[H+A - RP] 💟 Galadana's proposal

Full of Draenei! YUCK!

And orcs, a demon, a couple dragons, some blood elves, some shadowy arakkoa.
There’s equal opportunities for all!

Most people seem to live away form the edge fortunately.
And it isn’t wheat, it’s Draenoats.

I’m locking you in a barn for that one.

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On the topic of refugees and Draenoats™, events around crops dying, refugees being blockaded by ogres or something wanting food or money and then having the Cenarion Expedition or Earthen Ring trying to renew the spirit of life slightly in X region could be a thing.

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I’m not going to outland, they don’t have cable.

Trying to think what the current state of Outland would be, with the Legion defeated and generations of Orcs n such going to Azeroth, its certainly food for thought.
Edit: I imagine it being pretty empty at this stage, with most Mag’har likely having migrated to Azeroth and the Draenei factions in Shattrath likely did aswell especially with the Army of the Light n so forth being a thing not long ago.

The Legion’s defeat can leave a power vacuum in theatres of operations they once had. Leaving room for demon lords to rise and ravage the land.


Neutral troll lead mages guild

Yeah I guess thats always a possibility, rogue DH’s or even a Pitlord big bad or w/e

Trying to satisfy most people is a fools errand since many players don’t even know what they want. What you should aim for instead is things that suit a particular community of players and what works best for them.
Dalaran comes to mind as a good example for one that has worked out well. I may come off as a bit harsh in saying this - if something is not to a player’s desire then they are welcome to go find something else or make something else that suits them.

Outland is a great area that is seldom used and is good for avoiding problematic elements that float around the periphery of RP communities. Its out of the way, its well designed - i.e not a theme park - and has a lot to offer for different groups.
Heck even RP PvPers can smack each other over Halaa for a few hours whenever they want.

While in essence correct, there is something I would like to say. Yes, normally people are free to go find another place to rp in if the current environment is to their liking, but there is a difference between a welcoming community and one that isn’t. And I do not wish to tar every Dalaran rp’er with the same brush, there are some fantastic people out there, and I hope they keep doing what they are doing. But the weirdos that seek to own the place and start reeing when people they deem “bad” visit are the ones that should go. And I have heard stories both here and from friends of mine that have been there about it.


While RPing for some time, I’ve started to see the same scenarios and problems that players try to deal with. You can hate me or say that I am wrong or right, but it won’t change the fact that:

  • Rpers have different mindsets, some of us fear so much for their characters lives, that they are paranoic about any potential threat.
  • Some Rpers pay too much attention to drama, that means nothing and should be forgotten and moved on. Other RPers are so afraid of drama so much that they can logg off if you act in a way that they don’t like. (For example, a human herbalist walks in Duskwood at late night, She was robbed by a thief. Not a surprise right? If RPer plays as a defenseless woman, so why to go in Duskwood at late night in the first place? Cause of that there are a lot of rage quiting that I witnessed myself or got the stories from friends during couple of years of RPing.)
  • Majority of RPers don’t want to deal with consequences for their actions.
  • Majority of RPers ignore the fact that consequences for their actions can arrise. (It’s even worse: I bet we all acted very bravely, insulting or opening our mouths to this or that character. But the question is, do you all think about how the character would actually behave in a real sceanrio. And that is the main issue, which is:)
  • Most RPers act implausibly in conflict situations they find themselves in because of their loud mouth. And here is the next concept that contributes to this, namely:
  • RPers know that their characters can’tbe killed untill they want it to. I know there is no other way to RP but making your character immortal, right…right? But what if everybody would agree to accept deathrolls, I bet half of the brave RPers would stop acting that brave. And that would bring more realism to it.
  • Problems with communication, portals, and distances. This problem is so messed up that I don’t even want to speak about it.
  • Most of RPers don’t understand the fact that nobody cares about what they want or they don’t want.
  • Most of RPers don’t understand that when they pick certain playstyle for their RP - they isolate themselves from the majority
  • Everyone thinks they know better than others
  • Only Rper can write unbelievable long posts protecting their point of view when one sentece will be enough
  • There are a lot of ERPers - I have nothing against ERP but you should understand that it is wrong, because it is a 12+ game. That is weird.
  • A lot of RPers are weakminded
  • A lot of Rpers are too shy and scared
  • A lot of Rpers can’t acknowledge that nobody cares about their character and that is why they have noone to RP with
  • Most of the players in RP guilds prefer to stay in isolation fighting imiginary foes.
  • There are less than 10 villain Rpers who can actually RP properly.
  • There are too much OOC, that spoils everything
  • There are too much metagaming
  • 99% of Rpers having read the information in the profile, the player already behaves as if he or she knows it, so this limits the amount of information that can be used to describe the character in their Abouts etc.
  • Rpers don’t care about the community in general, they are good with finding a small spot of isolative existance, surround yourself with likeminded players and keep existing in their box.
  • WOW’s lore is too huge and has a lot of plot holes, that causes a lot of version of how RPers use it to justify their actions/existence/choices etc. Sometimes they are right, sometimes wrong.
  • 99% of Rpers have a huge amount of hidden agression.
  • Only 1% of Rpers who play respectfully and don’t use a cross character knowledge.
  • And ofcourse there are lot of players who are sick in worst way possible. I won’t mention those here, but everyone knows what I am talking about.
  • And finally there are only a small persantage of consistent players who do it RIGHT and that small persantage makes everything worth it.

