Happy early Ramadan!

The Christmas comparison is absurd.

For the majority of people celebrating Christmas nowadays , it has basically extremely little do with any Christian beliefs. While more of ‘family and friends, eat, drink and give presents’ commercial holiday. This kind of ‘Christmas’ is also celebrated by alot of ateist and non-Christians in general around the world.

How many ateist do you think celebrate Ramadan?

Muslims always seem to have a hard time understanding this.


You do realize that majority of the Christian holidays are commercialized like Easter.

That doesn’t justify the fact that people are allowed to say happy Christmas on the forums as opposed to Happy Ramadan.

What’s the difference? Why is one problematic and the other isn’t?

Y’all complain about the lamest thing. I have no words,

Thanks to the positive and understanding people in this thread

And for the rest of the people complaining and flagging, I wish you a positive life full of happiness. And I forgive you


Yeah Christmas lost it’s true meaning, Ramadan hasn’t. Why does that mean that a wow player can’t wish their fellow wow players Happy Ramadan like wow player wish their fellow wow player Happy Christmas and Happy Valentines day (like why are we all ok with that one? celebrating the catholic patron saint of epilepsy) and Happy Mothers day (Sunday for the UK wow mums)

The fact is people only have issue because it is an islamic holiday, then it becomes “Muh game doesn’t need real life stuff” which is just a mask for islamophobia.

And before you start I am British, born methodist but practicing agnostic.

This is why you are one of my favourite posters :smile:


You asked me a question. I felt it would be rude not to reply.

  1. Nothing to do with the game. Go post that on social media.

  2. Islam, like other religions, promotes homophobia, sexism, slavery, rape and domestic violence. Anyone in support of these threads might as well support all of that too. Go read the Quran.


Don’t ever read that well known religious book that champions the rights of women then. Now tell everyone you hate all religions, that’s always good for a giggle.

Annnnnnnnnnd to everyone rushing to hammer their flag buttons and smugly typing about “wow forum rules…”

It would have been quicker to simply skip past the post. But if your day is spent scouring the forums looking for posts to flag because you think someone made you an unpaid intern “cleaning up” a videogame forum… I can think of infinitely more productive things to do.

Never mind the fact that if this forum WAS moderated properly, there would hardly be any threads or posters left.

So wind your neck in next time and skip past a thread you don’t like the look of.

Because you know what else is against the wow forum rules you are so quick to copy and paste?

Spamming the same post again and again.


I hate all religions. Zug zug!


I like that you used a fresh alt specifically to seethe at a post in a completely unrelated subject, and when ignored you posted again and again hoping to get a response, you even added your own lies and out of context just to spark outrage, you can easily get a response to all the things you posted by just googling Islamic refutations or Islamic answers to the things you posted, which is why many people are converting to Islam.

“The barking of dogs, doesn’t harm the clouds” applies perfectly here.

As for the topic being unrelated to WoW, I agree it shouldn’t have been posted, it’s an Islamic Holiday and not related to the game, but it was posted anyway, so might as well be positive about it, I even put a little explanation for the people.

People celebrating various occasions happens often at WoW forums, I disagree with all of them since they are not WoW related, but there is no need to go out of my way and seethe at them.


Tell me in which part I lied about. Does the Quran not contain texts that encourages such barbaric things?

I ask all these people that champion women’s and LGBT rights to go live in an Islamic state. But I suppose it’s easier to just turn your face away and pretend that Islam is so wholesome instead. Hypocrites everywhere.


Yeah, a sarcastic question seeking your permission to remind someone not to breach code of conduct. Everything you’ve replied to me is just as applicable to you.

MvP btw :face_with_head_bandage:

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Yeah it’s been happening for a long time, and I doubt they will start banning it now in 2023. People will see a whole lot of “happy insert religious event” here on the forums. Lol.

The forums can be chaotic at times, and given I have a “Anizah” clone on the forums pretending to be me, is another example of that.

But as I’ve said, I’m used to it. You learn to adapt. There are still great people here.

I want to conclude that I was raised to accept and live side by side with all religions and ethnicities. I was never taught racism or hatred. That is why I also wish merry Christmas when the time applies, happy Easter, among other things. I also have IRL friends from those religions.

Cheers :tada:


I would say even more crucial is to get proper nutrition BEFOREHAND. :wink:

I, too, understand the issue with high-carb. Hot middle-eastern countries are known for a tendency of high carb intake, and while the fast metabolism in the climate could justice a degree of it, obesity is a big problem there, too.

As an anecdote: I am not at all overweight and have no tendency for it, but one of the few times I did a proper fast, it was for several days, only drinking water and one mug of herbal tea a day, lost several KG (likely lots of water bound to sugars), and I did performance sports almost every day, and I had no hunger, felt great and lightened and somehow, psychologically, more connected to the divine. And my memory ability was noticeably better, too. (I also looked younger because of less energy reserves bloating tissue, especially facial tissue.)

I have settled for a kind of balanced-and-optimized diet now where I try to avoid meals that are mainly just carbs, and I prefer less refined carbs, whole-grain and such, since that tends to contain exactly the nutrients needed to handle the carbs well.
Eating-schedule-wise I do not eat after waking up until I have a craving, i.e. I am skipping breakfast. That’s usually the easiest segment of the day to focus intermittent fasting on.

I also have my daily supplements like apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, olive and linseed oil, microalgae and sometimes vitamin D when lacking it from nature.

What I also noticed after resuming with keto-ish diet after the fast is that a big load of (especially the fast) carbs is what tires after a meal. I could have a feast of a meal, as long as it was mostly fat and protein, I never felt sluggish afterwards and could even do sports mostly as if I had an empty stomach.

P.S.: To relax all the PC anxiety about religious holidays that might come up, I encountered a funny dialogue in a comedy show during a Christmas celebration:

Hippie: “And have a joyous holiday of your choosing, if indeed you choose to celebrate a holiday at all.”
Businessman: “And a happy new year, … if you people believe in calendars.”


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The post is restored :partying_face:

Thank you lovely Mods of the forums. And thank you everyone for the support.

Much love :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Hey, there is no specific rule against talking about religion. Diversity is an important pillar for world of warcraft and it is also important for our community! It’s only against the rules to talk about it negatively, or in an offensive way. Please read the forum code of conduct properly before shooting with reports. Wow needs to be an inclusive place for people from different backgrounds. If christmas threads are welcome, so are ramadan threads and other celebrations aswell.


Islam promotes anything but diversity. There are also no rules that say you cannot critisize an ideology. There are rules, however, against posting anything unrelated to WoW. But the mods have already reviewed this thread and deemed it appropriate. So you can see first hand that not even the mods themselves follow the rules.


Stop derailing the thread. This is off topic and countless of people told you the same.

Exactly. Good day sir


If you can post about Ramadan, which is an Islamic tradition, then I can also post about Islam. Good day to you too.


night partying and eating more than usually


yearly :clown_face: jakafo thread