Hardcore servers lag [20/09]

There is explicitly NO Hardcore Subscription. You pay for Classic, not Hardcore. What YOU want out of it isnt legally binding.

The Game works, but isnt working very well right now. They will fix it. If you dont want to play anything but Hardcore, learn from the experience, cancel your sub and move on.

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So laggy and unplayable on HC. What is Blizzard saying that is causing this?
At least give us some explanations.

Just because they state it, it means that I’m not allowed to disagree? I think it’s the most idiotic thing ever. These things SHOULD be fixed because dying to a bug on the floor in Sunken Temple at lvl 50 is ridiculous after you spend all that time and effort in the game, playing smart and carefully.

They should 100% fix this, they should roll-back deaths because of server lag because it’s THEIR fault but they simply do not want to spend the resources in doing so because we gotta save that money for Bobby’s new yacht, of course.

They are literally losing players because they’re refusing to do this simple thing to reverse something that happened outside of the players’ control. Personally, if I die to server lag that is it for me. I don’t play retail anymore because it’s lame asf and new M+ selection is so bad, so I would just unsub. I know many people feel the same way. However, if I die to my fault, then I would be like well okay we go agane.

In short: It’s bs, there is no excuse for it, they should rollback and fix the bugs on their game. Simple.


I died catching a flight, the support has done nothing but threaten me and give me links that are useless.
They threaten, they lie, they told me that the developers had not thought about it so it cannot be done, it is incredible.
I complain and they threaten me. Without a doubt the worst service I have ever experienced in my life and in my 15 years of wow

what ? you literally need to pay sub IN GENERAL to play any World of Warcraft game, doesn’t matter if its classic hard core or retail, you still pay them money to provide quality (sic!) service, its not fulfilled.

People WANTED classic wow without changes. Blizzard WARNED EVERYBODY that we dont want that, but the arrogance of the community “no, we DO want it, you are wrong” made Blizzard to just do what we ask for - A “classic” experience, as buggy and broken as it was.

If you cant handle what you asked for, dont ask for it.

Haha, this person is comedic gold!


And they still made changes that noone asked for, like introducing body type 1 and 2, incubus etc. which were not the part of vanila. So why not fix the bugs then?

I assume, that isnt a fact of course, the other changes just come as a result of the engine update, since WoW Classic doesnt use the original graphics but the “better” ones. But yeah, you are right, why change anything? People want the painful, horrible and trash experience from 2004, so give it to them,.

Now we also have the 2004 Server Quality. Seems like the full experience.

This is not only Classic problem. Retail and Wrath have also server issues since wednesday reset. Realy long loading screens, guild bank opening delays, sending mail takes ages.

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you must be some special kind of stupid, this is isn’t 2004 and this isn’t regular vanilla, its hardcore, if people knew that they will provide actually worse service then back in 2004 no-one would go for blizzard hc. Running HC environment pur extra requirements on you like 6-sigma standard for service quality, IT MUST NOT BE INTERRUPTED if that is the core of experience

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Actually you gotta admit. For a company like Blizzard, that is dying SO QUICKLY in recent years, all new stuff is just failure after failure, not caring about their last cash cows and just going AWOL for a weekend is fking hilarious. I mean, am I the only one laughing lol

I am sorry, what? Dude, no, HC wasnt their “highest quality effort” to provide the best experience with the best support. HC is just some deadbeat server they throw at you with a popup saying “dude, whatever happens, we dont care”. They dont give a fk. Retail is their focus, with Classic Softcore second, HC is just a “well, the community wants it, so lets give it to them but we dont even hire 1 GM for it”.

Nice, that they fixed literally nothing!

Just had a ~30 sec lag after being invited outdoor for a group quest (Darkshore - the dwarf escort). Had no problems with these grp invites for two days now and suddenly you get these 20-30 sec “your own fault”-windows again (according to some simps here). Just a question to these people: How can you play and avoid these unexpected things? Oh I know … don’t play … how original - for a week now?

This is just so … ugh …

Lag was as followed: Invited - all good - suddenly 20 sec castanimation of holy light with no castbar and nothing - mobs “moved normal” - suddenly all went lightspeed and mobs dashed around like the screen was trying to keep up with all their lost movement and you are infight with 4+ golems …

One group invite in two days was like this now … you can’t trust anything anymore in this game … nice feeling in THIS specific gamemode.

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only shows how ignorant you are, this has nothing to be done by GMs, but everything with Devops team behind infrastructure

I would have indeed liked a full classic experience with the classic FEATURES not bugs because why would you want bugs in a game cause the experience to deteriorate. Plus they went ahead and made changes anyways? Stuff that no one asked for because Blizzard DOES NOT listen to their community. They NEVER do just what we ask for because they do NOT care about us XD Not anymore at least. They do very much care about our wallets, though.

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Yeah you want the “original classic experience” without the original classic experience.

lol Devops Team, dude, of course its a matter of GMs. Server Problems will always be a case, glitch deaths will be too, so will be grief deaths. You would just need a TON of GMs to take care of every whiny little WoW Andy creating a ticket after their death trying to justify how its not their fault.

we are discussing case where literally its not players fault blizzard cant maintain their servers correctly

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Yes, it’s a slightly older pic where they had an error. But you know exactly what it meant.

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