[H] Twisting Nether <Appropriate Mornings> 3 day raiding in the mornings, 9 hours a week


We are starting a brand-new guild, and we need you! Everyone in the leadership has mythic raiding experience, and that is our eventual goal. However, we are still taking our first steps as a guild and our initial plan is to move into consistently raiding heroic.

Our schedule as follows: Wednesday, Friday, Monday from 9:00am to 12:00pm Server Time(CET), 9 hours a week. Optional raid on Tuesday same times, most likely for farm or alts.

We will try to keep our guild environment friendly but competitive. Also, we are aiming for relatively high M+ and PvP progression, so if you’re interested in any of those areas, I’m sure you can find a group within our guild!

Recruitment: We will consider any exceptional applicants!

https:// discord .gg/mSnw29Ujts

I will gladly answer any questions, feel free to post below or send a message!

Discord: Ashh#5672
Bnet: Ashh#21328

Have a wonderful day! :smiley:

Holy pally and a main tank would be amazing to have right now!!

We have our first raid in normal SoD this Monday, our raid leader is 10/10H, 3/10M. Come join :wink:

Killed 6/10 heroic bosses today, continuing with heroic this Friday. Looking for more members :slight_smile:

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