Hand of Zul - Troll/Zandalari Guild (Plaguelands Campaign!)

Weird flex


Right, first things first; we have changed a little bit since the old days with being 100% hostile to horde when we have meet them for example, in the jungle or on our adventures, during our last campaign we hosted within Hunterlanda, we even fought side by side with some horde guilds and now when the banshee is gone, then perhaps even a very fragile alliance could be formed due to us still fighting with the alliance up north, and when it comes to the flagging, like I wrote before I don’t know who is doing that. Also the Hand of Zul will never truly believe that the horde will be good but they are marginally better then the Alliance. :slight_smile:

The fact that you call them the good people shows that you side with them and therefore i asume you to be a hand of zul alt, simple as.

anyway, back to the original topic,

why does there have to be a good reason for someone to not face character death? you say you won’t just kill people outright, but the way you phrase everything else around it makes it seem like you would if there wasn’t a ‘good reason’

i ask again, what qualifies as a good reason? i think if anyone asks in any way ‘don’t kill my character’ you don’t judge if its a ‘good reason’ or not. you don’t force kill people


We will never go to the oh we will kill you now but if your character does something, like murdering of another member or something that would warrant a death penalty for example, IC actions got consequences and we expect members to abide by that :slight_smile:

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ok cool so you know me, but do you know i changed?(aka i have grown up) you know me so well that you don’t actually know that i hate people that can’t be honest with me and tell me who they are while telling me what they think. I still remain unconvinced that you aint a hand of zul alt poser, and i got no proof to believe otherwise as this is your first time posting on the forums on this character and you start going for me, while actually funny enough, seemingly not know me at all like you claim to. Amazing

By that it is more towards those who seek to kill and all the other, deep and utter levels of betrayal.
For example, someone slitting a characters throat and then going “Oh no I don’t accept this! You can’t do this!” when there’s a group of very very angry Trolls ready to lynch you.

If that makes sense? :slight_smile: Of course. I do understand and will adapt it to make it more clear. :+1:

yeah that’s understandable, but even if someone says ‘dont kill my character’, you don’t, you just call them an idiot after - that wasn’t properly explained and so makes it seem like you will just force kill

alright based ty


If I knew who is flagging your posts and alt posting then I would tell them not to, I am being honest with you here mate and don’t know who is doing it.

We would never force death upon another player in going * you will have to accept death now kbai* another solution can always be found in say breaking his or her legs and leave them in the jungle or exile.

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So what is the function of marketing as a trolls first / anti-Horde / named after Zul group if your concept has now reverted to the most default “kind of Horde troll warband” theme that has been played out a thousand times

The dissonance between the advertising [the savage independent trolls fighting to uphold Zul’s orginal message of crushing the Horde/Alliance and bringing back a troll empire] and the reality [trolls chilling in the capital of the Horde because that’s where the RP is] is what causes confusion, I think

It’s fine for a guild to take a completely different path but I think reporting posts as trolling when they question part of an RP concept is strange - people are just interested why the guild that was so fervently against Orgrimmar - attacking Horde forces, taking orcish slaves, decrying Rastakhan Talanji very very openly for allying with them now spends at least a large chunk of their time in Orgrimmar

I am personally interested because despite not being a big fan of you guys for reasons I am sure you are already aware of, I thought the core concept (if not the execution) of a guild that stayed apart from the faction capitals and attempted to carve out a place for themselves within the old ruins of the empire they want to revive without doing the [Scarlet Crusader in the Cathedral District] routine was very compelling


To add to Takizulu’s response, so long as criticisms amount to matters of taste in narrative, the Hand of Zul won’t be making changes for players we don’t even RP with. That sort of thing is reserved for guilds who wish to have friendly relations, in which case we are quite happy to be greatly accomodating.

Right so, we still want to uphold the original message and the future that was given to us by Zul and in a sense our own prophet, but with the recent decline in our own numbers IC, sacrifices had to be made in a sense, we still think 80% of the horde population IC is just disgusting pigs but there are some that are acting worthy so to say and then again using something to reach a goal like making fragile alliances to fight the kingslayers for example. We still hang around the old ruins in the world and try to fight for our place, but we will never use Orgrimmar nor another horde city as our base, that goes to the ruins after our empires ^^

Fair enough

The latter part being untrue (at least, in my experience + at the time - if that has changed then all I can say is “OK… that is epic”) is in fact why we no longer have these friendly relations


Sadly the Horde still have members of the Zandalari and Darkspear still within, we wouldn’t be for all tribes if we didn’t see to them as well. Edit: And Forrests… I did not forget the Revantusks

I can definitely say there seems to be an assumption that we are spending all of our time in Orgrimmar. Except one day a week ago where we did a small and short recruitment drive and another day some weeks back (which was literal passing through minus to gather some items before Zuldazar) we actually spend our time towards Eastern Kingdoms. Today we’re actually out of the city. :slight_smile:

We aren’t running around going “We are the HoZ!” in the middle of Org and taking precautions to limit being recognised as much as possible.

God damn Taki beating me with a short answer.

I’m literally targetting one of your members in the Valley of Honor as we speak. IC also.


When we are In Orgrimmar and would/will be discovered then we are willing to take effects that would happen if we are caught so to say, may it be being escorted out of the city or just legging it.

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