Happy early Ramadan!

I remember we had guys at previous work doing Ramadam and they were practically useless because it was very hot and they were dehydrated and worn out of not eating all day. Some of them ended up drinking water because it was almost 40 degrees outside.

It’s not really fasting. They just can’t eat or drink until the sun is gone. They stuff themselves when that happens. They’re just not allowed to eat or drink during daytime.
One thing that I’ll add is that they do indeed invite other people over to share their feasts. Rich and poor. I think that’s what the guy meant with “poor and rich people coming together”.

Section 230 is being reformed by the United States government. That’s why they’re not banhammering everyone as frequently I think.


Always makes me chuckle seeing women supporting Islam! :smile:


That’s why I called it intermittent fasting. (Maybe better/also called interval fasting?) It’s used to describe food abstinence for most of the day or two and focusing on narrow windows of food intake in order to give the body proper phases of boosted self-repair.

I agree that from a health standpoint and maybe even a spiritual one, Ramadan fasting is probably not ideal, and a merging of the spiritual and the down-to-earth scientific could help both areas. - Holistic approach, basically. That’s real enlightenment.

Interesting take. Could be at least part of why.

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Happy ramadan (early) to all muslims from a catholic roman doing a strict 40 days lent, may god bless you all and stay healthy !


Their feasts also usually contains a very high amount of carbs, so I wouldn’t call it healthy at all. Especially because they can’t drink the next day until the sun passes again.
Forgive me I did not know what intermittent fasting meant btw.

Even Christians used to fast. I can understand fasting can be healthy. I do it myself too sometimes, but important is you get the right nutritions afterwards. I see a lot of these feasts during Ramadan have a lot of rice and wheat products.

I’m generally not a fan of carb products at all. Most people don’t even realise it raises your blood sugar and that it can give you diabetes.

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Good luck on your fasting and thank you! :heart_decoration:

My Ethiopian Orthodox Christian friend is also currently fasting. She starts fasting from 12 AM to 3 PM. It has something to do with their religion but I’m not sure what it is.
During this time she is also not allowed to eat dairy or meats, if I’m not mistaken. Until the fasting period is over and Easter comes.

Speaking of Easter I’m excited for noble garden and hope they make the bunny ears transmogabble


It was flagged in 2020 and the flag was removed, by the mods. Therefore it is not against the rules.

The same will happen to this post. But unfortunately they might actually Unlist it due to the excessive amount of islamophobia and trolling in the comment section, and not the thread itself.

This never happens when someone wishes a happy Easter or Christmas. It’s sickening to see the double standards and I even saw similar comments on the hanukkah thread just because it’s Jewish.

To tell you the truth I’m not sad, or mad, im just disappointed that some humans still act like this. We are all one, we are all humans. Everyone should be allowed to post a positive thread similar to this. Wether it’s Jewish, Christian, Muslim, or even Hindu.

  • Anizah

Some people don’t want religion to be spread on a video game forum. If I wanted religious messages, I’d go to a religious environment.


I would agree but there has not been action taken by the mods banning merry Christmas threads, Easter, Ramadan, hannikuh, and Holi.

But they don’t remove those posts, infact people are usually very happy to see Christmas posts.

It’s just the Muslims ones that get flagged and then unlisted due to the comment section having excessive trolling. Hence I mentioned the double standards of the forums

Either ban it all, or leave it as it is

I can tell a few people want this thread removed by the lame trolling attempts we see every year

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I agree. It should all be banned.


Those fasts are hardcore - not even allowed to drink water or swallow your own spit.

Ethiopian Orthodox Christians are the same. They fast till 3 Pm rather than sunset ( 6 Pm). That’s the only difference.

You can avoid fasting if you need to take medicine or if you are a woman on your …. Monthly…. Ehm. You know. You can’t fast if you are pregnant too. So women fast less I think.

Not true. Swallowing your saliva is fine and encouraged.

You can even wash your mouth with water if needed. That’s how people prepare for prayer as their mouth + entire body needs to be cleaned

Early ramadan kareem, Anizah!

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So why did you open the thread, read it and then feel it necessary to comment? There are dozens of threads in the forum and it’s very easy just to ignore one you don’t want to read.


To remind OP that it is a breach of forum conduct. Is that okay with you?


Fine though it still seems unnecessary. If a moderator considers it a breach, they will remove it (although they haven’t in the past). If they don’t you could just ignore it.


Could say the exact same thing about you replying to my comment :clown_face:


I cannot remember, is drinking water also not allowed during daylight?

It’s not against the forum conduct as it’s been happening since 2019 and never was taken down, even after it being flagged. They removed the flag and restored it clearly showing the mods find nothing wrong with the “happy Ramadan” threads.

But as I’ve mentioned before, people have a problem with Islam and not the “happy Ramadan” thread itself, otherwise they would’ve said the same about the thousands of merry Christmas and happy Easter threads we have. So they want it taken down by any means wether it’s by trolling or derailing the thread, mass flagging, and other means. I’ve seen the same stuff last year, so I know how it goes. And I’m used to it.


Factually incorrect.

Okay? Has every single action that’s breached ToS been actioned?