**That’s all I wanted to underline. For some reason I think this post can bring a lot of hate from those players who feel offended by statistics provided above. **
I also want to clearify that nobody’s opinion won’t change facts. Not mine, not yours or anyone. The only thing that we can do is to acknowledge that there are such issues and continue our meaningful discussions while keeping that in mind.

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That’s not completely true, if it was I would still have both my Dignity and my Robe.

R.I.P. Green Thunder. Forever in my heart.

That’s why I wrote “Majority” and not “ALL”

What you’re trying to say has some merit, but I think you’re exaggerating some of the percentages a bit.

While it makes sense, I’m really not a fan of this approach by Blizzard. They’re killing off a wonderfully unique world and with it so much potential. I’m in the camp for an Outland that’s dying, but it’s a process that’s happening a lot slower than a near-instant apocalypse.

It leaves a lot more room for RP scenarios - as others have said!

Here’s where I try to correct your points.

Weird ERPers, they’re being shunned by the community, they’re not around anymore, yet yes, some do still ERP they don’t do so in public, and if they do the rest of the community goes against it.

Unpleasant people, that would be the people we’re trying to push out, I cannot of course name names but I know exactly who they are.

Love potion or fertility items… yes, that’s the previous unpleasant people lot that quote on quote “Tries to claim the city”

Child RPers, not anymore, they were pushed out due to the recent toxic campaign that invaded the city, Stormwind folk.

Outlandish or nonsensical characters… I’d need an example to be fair, the ones I’m thinking about are from that little rotten lot that tends to bubble with themselves, otherwise, the rest are nice…

The bad apples made up for 10% of the community in general, an attempt to push them out is being made but it’s not as easy done than said.

Also the shop ordeal was heavily manipulated as well from the PCU’s side, I saw it, I know it.
The person tried to RP normally and tried to join in, after being ignored ICly an argument started and the argument got somewhat heated, the parts where the person was rude-er were screenshotted and isolated from the remaining arguments. Not saying one side was right, in fact I think both were wrong.


Also responding to the thread itself, it is quite to good city to be at, it’s although more of a social hub, with the fall of the Unbound brotherhood the city started to lack some of it’s activity, an effort to revive that guild is now underway, although the original owner has migrated to Final fantasy like many others.

It’s still quite the spot to talk and make friends, maybe play a dice game, but not for a racial war to happen, if a character comes about and acts in a racist matter to another race, then the character won’t go very far in the city’s community.

It’s a neutral hub but a peaceful one at that, yes, it’s very second life RP and there’s not much excitement, but that’s okay, everyone has it’s own style of RP and if this one works, then don’t change it.

Mages tend to have the most to do in the city, they can go to the Kirin tor guild that is… 90% of the times not around but they claim to be so who am I to say otherwise, or just have a little coffee and talk about the different schools of magic, it’s a great place to develop one’s character if you tend to play a mage that is.

Every tuesday there’s a market night, where one could socialize or just order some items for your next campaign or clothes for one’s wedding… truly… a great place to be at.

The PCU situation is although the most severe… many claim to disliking them as someone claimed here, they are definetly not welcomed there as the rumours of their previous actions are… not well seen by the community, I personally choose to just present my claims as a neutral party in this situation.
If you’re a member of PCU or of an old PCU guild, and if you’re about to start a campaign with Dalaran in mind, I’d recommend it’s Northrend variant, as every time someone spots a PCU guild panic begins to linger in the community, many pointing at the Hearthglenn situation that happened semi-recently.

Military RP could be present, yes, but for that we’d need a guard guild and thieves that would be willing to cooperate with a somewhat Underbelly Vs Dalaran RP-PVP ordeal? But that’s for the community itself to figure out… maybe I could suggest that to the moderators… does seem like a good idea.

That’s my honest, unbiased opinion about the subject, TL:DR being:

It’s very casual RP, PCU are frowned upon.

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Also facts, I do have a lot of pent up agression- i mean… ahem… yeah! Plot holes and stuff.

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