I'm back and I need help to spread the word

I once said I was done with actiblizz when the start of the scandal first came out in July (oh boy the revelations since then…) but despite losing a huge chunk of their player base since those scandals came out and 9.1 being so player-unfriendly, nothing meaningful changed in the game. Sure, they did their typical “catch-up patch” with 9.1.5 (it’s something they’ve done in previous expansions too, so it’s not a change of behavior from their part to maybe start treating players better), but major problems still exist which many threads have gone over already so I won’t bother with that.

So as the months went by, seasons changed, players kept leaving and Blizzard remained the same. At most, they only tried a little bit to influence the public narrative, but it was woefully unsuccessful.
Then a medical emergency happened in the family, I had to go help out daily, and stress kept building up. So I decided to relieve some stress with an idea I had thought about before but never tried, although it meant I’d need to return to the game, but as the boycott have been ignored by Activision and they’ve had all their focus on the workers’ union trying to form instead, I decided the positives of my idea outweighs the negatives of budging on my principles.
It’s just that my idea hasn’t worked out well so far, so I figure I need to either make more of you adopt this idea or at least help out via recommendations you can provide to people you don’t want to play with because they look like beginners in PvP.

I’m simply done with the group finder. It’s like a poison to your mind, discouraging you from bonding with others because there’s always that “convenient” option of finding someone else instead of spending days, maybe weeks or months, trying to form a team with the one(s) you’ve already found. (Don’t pretend like this isn’t a common way to think, please. Sure, some people have fixed partners and many of those people found them via the group finder, but even fewer than that plays with the same people every season, and the most common story you encounter when it comes to the group finder is that things just “don’t work out” for various reasons and pretty fast most of the time as well.)

So I’m doing what I can to build a team from the ground up. Which is a massive investment, but the reliability is truly game-changing. This game isn’t fun when playing alone, or “psuedo-alone”, for me.

Which means I need help from anyone who can, to either popularize this way of doing things as an experienced PvPer instead of sticking to the group finder, or by throwing recommendations to people who you think fits into what I’m searching for in that thread. (There’s a short summary in the first reply in case you cba to read much.)

Sorry for yet another wall of text, but I’m doing what I can do to make the game enjoyable for myself, in these depressing times.

To clarify:
I’m not asking you to play with me if you’ve got experience. By “adopting this idea” I’m referring to you doing your own attempt at this kind of project, because the more people offering this help to beginners in PvP, the more it’ll spread to other people that these sorts of offers exist for people who are new to PvP. The more aware people are of this, the better the chances more will start looking for it. Right now only a few hundred even knows about it, while I’m hoping it’ll reach thousands and bring in a new wave of beginners to PvP which otherwise is viewed as a very unfriendly experience for beginners in this type of content, assuming more of you with experience joins in to do these sorts of projects.
While the least you could do is instead of just declining people with no experience in the group finder, you can also let them know that sort of thread exists on the WoW forum.

Basically, I need better marketing.

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Alright, with over 70 views and not a single interest shown in it with not even a tenth of that number checking out the linked thread where I’ve gone over what the project is, I’m gonna bump the thread a bit.

So what I’m trying to do is find a person who’s turned off from investing into PvP as it is too convoluted for them to get into it properly as a player. Sure, a lot of 3rd-party content exists to help anyone improve, but it’s very impersonal and you require quite a bit of energy and patience to both look for, and go through such content, as you try to make it into your own “skill” so to speak, which takes quite a long time as a new PvPer.

It’s basically me offering to mentor somebody and provide a gameplay experience in PvP where that person won’t even feel the need to use the group finder, and to build a proper team that can play together for several expansions to come. Because we all know what the group finder is often like, especially for new players.

I’ve thought for quite a while now that the game NEEDS a proper mentorship program built into the design for end game, both for PvE and for PvP, to help facilitate a better social gameplay experience for everyone, as well as make it easier for people to branch out to more types of content (PvE players notoriously avoids PvP after all, as seen by participation figures over the years). Because to join a group and never talk to them again once you’re done isn’t exactly a socially fulfilling experience.

But since we don’t have such a design in the game, where guilds used to fill such a function, albeit very inconsistently, guilds aren’t really the same as in the past and so that function in the game has been taken over by 3rd party guides and so on, which isn’t exactly a fun way to experience the content, which is why I’ve decided to do my part to hopefully achieve the goal I’ve tried to reach for so many years. I always manage to find 1 person I play well with, but to find the 3rd who fits into that has never gone well, either by scheduling conflicts, personality mismatches, or gameplay misunderstandings (usually both personality mismatches and gameplay misunderstandings), until eventually the one person I played well with returns to IRL because 2v2 isn’t rewarding enough to keep playing the game for at the level where we’d be playing.

So I’m hoping people who feels like these frustrations matches your history in WoW PvP, takes it upon themselves to start their own mentorship projects like I’m trying to do.

I’m gonna keep bumping this thread for weeks, just a heads’ up. Although I hope it can bring some natural engagement instead of just random clicks where nobody reads more than a line or two due to being allergic to reading.

(For some reason this part of the forum has always shown more engagement with confrontations. I wonder why.)

I think I’ll just wait until 9.2 and give it a try then. Props to you for your efforts though, cool to see people with a mind like still remain here. :slight_smile:

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Found anyone yet ?

Nah, nothing yet. Only got those two that quit due to IRL (and I’d argue a lack of foresight) a while after going through introductions, before we could even get anything started to play together. :pensive:

But, well, I intended this to be a project lasting years either way, so I don’t mind waiting. It’s just a little annoying to bump the thread and to make new threads once the spam of bumps becomes too much.
Which is why I made this thread, so you all can help make these kinds of projects into a thing, or at the very least tip players you encounter when you think they might be interested in something like this. :joy:

I’m not 2400 exped but I can play some from time to time. If you are interrested. Since I switched full time from Enha to Ele I mostly play castercleaves and I can play some.

Btw - do you have horde Fire Mage? I wanted to try Ele/Fire/x but couldn’t find Fire Mage. Most of them just play RMP.

You mean me? Sorry, but I’m avoiding people with exp. I’m also avoiding the group finder, which is making this pretty hard to do, but I’m doing it because I truly do believe the group finder is like a poison to players’ behavior.

I mean I have exp on Ele but not on Mage, SP or Boomy. I can also heal on literally any healer. I’m just recently bored and my Moonkin partner cannot play till the next week.

Sorry, but this project is strictly for beginners in PvP. Ultimately I’m trying to form a strong bond as a true team, which will take a very long time and it’s best to go with beginners to ensure a proper sense of camaraderie and to tune how we play the game together.

It also gives me plenty of time to re-learn the game, since I’ve forgotten a lot of it during the break.

Also, beginners are the group most willing to stick around for such a long time, since they don’t have the “convenient” option of jumping back into the group finder.

Simply put, it’s boring to play with people who doesn’t stick around for a long time. But these are just my own motivations for doing this, and frankly, to return to the game at all. If not for this project of mine, I wouldn’t even have reinstalled the bnet launcher and game.

Ambitious then. Good luck mate!

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I have one but it has mega scuffed gear sadly. The honor farm is too much for me especially this late into the season
Oh and uh, I’ve never played anything else than RMP except for a few games of sp/fire in season1 and it was really strange for me so there’s that too xD

Just hit me up on bnet Saeth#21626 or discord spektral#6104 if you really can’t find any better option :smiley:

Can’t you send chests to your hord Mage?

I’m afraid chests don’t help me anymore :smiley:

Looks perfect to play with my 2nd Shaman

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