Hardcore servers lag [20/09]

I agree on what is written there, not what is meant to be there.

How is it not the players fault? Its like driving on an completely broken down road, crashing and then complaining how the roads are at fault and the maintenance is bad. Dont you have ANY responsibility for your own actions? Arent you an adult? After the first lag you google if theres an Issue and then you stop playing. If you continue until you die, you cant blame anyone except yourself.

Addictions are no justification for self harm.

Which part of “some people had no issue before, only the lagspike that killed them” you don’t understand? I logged in, did some quests without issues and then bam, lagspike.

Also if there’s a lot of problem with that road, it’s not usable, you close it until you fix it, because it can cause accidents.


What part of “These Issues are KNOWN since wednesday” dont you understand? You cant live terminally online playing WoW for your whole existence and NOT follow ANY news whatsoever.

You guys act as if you are little children that need to be supervised and everyone has to protect your precious beings. grow up! Take responsibility for yourself. The Servers have issues, stay out of the game.

Some people doesn’t hang out on the forum you know.


One thing for sure is that someone doesn’t understand the word ‘spam’. Goodness, 24 posts saying the same thing: I think everyone is aware of your opinion by now!

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I only had issue once the whole weak before that lagspike, and that’s all, sometime I have connectivity issues so naturally I didn’t run to check the forums, why would I? There were no warning on the battle.net launcher. Why should I have run to the forums?


What is wrong with you lol. Can you not see that your argument is flawed in every way? At this point you have to be arguing with EVERYONE just for the sake of having someone to argue with.


Everytime I connect to this game (at least the HC classic version), I am really pleased and feel happy to play.
Let’s face it, it’s addictive and really good.

But I am ashamed to see this lack of consideration from blizzard : if you die from our fault, we assume nothing.
That’s great customer support !
Clearly worth our monthly subscription.


Couldn’t have said it better myself.

Bro this post is 10/10. Wtf is this knowledge. You are a monster. Guys know more about the game itself than the dev LMAO. 30 lines of pure computer science. Crazy post.

At least I repeat myself as 1 person, you guys are just a collective everybody whining about the same thing - BoofkingHoo, I died to a Lagspike after obvious Server Issues for almost a week.

Yeah, Blizz should post a Warning, but this Warning would be admittance that could have legal consequences for them. So they just talk about “single events” and “unexpected issues for a certain amount of players” and can chill their weekend without having to do anything.

You know this is a purely formalistic argument and complete nonsense. A 20 min server outage with a subsequent 100s of dead characters falling from flying mounts was probably something not even Blizz had envisaged happening. The “I agree” page protects them from any recourse but it doesn’t mean people will have to like it.

There is a certain range of scenarios that people consciously or subconsciously go through when they click the button. Death to lag is one of those but a 20min server outage is not. It is like going into a roller coaster, signing up to a hold-harmless clause on all possible accidents. Then finding out the seatbelts don’t actually work. Sure, no refund but I wont come back.

Like all companies that try to make money they will have to weigh the “cost” of breaking their “no rez” policy versus the cost of people leaving. They have seemed to conclude it is worth upholding the policy. I think it is a mistake they will come to regret.

Nobody will leave. People just cry. They die, they cry, they realize they are addicted to the game and have nothing else going on in their life and start a new character.

The WoW Community was abused for the last 10 Years, if they havent left yet, they never will.

Just to make sure i didn´t miss anything, 3 days ago they basically said “we don´t give af” and the server still stays screwed up without any update?? SO do we at least get free transfers to an actual working hc server?

There arent any working HC Servers from what I heard. Theres no working Retail Servers either. It seems to be a global Issue at this point and yes, Blizzard peaced out and hasnt communicated anything since then. But then again, it was Weekend and they were bought by Microsoft now, so why would they try?

I think US servers are fine. And Nekrosh shouldnt have the massive lag spikes either.

I am on Nek’rosh and yes, it has. I had 3 MASSIVE Spikes on Thursday and Friday and then stopped playing for good. The Spikes were around 1 Minute at a time and there was nothing you can do. Now spaming Nek’rosh, if it works a BIT better than stitches, will just make Nek’rosh run worse. As long as theres no solution to the underlying issue, transferring around doesnt solve anything. You just try to put a bandaid on a broken leg.

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Can confirm Retail still have issues. Long loading screens, opening guild bank takes ages.

Thought Nekrosh is fine since everybody is talking about Stiches. But then seems only EU f´ed and US ok. Thats even stranger tbh.