. As our main focuses are associated with Green and Purple - the neutral middleground of these, and the general associated colour of magic, being blue - felt like a good option for us!
Though, our tabards should still be visible from time to time for officially represented outtings by members of staff. (Sorry Valdrex, no shirtless Illidari today).

We’ve finally also upgraded our on-site security system and identification methods. We did have a badge/insignia as a simplification of our original and full logo, used to identify members. These were enchanted pieces of card or parchment that were required to bypass certain on-site security measures.

Instead, we’ve gone from “piece of paper” to official badges and pins. These still follow our same basic insignia, and come in a variety of colours depending on the role the assigned individual has to play!

Example of Badge/Pin (Shadow/Void Student)

The colours for these break down as follows:
Staff (Headmaster, Instructors, Administration) - Gold
Fel / Demonology Students - Green
Shadow / Void Students - Purple
Foreign Student Programme* - Salmon-Orange
External Regulars** - Blue
Guests / Visitors - Reddish-Pink

Guests and Visitors will still receive a card as a pass, which will then be automatically disposed of once the guest/visitor leaves the premises.

[*] - Foreign Student Programme - This refers to students of the Academy which are currently pursuing employment with another organisation or company (i.e, in another guild). These are considered as part-time students.

[**] - External Regulars - This refers to people who are allowed on-site to the Academy as regularly as they wish, due to their involvement with the Academy - but are not officially enrolled or a member of staff. This could be as Investors or Allies, or regular guests - such as the lovely ColdshĂĄde.


Also, just on the rumour mill…

We might be making an Alliance side version as well, and joining them together.

Would anyone be interested in that? :eyes:

The Students (and some Instructors) have enjoyed themselves a nice and cozy little Beach trip to wrap up the week and some rough events, especially after having dealt with a Demon from a Student’s past!

Now everyone is relaxed and in high spirits, we’ll be looking to partake in Alrodan’s “What we Tell at Night” campaign in the coming week!

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