Happy early Ramadan!

I wont be here in a week due to taking a short break because of preparations and such. (also real life stuff).

But i want to wish everyone a beautiful month. Ramadan will start roughly on 23 March.
Ive had a wonderful Lunar festival this january, and was happy to recieve all of the flower crowns + all of the dresses. it reminded me of Ramadan a bit and how much i miss the food (mainly the Samboosa and Vimto). Vimto is like our wine, im addicted to it :wine_glass:

See you all in April hopefully :heart:


Ramadan Karim.

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Ramadan Mubarak (early)

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For anyone wondering:

Ramadan is the holy month where Muslims fast, they do so in order to feel the pain and suffering of the less fortunate, as such you see Muslims giving a lot of charity money and hosting many free food events where anyone can eat, they also end the month with a celebration and zakat (obligatory charity) where they also give to the poor and needy.

In Ramadan Muslims are ordered to adapt full passiveness and exercise extremely good mannerisms, they are not to harm, talk bad, display poor manners, or aggress against anyone or anything, Most Muslims spend the day working and the night praying in mosques/at home.

It is truly an amazing month that unifies the hearts of everyone, it makes the poor love the rich and the rich love the poor, Ramadan Mubarak.


What’s wrong with Lebanese Kibbeh :sob: its so good!

Indeed. It’s very peaceful :heart:

I think the addition of fasting during daylight hours should be added.


 I don’t think my Arcane mage will survive in dungeons. She needs those mana to fight, especially as a pandaren.

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The World of Warcraft forums are for discussion of topics directly related to World of Warcraft

The forums here are specifically to discuss the game and related topics. Any topics not related to World of Warcraft, Battle.net or Blizzard are subject to deletion.


Do you post this in December when people make Merry Christmas threads?

Ramadan Mubarak Anizah :smiley:


People have been wishing a Happy Ramadan ever since I joined the forums (2020). It was never taken down, therefore never against the rules. Given the post was flagged the first time, but the flag was removed as the mods didn’t see anything wrong with it.

We also have a Merry Christmas and Happy Hannikuh thread each year too In case you missed them. I made a Merry Christmas thread a year ago.


Mubarak Alaikum Al Shahar

no no , OMG :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Winter’s veil threads cause it’s in the game


If I was looking at the forums during Christmas, I would have posted the same thing.

Just because it has not been taken down, does not make it against the rules. This post, and many others like it, have nothing to do with WoW, as stated in the rules below.


What are you babbling about. There are always “Merry Christmas” threads with those exact words.

What do you think Winter’s Veil is based upon haha


Absolutely. I’ve flagged the post as it has nothing to do with WoW.

So every single person that has breached the ToS but didn’t get banned didn’t break the rules? :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:


So what if it’s based on Christmas? it’s not called like that in game. I mean, everything is based on something.

That could explain why there isn’t particular focus on making it easily endurable. Especially job requirements will be a factor of tension.
It is hard to approximate the suffering of the unfortunate. I mean, it’s just intermittent fasting. And no water. If water was allowed during the day, it would look a lot better from a health perspective, and then you could go for much longer without food, but then it might actually turn out a healthy-happy therapy, which is maybe perverting the idea of experiencing misfortunate lifestyle. (Although fasting can still be a spiritually enlightening experience because the induced pseudo-starvation can kinda move you closer to death, so to speak, but in an actually not unhealthy way, and that can give insights about the universe. You physically and psychologically lighten your load and reduce your material attachment.)

P.S.: The topic complex always reminds me of reading about the Hajj in the Autobiography of Malcolm X and how it had an effect on his character, how he perceived it as humbling and positively surprising.

P.P.S.: Yes, the thread is off-topic, but it would probably be a bad time to start enforcing that rule now, considering what other, including quite similar, threads stay. These forums generally have a surprisingly relaxed policy regarding these things. Maybe also in order to avoid signaling an attitude of sociopolitical tensions from Blizzard, so to speak. (Some topics are a hot iron if you want to suppress them.)


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