Perroy oh Perroy, what happened to the last very rad opinion you voiced? To say you don’t mind NSFW so long as it’s kept out of the game media when it affected Myrmidons dearest—it just feels like your opinion keeps changing depending on whether or not we’re dealing with a PCU member or not, but let’s not get our tinfoils in a twist.
Sorry bro, I made my move against NSFW art. You can’t call me disingenuous. Your fluctuating stance on the matter, however, exposes itself for what it is.
You’re kind of trying to invert my post because I think you can’t write a response to it
My post, to clarify, is contesting your opinion rather than saying anything about mine. You have officered a guild that had a level of NSFW art / romance RP to the point that I would consider it institutional and you did absolutely nothing apart from back-up dancing those doing it and trying to slip it under the carpet - all the while doing these big callouts (backed up by people who have dipped their noses in way sweatier stuff than just pictures, too - but they’re your friends so perhaps it doesn’t matter)
My stance remains consistent with my last post in our last (very similar but slightly more polite) argument on this exact topic. People shouldn’t be rocking NSFW art / lust bars / massive descriptions of their curves in their TRP profiles but unless there are exceptional reasons I think most people should have the chance to scrub that stuff from their profiles and do things in a way I consider is right. Creating a purity spiral where - for example - someone has ERPed in the past but commits to stopping in the future is still permanetly outcast will mean they’re pretty likely to fall into their old ways + old crowds. I don’t actually care about your former GM’s " art " - as I have told him personally - and don’t care about it unless it’s lashed to my eyes in a TRP profile beyond finding it funny
In fact, you will notice that in the posts I’ve made here until this conversation it hasn’t been mentioned by me despite it being an incredibly easy + free gotcha! for me. My contention is that you will post these mealy-mouthed call-outs on people only once they leave the humid ranks of your guild of choice. Why not before?
I remember how the AD/D discord [and you] burst out in howling at the sound of carelessness. Roll Charisma, the statement in and of itself is not very convincing.
What opinion Perroy? That I deleted NSFW art and, indeed, offered Kivreesh a chance to scrub away that muck and start anew? If that tells you something about my opinion, it’s neither hypocrisy nor change. When I learn about something I stand against, I deal with it.
I find it a bit weird that someone with a history of ERP or at least gnomish attempts of grooming is trying to pull call outs on people’s (arguably tasteless) choices in art out of game.
I seem to remember you had a preference for ‘private student-mentor’ meetings during your tenure in the Eclipsion; or are we to believe these were completely innocent?
You can literally read my post and see that I posted that I was
my point is that I don’t consider it some cardinal sin as long as it isn’t in-game. In fact, if you’re in AD/D and want to refresh your mind you will see most of my laughter was directed not at your GM but at someone else - ie. the instigator of our last discussion and how he had grown silent (some may have called it a pregnant silence, in fact) when the tables flipped despite his big posts before
Having given them that chance (which is good + based - in line with my own in a sense) why do you then use that as a talking point in the future? It makes the orginal action disingenuos and insincere. Basically, it comes off as some mafioso tactic - " as long as you’re with the family I won’t tell 'em … " and that’s pretty funny too
I think there is definitely an element of convenience / tribalism involved
To clarify, is that the official reason for him quitting?
But the PCU doesn’t have a problem with people who have stopped ERP in the game- So even if the claim was true, it seems off to use it as a gotcha move.
No, that’d be someone else. Sorry if all elves look the same though, lol?
I mean, honestly? I found it funny. You seem to make such a big deal out of something that you seemingly shouldn’t be bothered with—aka scrubbed NSFW art.
Ahhh it’s not a huge deal for me like I assume it wasn’t for you
You probably didn’t give much thought to your post and thought it was funny and I only wasted a few minutes on my day off to pull on your nose
It costs me absolutely nothing to reply and I like to do it. In fact if you don’t enjoy forum battles I don’t know how you’d enjoy AD - EU. Even then I felt that your first response to me came off mega bothered but who can say what the intended tone was
You just come across as kind of scummy if you scrub NSFW art but keep the guy on board only to then use the NSFW art as ammunition against them once they aren’t in your guild anymore.