Happy Women's Day

I always get the feeling that the bigger such things get, the less aware people are of what it actually is about. And that’s a shame.

Anyways, enjoy this day - everyone.

Well, Are you not scared that the people who care about these things will get ”Offended” if you say women instead of body type 2?

I mean blizzard cared enough to change it.

Maybe those people will be angry if we say Wonen’s day instead of Body type 2 day.

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Not a problem
Azeroth is female, HER voice is “HER” voice and calls her a ‘Lass’


She is a TERF that does not support trans rights. The term “woman” and “man” have no place in modern society. Celebrating “women’s day” is unfair to the many people that do not identify as a “woman”. It excludes a large number of people. It should just be “people’s day”, that way it is inclusive to all.

Body type jokes aside…

Happy women for all my fellow men out there!


No. The people who care about such insignificant things such as “body type 1 and body type 2” both amuse and annoy me.

They amuse me that they find both the time and energy to find something so insignificant somehow worthy of their time, and at the same time, it annoys me that they have the energy and time to waste on such insignificant things when there are vastly more important things to worry about.

But like I said. Do carry on shaking your tiny fist at a screen about it.


There is something wrong with that.

Why does mankind need a day to appreciate women when we should appreciate each other every day?


Agree. However, with all of mankind’s flaws and shortcomings, we take one day in a year to think about things that should matter.
Goes for any kind of special day of course.

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Oh the originality

So many edgelords with body type 2 funny’s … not

Happy Woman’s Day.


I’m appalled at all the ‘jokes’ in here that just shows sexism is still alive and well in our society. It is 1 day per year where we celebrate the achievement of women all around the globe. I’m sure you can do better and be better. Maybe do something nice for the women in your life like i did today for my wife. I ran some hot water, added some soap and lit a candle, so she could do the dishes. Kindness cost nothing.


Happy womans day!

I mean body type 2, plz no ban blizz.

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Happy Women’s Day to all the women around the globe!


Happy Women’s day!


A while ago I was trying to check appearence of an item set on wowhead, I struggled to find female night elf cuz there was no gender options, body1 body2, californian dialect

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Just wish mens day would get this type of hype.

Men just get:
“what? Who cares.”
“Men dont deserve a day.”

Le sigh :disappointed:


i dunno i’ve always felt this day was sarcastic sorta like mother’s day for men (father’s day, you didn’t carry it for 9 months why are we honoring you) or an attempt to sell me things i don’t need on discount that is likely not that from the original price but then again im cynical

and coming from a company that can’t seem to get their stuff in order its just tone deaf

The problem is that the change was made so you could make that post, not to respect the LGBT community. Every letter in LGBT is rooted in the binary. You have to go to non-binary, but Blizzard didn’t do anything for them.

If this was done as a careful thought to increase inclusion the feature would have been far more complete.

  1. Translations would be correct (eg no more Hexenmeister/Hexenmeisterin)
  2. There would be more than 2 “body types” for even a single race - like I think Furcadia did with its neutral gender which is very unusual and the only example I even know of.
  3. They would be complemented with the ability to change pronouns
  4. Quest text would have been updated across the game
  5. They wouldn’t boast about how much they annoyed people on Twitter

They did something extremely petty and provoked people, and now you’re using that provocation to provoke them further. Said another way - you, and Blizzard, are trolling. :expressionless:

Or, well, Blizzard were. The guy responsible for that change has actually left Blizzard.

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Happy body type 2 day to all of you body type 2 players!

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Happy woman’s day!
A true man (like me) always play a female char!