Happy Women's Day

pft where is your pink shirt a true man wears that it used to be a manly color :stuck_out_tongue:

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I mean I watched about 10 woke videos yesterday saying it should be called happy feminine day and Hershey’s world women’s day video went down well.

I feel we all should feel offended just show how silly it’s gotten. When I die and buried ( If I don’t get cremated) When somone digs me up 400-500 years later. When they discover my body. I really hope on the form they put next to gender of the skeleton , unknown because that skeleton could belong to 100 genders. It would moronic and to suggest I’m female from looking at bones alone. Or even better and funnier just place my bones as being body type 2.

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y’all like

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It’s not Wednesday

You’re the product of years of being learnt what to think instead of how.

Here on earth, we use mathematics, science, and biology, those are calculus we use to come to objective truths.

When you learnt what to think, instead of how; that truth isn’t objective.

This small group of the population on earth now has a seat at the table in terms of being one of the leading voices in biology, they are shaping the conversation based on what they believe to be true.


You’re talking to the wrong one.

I’m not the one getting their knickers in a twist over fictional people in a video game being described as body 1 or body 2.

But still. You do you, posting like you know me inside out. But then again, you always were a tiresome pedant just looking to score points.

You may now gainsay this in your own refreshing way.

By the way, you do realize your first sentence was contradicted by what you said later right? Do you have any evidence that a very small minority cabal is shaping how the rest of the world thinks? One who likes to throw the scientific and mathematical into their argument must surely be able to provide, both scientific and mathematical evidence?

Tell me you’re American without telling me you’re American.


No you’re the one getting their knickers in a twist because we had male and female gender first.

It’s wild how you Americans complain about the people not accepting such a “small minor change” like body type 1 and 2, but you still felt the need to change “such a small minor thing” because the original offended you in the first place.

Inb4 “I don’t care either way”. That’s great, you can let go on the argument and move on with your life by taking your own advice:

What an odd take, but no I am not American and none of my family are either.

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You certainly seem to love American ideology so perhaps you just heavily consume their media.

On the EU forum, with an EU character? :thinking:

How is my pointing out to someone that they can say women and in fact have said women twice in this thread alone “loving American ideology” as you so eloquently put it?

What a strange world you appear to live in.

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I miss the times when topics about “women” and “men” didn’t create connotations about bait threads.

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Whatever you do, just dont say you dont care about this day (or any other …day) or youll be banned like me😂. Hilarious. Not caring is now a bannable offence🤣

because not everything is pregnancy. after this come years of care and sacrifices by parents. :sweat_smile:

At least until their shoots are 18, that you can give them the suitcase for his birthday. :luggage::door:

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German and female but go on.


As a woman - how come I don’t know about these days?

…Or maybe it’s because I don’t care and I celebrate my achievements on the day I was born (9th August.)
Their was also a “national stop smoking day” on Thursday… :melting_face:

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Thread is still up even though it has nothing to do with WoW. Are these forums not moderated, or are the moderators simply biased?

The World of Warcraft forums are for discussion of topics directly related to World of Warcraft

The forums here are specifically to discuss the game and related topics. Any topics not related to World of Warcraft, Battle.net or Blizzard are subject to deletion.


American by heart.

People can make body type 2 jokes as they please. I’m all in favor of mocking it and ridiculing it.

It’s a mindset.

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Not really. No price in the world could get me to even go on vacation over there. So probably stop playing hobby analyst. Assuming people’s nationality by how fed up they are with lame jokes and eternal raging over tags for the body selection in a game isn’t very professional anyways. Besides, I’d rather say abusing a post about World Women’s Day to, yet again, push forward your conservative agenda in a games forum is more Murican than being annoyed by it.