Happy 20th Anniversary!

Broken BGs on launch
Instances broken from too many IDs in use by bots
Client crash problem for select people based on hardware that hasn’t been fixed for 3 years now
So much more! Whats your favorite part of re-living the glory days?

Playing on era :grin:

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The biggest wake-up slap in my face on anniversary realms was the playerbase…
The way to kill any fun in the game has gotten completely out of hand…
Meta slaves spamming dungeon cleaves nonstop with only „optimal“ setup, every single endgame group is HR HR HR, tanks/healer wanting gold or HRs to play their role, every global channel being WTB/WTS, raids demanding even more wbuffs/consumes and bis gear for braindead easy content.
Feels like playing with bots… meta sheep treating a game as a chore or some important IRL responsibility :smile:
Thought it couldn’t get any sweatier after 2019… but apparently greed and selfishness is endless. Everyone looking out for themselves while creating a toxic social environment for themselves and everyone else is astonishing.

This seems like a blackmarket, raidlogging singleplayer game once you step out ur friend/guild bubble. Kinda disgusting tbh :sweat_smile:


I like the fact that despite GDKP being banned we now have such an absurd amount of bots that it’s literally impossible to launch further dungeons, which suggests the highest demand for RMT gold ever.

The GDKP is still practiced, just renamed HR and the trades are done underwater on Discord or directly on gold sellers sites.
The other reason for the exponential increase in Bots is the inaction of Blizzard (or rather the connivance between Blizzard and Bots, Bots subscriptions = $$$) that allows with impunity to buy or sell gold. Players understood that they risk no punishment to buy gold, the multiplication of Boostings/etc services encourages even more the purchase of gold, not to mention the rush of servers Anniversary, FOMO = Gold Purchase.

I noticed on the US forums that manipulators were trying to make us believe that the GDKP was a threat to the RMT, that it would be the gold sellers who would have banished the GDKPs… Don’t try to repeat these nonsense, the popularity of the GDKP comes from the fact that whales spent thousands of gold on it, and you were the money laundering machine of the RMT.

The only thing to remember is that Blizzard could act extremely firmly and effectively against Bots, against RMT, gold buyers, etc. But that they do not want because most certainly an EXTREMELY important part of subscriptions on Classic servers are Bots. Ban RMT, Bots and golds buyers = loss of $$$.

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No GDKP = No incoming gold for Mains = More Gold selling for AH items.