Hardcore servers lag [20/09]

All they will do is a restart.

Beyond the acceptance of the conditions set by blizzard, people have the right to protest for a good service and declare unfair situations and more in a game which you pay per month.
These deaths for example are clearly unfair and evidence blizzard’s lack of preparation for hardcore servers. Without thinking too much I can think of several solutions to , for example a system of appealing deaths, fix bugs or mechanics that make people die through no fault of their own, for example dismount you from gryphon when there is lag, something that has happened since vanilla, should have been a priority before releasing the hardcore servers.
But I’m sure blizzard has the potential to study and fix these flaws.
Of course for people to trust blizzard again, they should at least try to fix the deaths by falling in flight, which are obviously unavoidable (you can avoid them using some features of the game for example levitate , but almost always the lag doesn’t let you do it and others like the feline form is not enough many times, this is my case). A lot of people go aways from keyboard on those flights which makes it more dangerous.
Blizzard is the only one that can make blizzard great again. The responsibility for this falls on their shoulders. People won’t forget that blizzard will not let go of this.

This isn’t lack of preparation, this is not treating Classic as a product.

To them, classic having only sub, not having token and store stuff, makes it low prio.

Vote with your wallet, if I die to dc, I know I’m out, plenty of good games to play. But alas, I was fortunate so far to get the few dcs outside of combat.

You did read the page that says “I agree” at the bottom when you make your character?

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Any global rollback will hurt the people which have achieved a good progress recently.

I think the solution is very simple here.

They should admit that there was a massive server issue which severety goes far beyond what people may have expected when accepted the HC rules.
Any chars that died during those 20 minutes of giga-lag are ressurected and restored if were rage-deleted (as we all know that they can restore deleted characters within 120 days since deletion). I would never believe that they can’t technically res your char if it died.

To prevent furhter petitions they can add the next statement: any complains about other server issues are not accepted, because only todays issue had a really oustanding scale of issue and receives a special treatment ignoring the usual rules.


Blizzard is not supporting their product. This is grounds for contacting your bank and requesting a chargeback same as an Ebay seller delivering you an empty package.

imo they should take serious steps to fix these problems four days ago, when people started to experience a lot of lags and DC.

I think they already have.

The could ress but as the “I agree” page says, they never will.

Just becasue they won’t do what you want even though they warned you it might happen is not “not supporting” their product.

Those are people breaking the law, this is just terms and condition of a game.

My name in stiches its Simedisculpa i die for drop flying in lvl 31, no disconnected, 2 weeks for nothing xd support cant help me this error xd, i dont die playing world of warcraft, i die for free in impossible mechanic xd

This is a strawman. They are not supporting their game by providing stable servers. It has nothing to do with permadeaths being permanent or not which is what I assume you are referring to for some reason.

You agreed to permadeath for any reason when you made your character. Face that and either start again or quit.

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Why are you assuming I died?

The way you are talking. If you have no skin in the game why are you posting about it?

I didn’t die because of server issues, however imo this is quite interesting that you don’t see a difference between occasional lag and massive server issue as a result of which 2000+ characters died within a few minutes.

I did not die this morning but as it was rather close, I have severly lost most of my interest in playing HC. I never had problems with a connection, it was clearly on Blizzards end. As we are paying for the game every month, I would naively assume that unplanned inaccessibility of servers is rare or will be treated with other measures than if a single person dc’d or experienced a bug.

I see the difference, however a lot of people don’t see that Blizzard had you agree to permadeath for any reason, including lag or server outages, for this very reason.

I think people wouldn’t play if the message after creating the character would also say that the company will ignore huge server issues LOL

I don’t think they are ignoring them, they will be working on it but since we don’t know what caused it, we can’t say how long a fix would take.

Even if people agree to it, they trusted blizzard to provide server stability. Now they lost a lot of player trust and if this keeps reoccuring without any form of official answer, people will stop paying/playing. And prob. it will happen again as problems most likely (re)appear in any software product.

In this case the information that they have major server issues would be nice think to do. But they didn’t.

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