I once said I was done with actiblizz when the start of the scandal first came out in July (oh boy the revelations since then…) but despite losing a huge chunk of their player base since those scandals came out and 9.1 being so player-unfriendly, nothing meaningful changed in the game. Sure, they did their typical “catch-up patch” with 9.1.5 (it’s something they’ve done in previous expansions too, so it’s not a change of behavior from their part to maybe start treating players better), but major problems still exist which many threads have gone over already so I won’t bother with that.
So as the months went by, seasons changed, players kept leaving and Blizzard remained the same. At most, they only tried a little bit to influence the public narrative, but it was woefully unsuccessful.
Then a medical emergency happened in the family, I had to go help out daily, and stress kept building up. So I decided to relieve some stress with an idea I had thought about before but never tried, although it meant I’d need to return to the game, but as the boycott have been ignored by Activision and they’ve had all their focus on the workers’ union trying to form instead, I decided the positives of my idea outweighs the negatives of budging on my principles.
It’s just that my idea hasn’t worked out well so far, so I figure I need to either make more of you adopt this idea or at least help out via recommendations you can provide to people you don’t want to play with because they look like beginners in PvP.
I’m simply done with the group finder. It’s like a poison to your mind, discouraging you from bonding with others because there’s always that “convenient” option of finding someone else instead of spending days, maybe weeks or months, trying to form a team with the one(s) you’ve already found. (Don’t pretend like this isn’t a common way to think, please. Sure, some people have fixed partners and many of those people found them via the group finder, but even fewer than that plays with the same people every season, and the most common story you encounter when it comes to the group finder is that things just “don’t work out” for various reasons and pretty fast most of the time as well.)
So I’m doing what I can to build a team from the ground up. Which is a massive investment, but the reliability is truly game-changing. This game isn’t fun when playing alone, or “psuedo-alone”, for me.
Which means I need help from anyone who can, to either popularize this way of doing things as an experienced PvPer instead of sticking to the group finder, or by throwing recommendations to people who you think fits into what I’m searching for in that thread. (There’s a short summary in the first reply in case you cba to read much.)
Sorry for yet another wall of text, but I’m doing what I can do to make the game enjoyable for myself, in these depressing times.
To clarify:
I’m not asking you to play with me if you’ve got experience. By “adopting this idea” I’m referring to you doing your own attempt at this kind of project, because the more people offering this help to beginners in PvP, the more it’ll spread to other people that these sorts of offers exist for people who are new to PvP. The more aware people are of this, the better the chances more will start looking for it. Right now only a few hundred even knows about it, while I’m hoping it’ll reach thousands and bring in a new wave of beginners to PvP which otherwise is viewed as a very unfriendly experience for beginners in this type of content, assuming more of you with experience joins in to do these sorts of projects.
While the least you could do is instead of just declining people with no experience in the group finder, you can also let them know that sort of thread exists on the WoW forum.
Basically, I need better marketing.