Hardcore servers lag [20/09]

Has anyone experienced any lagging today? I was weirdly enough able to PvP flag myself yesterday by focusing on my own faction’s city guard while hitting my pet’s “screech” ability.

Needless to say, I didn’t lose any character, but it sure was odd to experience. At least I will take this bug over random lag spikes or being thrown off gryphons any time, any day. :slight_smile:

if they don’t bring us back to life at least they have to raise a memorial in some city
Can be good for me, but theynhave tondo some. And we want a official reply soon

I’d be surprised if they wake up/call in someone with authority over the weekend. Classic is already the disfavored child, and given that this issue has only affected one realm severely we’ll probably have to wait until monday or tuesday for an official response. Maybe there’ll be a community response to show that the issue is known and someone will be looking at it before that, but I doubt it. :frowning:

Yes had some huge lag issues earlyer today.

I used my HS, it came on CD but i did not get teleported untill 1 min and 57 sec later.

Around the same time ½ of the online members of my guild died.

The spell is broken, i am finally free after 18 years, I have unsubbed.


I have unsubbed.

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Damn bruh, you seem to know tech stuff.
Do you play on Stiches? Mind if i dm you and ask you couple of questions?

Thanks a ton for being honest and for letting me know about the lag spikes of today, Kattia. <3

I’m just not going to play WoW Hardcore until next week, or until Blizzard gets their operations fixed.

I am kind of annoyed personally. While I didn’t lose any character since I stopped playing the moment I saw it took me 15 seconds to cast a frost bolt, I am annoyed I took paid vacation from the office just to play WoW Classic Hardcore and experience what I missed out on as a kid when I didn’t have the money for a subscription or for a computer that could run WoW.


exacly the same kind of death

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I am on Stitches but I only play on weekends. Character is Waytoohc on alliance

Inexcusable when it’s clearly a mass death in a fixed time-frame due to your servers.



I understand that paying support to do reviews one by one is expensive for an internet company which is based on scalability but you are milking a 15 years old game with a game mode WE created. What are exactly the costs which take my 15 dollar/month so you cannot afford to pay for the support staff to review deaths atleast when YOU MESS UP? This attitude is just as unaccaptable as the famous “you dont want it either”


“As for rolling back or reviving dead characters we’ve tried our best to be as clear as possible from the very start that it’s not something we will consider, which remains the case.”

I don’t understand how you can say this with a straight face. I understand that this is hard-core, however, this is a 20 year old game and yet you are still unable to maintain a server to prevent people from DCing and dying. Do you not have any resources allocated for server maintenance or are you guys just lazy and refuse to do your jobs?

If money is your motivation, then look at it this way. Fix server = customers are not upset, customers are not upset = customers do not stop playing the game, customers do not stop playing the game = they pay sub.

Ultimately, if a player’s death is caused by something that is YOUR fault, you SHOULD HAVE a moral obligation to roll back those deaths. Anything other than that is bs… But you stopped caring about your community anyways so… Yeah. Too busy stealing breast milk from female employees ig.


theres many people who just fall through the wall in sunken temple, and its not fixed. theres alot of Z Axis deaths, which is not fixed. Theres ALOT of deaths that are the games fault they didnt revive, as they state in multiple popups when you start a character. not sure why you think that suddenly that has to change.

Lets be honest here. We play HC as a rogue lite, sending gold and items to a bank char and see how far we can make it before we need to reroll. rerolling is basically part of the enjoyment of hardcore. if you just wanna get 60 and raid, you can simply play the classic SC Servers, theres no difference.

For now, stop playing Hardcore and play Softcore. I dont see why people make this such a big deal, its not like Hardcore Deaths mean anything.


Why is it not surprising that someone from Nek’rosh who hasn’t experienced any of these issues is gloating here?

The reason why the HC agreement includes disconnections, lag, server outages and gameplay bugs is because they want to reduce the amount of time GMs have to waste on people claiming that the cause of their death was one of these, because they’re salty about having misplayed, so if they leave a loop-hole like this that they haven’t explicitly disclaimed, it would mean that GMs would actually have to investigate the cause of death of a character and then in 9 times out of 10 conclude it was player error, having wasted an hour on researching the appeal. Of course a salty player would claim it was a server error, if server errors were a caveat that ABK put into their agreement as something that would get your character rolled back.
That’s only insurance against flooding support with case-by-case complaints that are very likely invalid and definitely costly to prove/disprove.
There’s quite the difference tho when it’s an issue that affects all players that are online at a given time. In such a case the issue only needs to be researched once, confirmed as valid, and then a mass-res can be issued.
The reason why they may still not do it, is because they probably don’t want to set a precedent that people can now just claim server issues to get their characters restored, even if server issues had nothing to do with the character’s death.
IMO either action, limited mass-res for the people who died in the time-frame of the lag, or not resurrecting but properly investigating the cause of the issue and writing a post-mortem for transparency are valid.
They can stick to their letter-of-the-law guns and make a chunk of players very unhappy, or they can keep to the spirit of the law and assuage that anger a bit. Either way a proper post-mortem would probably be appreciated, as it shows that ABK engineers know why the issue occurred, and what steps they can/will take so that the issue will not occur again.

Edit: To everyone cancelling their subscriptions over this, I commend your spirit, but you’re not really making a change, unfortunately. World of Warcraft in any of its iterations is a side-hustle for ABK. It’s being kept alive by (somewhat) passionate devs, but not by money. ABK make most of their revenue (and profit) from Candy Crush. That is the game they* truly care about. Everything else is a project to make a little extra pocket money on the side.

*with “they” I mean the corporate executives. The developers for WoW obviously do care about WoW


Are you gonna say anything to yesterdays incident? Hello?


What are you even talking about? Nek’Rosh had HORRIBLE lag spikes after Wednesday, after the 2. Spike I just stopped playing Hardcore and I wait now for Blizzard to release a Statement that its resolved. No, I dont talk like that because I am not affected, I am very much affected, but I dont understand why people on SUNDAY still die. You know it for days now, are you for real, you still play and die? Thats on you buddy.

So why does it specifically mention lag and server outages?

Where did you read “server outages”? I only found “sever outages”.

I paid to play four weeks of hardcore, not three weeks of hardcore and one week of ‘better not log in, go play something else’.

Knew they’d eventually do something that’s annoying enough to cancel my subscribtion again, just did not expect for that to happen within the first month of coming back.


i had no idea about issues until they started happening yesterday, literally there is no info about problems anywhere on launcher to this day