Has Blizzard officially explained why pugs are matched vs premades in WSG?

I’m really interested in their way of thinking and how this even remotely is fair

Is this a under-the-table compensation for horde constantly losing Ashenvale pvp events ? Is there something more sinister going on ? Are devs just biased ? Incompetent ? I’m confused


do you think that horde has different situation? almost every game is allys premade


They are incompetent and profit motivated, not customer focused. That is why:

-Classes are imbalanced(70% of players are lizard hunters)
-Botting is still at large while some players cant play on certain servers
-Content is lacking
-Servers and layering are a buggy obsolte mess(try playing at the evening in ashenvale you will see what i am talking about)
-And finally; premades are matched against solo rando casual teams


Because that’s how Classic WoW works. Also, this happens both sides, in case you think grass is greened the red side.

What a silly thread.


While I do think they could balance them outliers such as quoted and more better, in the end this is Classic - balance was always dog in Classic/Vanilla, so frankly - if not Hunters, then it will be Priests, Meta Locks and who knows what else next phase and phase after.

When we have first seen runes, it was pretty clear that any “balance” would be thrown out the window. So don’t even sweat it - there won’t be any balance, period.

Just pray your main wins the rune lottery in P2/3…

That it was this way in 2004 does not mean it should be like that 20 years later, runes are not a classic thing, so they should be balanced. If players allow this, then blizzard can use classic as an excuse for anything they are lazy to fix.


But it wasnt like that in 2004 - bg’s came out much later. Also, it is “only” 19 years :wink:

When I see people put “Classic” and “balanced” in the same sentence - I laugh IRL.

Buddy, they did not manage to achieve this “balance” in 20 years the game exists, you can already realize that simple fact and relax.

There won’t be any balance and there will always be some Billy or Timmy who will get stomped by premades or FOTM classes one way or another in Classic - this is how it works and it will continue be this way.

Your best hope is that maybe, just maybe they will limit the join BG to party max only and maybe tweak matchmaking a bit to put healers into groups.

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It is a simple solution. If you are not in a party=get matched with solo players. in a party=get matched with premades. No dev genious is needed, but a few interns, whom apparently microsoft-activision-blizzard loves to use judging from the state of the game.

  • Billy and Timmy - two IRL friends make a party of 2 men, are they now supposed to be exclusively matched with premades only?

I just love how people throw the word “simple”, when it’s really not.

Billy and Timmy should make a premade if they like to party…in a party?

Honestly though it would be nice if you could be assigned by spec in addition to this.

classic is balanced 10 times better than SOD, imbalance in SOD is HUUUUUUUUUGE, sometimes shocking, feels like they didnt do any calculations at all, just random ideas, oh lets give balance druid instant 43y range ability with no mana cost, that crits more than backstab, and also lets make hunters just send their pet and watch how players die in 5 secs

This SoD actually is more biased towards premades than any previous version of wow. With the addition of 20% movespeed world buff running flag is easier after wiping the opposing pug in the middle at the beginning. They can’t keep up at all.


How is 2 men party a “premade” in a context of what we’re discussing? Why should they be punished in a game that promotes social interaction and grouping up?

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They should be matched with another 8 players to make it a 10 man premade. Yes that would mean it’ll have longer queues but it comes with wanting only to play with 2 instead of making a full 10 man instead.

Why is wanting to play with 2 people party is a bad thing that needs to be punished and wanting to play solo is a good thing that needs to be promoted and given a special treatment in Classic?

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Hmm how comes that you dont know what is premade? Premade is 10 ppl from one server, not two friends in party.

There is no perfect solution that solves everything but premade vs PUG IS a big issue that need to be addressed by Blizzard. I would rather have a bit longer queue time if it meant that fully PUGS get a fair shot in each BG vs other PUGS.

Think about the bigger picture here.

But here we go people telling that 2 man party should be matched together with premades queue?

So please tell me, when I make a party of 3 - is it premade or it is “legal” per initial request to separate queues? What is the cutoff?

Same back at you.

Remember, I started this whole discussion here after Jurwac tossed “it is a simple solution”.

So guess, not that simple after all, eh…