Has Blizzard officially explained why pugs are matched vs premades in WSG?

What’s to explain, lol? Some people form groups, others jump in head first and expect miracles.

easy peasy:

  1. from 1 - 3 - can match up with pugs
  2. from 3-6 - can match up only with parties from 3-6
  3. more than 6 - can match up only with 6-10
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They would be fine if there would be a party comp element(ie adding a certain amount of healers) added too. Sure they would be punished a bit more than solos who only play against solos, but so are they now where they will most likely face full premades 90% of the time also. At the very least solo players would be out of the line of fire.

They could also add solo, partial premades and full premades. Solo is self explanatory and partial premade are teams with 3-4 players at most, so its hard to cheese for full premades and “full premades” for people with a bigger group size than that.

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It is quite simple. Make full 10 man premade only face other 10 man premade. If you join as two then it will try find other BG’s were people join as two and then make a 10 man team with that but it will probably mean longer queue times.

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Do you have UI elements pointing out that 4+ group is somehow no-no and you will be considered premade, while 3- is all peachy?

And if you have 3 groups of 3 people each, how are they supposed to be matched for premade BG queue that requires 10 people?

Why 3 is the magic number?

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Okay so if I make a fully optimized 5 man group, stacked with Priests and Hunters and they get pitted in solo queue vs a bunch of randoms… don’t you think they will smash them to bits anyway?

What makes 5 people “not premade”?

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  1. it will be very rare to have 3 groups of 3
  2. this groups are not connected with each other
  3. or plan B - do not allow to more than 1 group to be in a pug on each of the sides

Says who?

How do you know what group is a PuG and what’s not?

As a reminder, we started out by saying “simple”.

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Yo man read what i said

You just answered your previous question… Also it is really easy to cheese the system with two 5 mans queuing; they might get assigned to the same battleground. If you separate them to 3-4 groups it is very unlikely.

I read it and addressed it.

Why 3 is the magic number that is all good and 4 is a no no?

As I’ve said there is no perfect solution for every possible group matching into a BG. It’s bound to be complications in certain situations however a full PUG should simply not face a full 10 man premade as that make absolutely no sense at all.

You are free to join in any party group sizes of your choice, but don’t always expect perfect results into the matchmaking then.

this is easy task to do for development, there is nothing hard, just several conditions

So, you see how this is not “simple”?

But I mean, I just gave you like 3 examples how this all comes apart.

And you say “nothing hard” and “just several conditions”?

There is nothing to come apart, you take different cases, and do logic for each case, you can test it aswell, so yes there is nothing hard.

something something #nochanges and integrity of the game I’m pretty sure

I mean, I just tossed at you literally a few cases, where things break logically.

You still did not even answer to me why “3” is the magic number and you keep responding same line at me?

Don’t you worry, I know how to make conditions, it’s my job IRL. I can implement your algorithm over a coffee break - but before you go ahead and tap on that keyboard implementing sht - you ought actually think this through.

And that is where this whole process fails now.

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Just gonna repost this here, something i said in a different thread with the same arguements.

Classic was never balanced or fair, its why they tired to make changes in tbc on onwards (and failed many times). It was always tedious, hard and unfair, thats why grouping and making friends was so vital, it eased it dramtically.

An mmo within its very nature will never be balanced for pvp unless it made it its primary drawing point. Gear, talents, classes.

Want a balanaced pvp experience? Go play league or valorant where balance and pvp is at its core.

Or make some friends, join some groups and have a laugh. The 1 thing i completely disagreed with last blizzcon was when they said “vanilla/classic was about azeroth”. It wasnt. It was a platform for like minded people to bond, make friends and have a laugh. You can seriously see that most (if not all) have forgotten that

Instead of focusing how you are not having fun, complaining about how other people are having fun on the forums, why dont you take control of your own game, change something that you actually have agency over so you can have fun. Join a group.

Congratulations you have “discovered” the life lesson: “you can do most things by yourself, might be hard, tedious and annoying, but when you have the support/help of others it makes time for fun alongside it being easier. Not just in wow, in life”


The real question you have to ask yourself first is, should every different group party be 100% perfect viable in entering a BG? I think it’s not logical to demand such thing, but that doesn’t mean that to try and balance out the way most people play right now seems to be:

Premade vs premade

Then try make it work with every other group party combination but know it doesn’t work for them all. Then people know that if they enter, it will be a mismatch at times depending on their group size.

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