Happy early Ramadan!

No relegion committed terrorist attacs, ever in the history, nor committed warcrime or despicable things
Like how no sword ever killed anyone
People do
Usually people who claims to follow the teachings of a relegion, but failed miserably to understand the said teachings and the relegion itself they claims to belive in and using it as an excuse or justification to commit deeds, their own relegion condems
Don’t hate the relegions - tho’ it is totally in your right to do so - hate the people - if you really need to hate or blame something - who uses them as an excuse or justification :eyes:
But don’t derail a good spirited thread because of that… that only turns you in to what you despises :roll_eyes:
It is really that hard to be kind? To treat others with respect?

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Ramadan was fun in Malaysia because all the restaurants and stores were next to empty during daytime, but everything was still open, so it was like fast-track.

Not as much fun in Saudi Arabia where stuff was closed.

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I guess you aren’t in Britain then and have memories of the Christian terrorist threats we faced for decades… our railway stations still use special rubbish bins due to that :thinking:

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Are you talking about the IRA? Because frankly, while their religion was Christian, the religion didn’t have much to do with the motivation. It was all about nationalism.

Most Al Qaeda, ISIS, etc. terrorists specifically mention religious reasons for their attacks, though.


I’m not.

I am not even baptized, so the only thing you will see me say in favor of this religion is that it has known how to adapt better to today

In fact I don’t see as much commotion when I criticize Christianity as when I do it with Islam.

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For me it’s mainly spending time with family. Aunts, uncles, cousins. It’s a bit chaotic because most of my cousins are married and have kids running around and throwing pillows, sometimes accidentally breaking my house vase.

But overall it’s fun and the men are mainly dressed in white, but the women are dressed in colorful dresses with magical jewelry. They look like fancy elves. The outfits are similar to the video I linked in my original post.

It’s very calm. That’s why I miss it every year. The food is also unique and each cousin brings their own food to the gathering.

For me I always make my famous dessert and they love it.


They have to hold on to a burning nail xD

And yet Muslims countries aren’t supporting them. On the contrary, they are sending troops to fight them.

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And the terrorists being spoken about have little to do with religion but it is still thrown out there every single time

But it isn’t is it, they twisted things to suit an agenda that has very little to do with the actual religion. Any reasonably sensible person understands that and doesn’t throw out the old “meh you’re all terrorists” every time Islam is mentioned.

I witnessed 9/11 first hand and it still boils my blood that people spout that rubbish.

Yet no one blames every Irish/christian person for the IRA because 1) they were white 2) were christian 3) were attacking the English 4) it doesn’t suit their agenda

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Go on, with what exactly? All I was saying that it’s disgengenous to bring Christianity into this topic.

I mean, fact of the matter is, there are indeed large groups who use a very violent interpretation of Islam as the basis for their actions. You can’t "whataboutism’ it while saying that “oh, there are some other groups who happen to be Christian that also do terrorism”.

Instead, the problem should be addressed somehow. WHY exactly these groups are so successful with using religious texts to recruit people into their death cult? What counternarratives can we provide? Which Muslim countries we, as “the West” prop up, because some of the countries do in fact support and fund these terror groups, and let me tell you, one of the biggest offenders is one of the US’s biggest allies for money reasons…


I wonder what the skin color has to do with this matter

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He’s American. He needs to bring race and gender into everything.


Might as well join in on the derailing. :woman_shrugging:

If you can’t beat them, join them.

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I will fight your derailing with my re-railing!



Wrong twice in two words… “masked” orc of irony and inability to read at even The Sun level of English comprehension.


where is masked Arab when we need him. he wouldve handled this thread much better than me


Shush American. Go back to your forums.




I love that song. Proper clown culture they have over there.


The thing is, modern Christians as well as a growing community of modern Muslims distance themselves from such religious extremism. I’m not a fan of monotheistic religions either but traditions like Ramadan are a prime example of how people can focus on peaceful aspects of their belief.