Has Blizzard officially explained why pugs are matched vs premades in WSG?

But again… how do you decide what’s a premade and what’s a pug?

It’s a pretty tricky question once you start getting into the guts of it, as I displayed above.

Premade = You must join with a full 10 man party.
PUG = Every player join solo queue.


free Billy and Timmy please

we here for this in SoD, we already had 4-5years of classic it’s enough, and Era is here forever

Okay so if I make a 9 player party, what happens?

Do I have big red message “you can’t do that, it’s illegal”?

What about 2 man party? 4 man?

9 player party and you can’t find a last? you are stupid hypocrit

As I’ve said before make it so that it matches you with similar group sizes to make it a full 10 man group when it’s possible, otherwise you will have to accept the fact that you will sometimes enter weird group combination with half premade or something those lines depending on the group size of your choice when entering a BG.

It’s not rocket science and if you expect every party group combination to be viable 100% perfect in a BG that can only have 10 per side then you are not understanding how it works.

I mean, the question here is philosophical. Is a 9 man party premade? What about 4 man?

Instead of tossing accusations at me - address the argument.

So if I make a weird 7 man party, I will have to sit in queue for half an hour waiting for a 7 man party?

And what about remaining 3 people? Do I have to pull them from a solo queue and fck them over? Or wait for two 3 man parties another 20 mins?

Then make a party of 10 if you have 7? Not so hard to get 3 more people in that case. And if you really want to stick with 7 then that’s your choice?

you just dont want to read arent you, check my previous posts from 6-10 you r matching with premade, i dont know what kind of algorythms you make in RL, but this is so simple and dumb, there is no any matching system at all for the moment.


I made a 7 man party of my guildies, I am not interested in any PuGs. Is that somehow “illegal” now and I must do what computer tells me to?

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Then you have to wait for the game to find you those 3 remaining players, simple as that.

Same back at you.

Again - I make a 7 man party, I queue into premade group… how do we get 3 more?

Why do I have to wait?

Who decided this? Fyrapan, because he wants a solo queue?

No. You have decided that by joining in with a group of 7 people. What you expect to play with only 7 people against 10 Hordes? What are you even talking about dude, you make no sense.

If you join with 7 logically it means the game will find 3 more before you can play. That’s game logic?

the way you talk is a proof you are not a fighter, or a good teamplayer, my advice to the 8 players who joined you is to leave

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


:copyright: :registered: :tm:

3 more will come from single queued players, it will be much more balanced, than just sending 10 randoms vs premade

But those 3 people queued into a Single queue and you still drag them into “premade” pool?

Boy they ain’t gonna be happy.

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I already got 8 premades in a row, thanks you for a beatiful evening blizzard

Of course you would - you’re one of the biggest advocates for punishing premades :rofl: