Hardcore servers lag [20/09]

In my opinion players should have opportunity to get their characters back due to this incompetence. With the requirement that they need to prove that it happened due to DC or lag. Of course I am talking about past 3-4 days of most intense problems.

they can see the death times of chars surely, or at least the day they died

I logged out at 10:36 but my character died at 10:49. So this lag made impossible the logout phase.

My character got stuck online for 15mn even tho I closed my client.

This is unbearable, i’m sorry. If there’s no revive you may lost thousands of customers.

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I died at 37 LVL three days ago. I didn’t have any issues with server (up until this morning) but I saw many people who was complaining about lags and DC. I died because I got too cocky. My fault. If Blizz would give me back my character without any prove that my in game death wasn’t my fault I would not be the only person who would take this chance.

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100% they can see times of deaths etc.

I once dc-ed, and i believe it was on my end (several days ago). I thought i was gonna die, but a priest called Momo healed me, kept me alive and fought mobs until i came back on. Ended up giving him 5g (all i had atm on me).
This wasn’t dc on my end, or a lag on my end etc (certain clowns saying lag is part of hc), this was MAYOR incident on Blizzard’s side, a massive issue that killed many people.
If they have any decency left, they will either: Rollback, or ress characters that died at 10:15ish til 11:10 (roughly when issue stopped)

I am playing Priest and I am taking every chance if I see that I am able to save someone ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶


was lagging all morning, mass lag was from 9am - 11:30 UK time.

just idiots who dont understand the difference between dying by your own hands or dying from the server issues.

fed up of seeing l2p and stuff when it was a blizzard issue. I have no problem starting over, but I have a problem with dying because of a server issue when we are paying to play.

Blizzard already said. No rollbacks or revives. I think a lot of people don’t know what Hardcore actually means. They never seem to have played Diablo 2.

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i don’t think you understand the issue, people are paying SUB so that servers are run properly, they clearly aren’t if a massive lag spike causes within minut over 2k deaths

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Solution is simply all to unsub. No money for them what so ever = no profit and they are forced to realize they need invest to earn.


some people are too dumb to understand something so simple, no point arguing.

I’m gonna C/P the most reasonable take I’ve seen so far (credit to redditor JohnCavil):

Honestly Blizzard has to do something about this. I know they said they would never, but this is thousands, potentially tens of thousands of players who are instantly dead. It is unacceptable to just have everyone in combat die in an instant on a saturday morning and just be like “oh well”.

Even if they didn’t care about the people dying, many many people will quit because of this and they’re gonna lose a lot of subs.

They can not have appeals, which i agree with, but if everyone in combat on a server dies they just have to do a rollback honestly.

(In response to the “you agreed to the terms etc.” people)

Every rule has an exception and this is kind of getting into exception territory. A couple of events like this will completely kill hardcore. People will refuse to play if this is a regular thing that can happen.

Lets say half the server just instantly died cause of DC. Blizzard would undo that, and you know that. Everyone knows that. The question is what the threshold is.

If the database guy at blizzard just wiped the entire database of characters, do people think blizzard would just be like “ah yea sorry, we’re not rolling it back even though we could, sh*t happens”. Of course not. And all these people would be livid if that ever happened.

You have a rule, and then when something crazy happens like this you make an exception, making clear that it’s an exception in the case of a massive failure. This is standard business practice, but people act like ToS is like the tablets moses brought down from the mountain.


Frankly, this is just not enough on blizzard side. I know we signed a disclaimer before playing, but nobody was expecting their servers to actively try to kill you multiple times a day. The objective reality is, to play Hardcore you need a monthly subscription. They are therefore, providing a paid server, and should be held responsible if the service is not to standard. They are using the disclaimer as a way to deflect blame in this matter, but the reality is, it is clearly their fault. Nobody would dare complain if their power cut. Nobody would complain if their own internet crashed. This is different. To clarify, my character is still alive personally, but i think they should put a rule that when faced with hard evidence (like video recording of someone’s bugged death) they should just restore the characters. The only reason why they wouldn’t is because this requires actual employees working in the office, and they thought that they would make some easy money by basically releasing Hardcore without actually putting in any work. There is literally nothing else that justify this behaviour. If they cared even a little about the players and not only about their money, they would make a rule that allowed resurrect provided that there was a petition with video evidence of the unfair death caused by the server. If they don’t, it’s because they’d rather save that extra penny than give you a reasonable experience. Change my mind.


There are rules we all agree but those rules are broken in extreme cases like for example we all agree to obey laws in trafic if you go over speed limit you will get ticket maybe even jail time but if it’s life or death situation and police stop you for speeding they will not write you a ticket but instead they will help you continue speeding to hospital or what ever is your destination.
That ToS we all agreed to is there to end any argue in sporadic cases but in matter massive as this one is where over 4 days thousands died due to server issue that rule should be broken.
This is not some isolated case that you can say yes you agree to ToS this is disaster and should be dealt with in such a manner so people dont start leaving and when people start leaving in bulks it creates avalanche where more and more people leave and game is ruined. Don’t say that wont happen as we all witnessed it many times in past.
I believe that players would calm down and come to understanding if they get their chars back. Worst thing of all Blizzard refused to put any warning on launcher or anywhere else (refusing can be seen in last official post in this thread) so today thousands more died in that lag spike. Many people didn’t know at all that something is wrong with servers…

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I found it ridiculos that we are paying for a service that they fail to provide time to time. :smiley: Shame on you Blizzard.

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It’s like Blizzard executed order 66.

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Roflmao :))))

Guys, do you think blizzard will somehow address the fact that there are a lot of characters you can’t log in to because it says “A character with that name already exists” ???