[H+A - RP] 💟 Galadana's proposal

I’ve been trying to find Kirin Tor related RP myself lately but I’ll just say this, in lieu of an actual community that no one else was bothering to make these people obviously went out of their way to establish something. Now as much as I dislike Disney World™ off brand hearthstone takes on WoW lore, if they weren’t creating RP there I doubt anyone else would be. Much like how people complained about Arathi Highlands back in the day during MoP only for the RP there to completely stop for years afterwards when the people they complained about were finally gone.

Personally I’m still surprised no one is trying to run Tsath’s village hours or the equivalent in a neutral location like Dudflex said.


Because you need more than just saying “we should use this location!”.

There needs to be commitment to the idea. RP daily that caters to multiple groups to draw them back.
People hunger for RP but if there is no drive beyond the same shop offering the same wares and the same booze being drunk at the same bar, people get bored and leave to find something different.

Plus you might not wanna drink the booze from that bar if a certain sin’dorei is serving it given what happened at the Love Festival one year…

I’m not even going to ask what this means. I’m just going to assume its better not knowing.

Back onto topic though, maybe people should wait until next expac to try things like neutral hubs since they normally bring in more players.

More players = More activity
More activity = More variety


You could even do time-related shenanigans with the Bronze Dragonflight being nearby! ( Yes I am a sucker for wow-timetravel.)

Hey, Its always cool to see the interest in the zone! I realise everyone has differing opinions on how an area should be “run” but the regular RPers in the area including the Kirin Tor guilds that exist already are proud of the interest in the area.

While a lot of regulars are attached to their work they’ve put in, as long as we communicate means the majority are happy to welcome new people and ideas.

As someone providing some of the recent mage talks we welcome people adding content to the regular trading nights and are happy to help with promotion and trying to make sure visitors have space to run content.

If you need an intro, check out the next Mage faire [Mage-RP] Dalaran Magic Faire #8 [24th-27th April]

Tonight I’m busy so apologies for any delayed responses here. I’m always open to private discussions for more detailed questions via discord at TCGonBikes#4831


Whilst I’m a big enjoyer of both Dalaran and the Kirin Tor, I think they should just make Orgrimmar a better city that actually functions like a city. Right now, Org’s kinda trash for RP.


I think that some of that hinges on it barely looking livable and lived in. More like an inhospitable craggy canyon with barely any room or water with some tents and huts slapped up for the weeklong yearly faire.

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It feels strange to me because even though the revamp has technically added more places to roleplay like actual taverns I still quite miss old Orgrimmar.

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Dudflex the Troll should start up a mages guild, Dudflex should approach the leaders of Horde and Alliance (basically both Anduin vis Baine(sucka)hoof.

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I would but I don’t have the time.

Sounds like a good idea

Just cast a few curses n hexes

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I see the problem. Since different RPers have different expactations from RP experience they want to get while playing, multiplied by different concepts they use and diffrent player mindsets and etc. We will never find a place that suits everyone period.

Neutral hubs SUCK
I want to fight


What about Shattrath? A lot more room for under cover shivving. Plus it has more room for people of all walks of life.


Outland is collapsing into the nether so you’d be RPing a continuous refugee crisis.

Not that fast, clearly. Or why would Thrall move back there?
Besides, it gives more RP. Druids looking to save species, shamans trying to stabilise land, mages trying to use the nether for X, warlocks and demon hunters trying to remove remaining demons…
Until we’re told it’s falling apart at an exponential rate, it has its uses.

Look for more opportunities to use the world, rather than reasons not to.



I like you.


Outland is so diverse, it’s a shame it’s not used more.


Yeah, I’d just expect a couple of refugee waves to reflect ongoing lore of the land collapsing and wheat(?) turning to ash.