Hi, I’m a 2k-2.4k exp multiclasser. I’ve mostly played as various healers and melee dpsers, with very little personal experience as a ranged dps in rated PvP. What I’m looking for is a PvEer who wants to get into the world of rated PvP but feels like it’s impossible to get into it.
What I’m offering is a reliable partner who can help you improve no matter what you play. It doesn’t matter what gear you’ve got.
I’d prefer if you’ve got very little or no exp at all in rated PvP, but please at least know your way around PvE so that your foundation is decent for playing the game.
Please be able to play at least 2 hours most days each week (it’s fine if that’s your limit, but any less than that and it’d become very difficult to improve at a decent pace, and the game does require a lot of grinding these days after all, although it’s perfectly fine if you wish to take a week off from PvP/WoW sometimes).
Also, please have a working microphone and be able to sit on discord.
My goal with this is to avoid the group finder as much as possible, and hopefully build a solid partnership. The game becomes very boring when playing “alone”, but it can be a lot of fun to play with people you’re used to playing with.
If you feel like this description is something that’ll fit you, then please feel free to add Shankster#2169 on bnet.
Please be patient while we’re learning together, and keep in mind we’re trying to build a solid foundation to become a team, which will take a long time.
UPDATE 2022-01-02
It appears the person I had found isn’t able to play anymore because he’s been hired for a new job with a long commute, so unfortunately that plan flew out the window. I’ve also been added from this thread by a few people with PvP experience already, but that isn’t going to work.
To clarify what I’m looking for:
- You need to be able to play at least 2 hours most days each week, this is a minimum to ensure a viable level of activity to help progression and to avoid problems caused by inactivity. Occasional breaks from PvP or the game is fine, no need to burn ourselves out and we do have IRL to deal with too, but I just had a person who was perfect for this who didn’t take into account the problems a new job would cause and so I’m asking for people with steadier lifestyles that doesn’t randomly end up quitting.
- It’s important that you have little to no experience in rated PvP. If I wanted to play with people that has experience already, then all I’d need to do is use the group finder. But so far, the vast majority of people have needed to be replaced for all kinds of reasons, some much faster than others, and it’s almost always a “queue now, talk maybe later”-mentality in those sessions. Very few people are up for bonding, and even fewer are ok with losing rating which does happen sometimes.
That’s why it’s important for you to be inexperienced, because people without exp are much less likely to care about rating and much more open to the idea of forming a team over a long period of time.
- You need to have a working microphone and be able to sit on discord.
- You need to live in Europe.
I’ll also change my plans a bit, because it seems unlikely I’ll be able to find 2 people to play with for now. So I’m only looking for 1 other player, for 2v2. I’ll play any class I’ve got available, I’ll even play on the alliance side (still need to level up & gear my alliance characters though) if needed. I’ll help you improve in 2v2 as we continue to bond as a “2-man show” as I like to call it, and then I’ll try to find a 3rd player similar to you so we can coach that person together in 2v2 and 3v3.
UPDATE 2022-01-13
I had actually found a person who fits the search criterias shortly after the last update, but because of the lesson learned from the first one I hadn’t done an update about it because I had to level up an alliance character from lvl 45 to play with him (it’s the character I’m using to post with, it’s got 212 ilvl at the moment of writing this) and so I was leaving the door open to other prospects that fits the bill, just in case.
So the person I had found ended up quitting, saying he was trying to make it work by splitting up his time between final exams and WoW, but all of a sudden saying he’s burned out and had to focus on his final exams. (He was a very socially anxious person and he said in his “goodbye message” that he was on the verge of quitting when he added me, and he said a few times that he wanted to get 1800 before the season ended because he wanted the xmog while I kept emphasizing it’s faster to gear up through PvE since I have no main to farm conquest gear on, so it seems this may have had something to do with it.)
I did have a few people adding me during this time, but none of them fits the search criterias.
So I’m bumping this thread with another update, and what I’m looking for is still exactly the same as before. Please read previous posts in the thread to find out what this project of mine is and what I’m looking for.
Please don’t be like the past two people I had found who both ended up quitting within just a couple of weeks, before we even got started. It’s important that you match the search criterias and that you don’t do this half-assed.
I’m not going to level up another character. I don’t have it in me, at least for now. I do have a lot of characters on lvl 60, so while I won’t level up anything new, I will at least gear up something I’ve already got on lvl 60 if you’re playing something that goes well with it in 2v2. (I’ve just done lvl 45 to lvl 60, and then from no gear, no renown and no conduits, to ilvl 212, lvl 80 renown and most conduits on ilvl 200+ with just one or max two missing with 13x of those conduit-creating/leveling items stacked up for when I get the last one and get the last two I’ve still got on ilvl 145 to at least ilvl 184. All this from when I wrote the previous update to now.
It’s burned me out when I’ve done this for practically no use, since the person I did all this for ended up quitting out of the blue. I really hope the next potential partner turns out to be the one I’m searching for, because this is tiring me out.)
Hey I’m very interested and would like to talk to you if you have a moment? Easiest thing would either to answer me here in the comments or add me battlenet tag: Carnage#22910
Honestly, it isn’t the greatest sign that you replied here instead of just adding me as per instruction, since it indicates you haven’t read it all. But I’ve added you for now.
UPDATE 2022-01-22
Alright, I’ve waited for a couple of days now, but no sign of the friend request having been accepted. So to anyone reading this, Rhunok is definitely not part of this project so I’m still actively looking for someone to play with, and you can read about what this is and what I’m searching for in earlier posts in this thread.
Please don’t reply to this thread, just add my btag if you think you’re what I’m looking for. Make sure not to add yourself as a RealID-friend, which one person ended up doing by mistake, because those will be denied. (Unfortunately bnet gives you the option to use your real name when adding a btag, but please don’t use that option. Your btag alone is enough.)
UPDATE 2022-02-14
I had found someone, which is why I’ve geared up my mage and haven’t updated this thread in a long time.
But despite us getting along, him even ordering a new headset to fix his microphone problems, and us playing together several evenings doing torghast and BGs to gear up and so on, he has now disappeared.
Was first a couple of days of inactivity, then him saying he’s feeling ill from the third shot of the vaccine, and now even more time has passed since then.
If he truly lies in a hospital bed right now then I’m very sorry for reacting like this, but assuming the worst hasn’t happened then it’s a choice he’s making to avoid attempts to reach out to him both via bnet and discord. He’s been online with an Away-status on bnet via his phone, ever since letting me know about him feeling ill from the 3rd shot, up 'til that point he wasn’t online anywhere.
Therefore, I’m now going back to recruitment. It’s disheartening to have someone “ghost” you, so please don’t be such a person. If I wanted that behavior, I’d just use the group finder. Keep in mind that this is a project intended to form a reliable team! It’s so that we’ll never have to use the group finder, ever again! If you wish for the same and fit into what I’m looking for, then please feel free to add my btag as mentioned above.