Has Blizzard officially explained why pugs are matched vs premades in WSG?

Considering the only Mana Regen ability avaliable to a SHADOW PRIEST, is Spirit Tap. which requires the killing blow to even Proc, Is this the one you mean?

yer baby, the off the charts rotation of 3 dots…it’s like so dam complicated i cannot keep up. It’s all instas. You cannot get it in your head it’s possible to do both, it is. Like a mage say…they are a dps class…but the best thing they can do is sheep/ intercept and slow melee making a b-line for your healers. Are they allowed to do that ? it isn’t damage after all. You are so feckin clueless it’s beyond belief.

Im not clueless.

Ur trying to cleverly Answer my question in attempts to Cover up a true fact which is realistically what im statig here

What im asking you is

Can u keep 2 people alive, while Outputting 100% Of your DPS on 2 enemies simultaniously for a Sustained time. Because afterall

I’ve Specified a Priest, FIlling a DPS Slot in my orginal statement that u’ve called BS.

Using Utility in events of things isnt even on the same Page to what we’re discussing here. Casting Sheep ONCE. Has no where near the MANA CONSUMPTION require to CONTINOUSLY CAST SPELLS BACK TO BACK.

Why do i need to have this 100% output ? So i’m in the flag room, 3 vs 3, im the healer of the 3, they have a healer too. I dot the healer 3 times and humunculous him, then shield and penance a dps. Dot the other 2, p.scream the lot of em, cast flash heal on myself.

Bloody hell, in 10 seconds i was able to do both, and in taking out the healer BY MYSELF win the fight. Any more easy to answer questions you’re utterly clueless about ? Bless.

Because Being a Healer which DPS’s when theres no one to heal. and being a DPS with the ability to off heal are starkly different

Second ones generally followe dup by the group already having healers that do most of the work concerning healing and u may help out fi things go south or A Healer died.

Ur referring to the first concept answering me based on being a Healer that CAN DO DMG.

im asking u concerning a DPS WHO CAN OFF HEAL.

I strictly stated a DPS Priest several times here.

We are level 25, stop this imagining we are all L60

Imagine a hybrid class that can heal but never does, you’re avin’ a larf. And again, we are L25, all your shizzle applies at L60. shadow priests were crap in pvp from classic to what 10 years after. Horrible. SoD has changed that a bit ! Hoping for more.

I didnt say never even in the second example i stated off healer.

Shadow priests are acrually really strong in pvp. We just suck because of how much we are missing and cant rly be shadow currebtly as we has no shadow form.

My point isnt to argue balance with you.

My point was, player behaviour has evolved, in orginal classic no one would of even thought of the concept of comps and no one cared

Premades wrrent used.

However over time behaviour has developed, and enforcements have been applied that were not in the orginal philosphy of the game during 2004.

Im aware to be a shadow priest and apply to a dps role, off healer or not. Your a bad build. My point is orginally that didnt matter.

The game is being min maxed / optimised. Where correct builds are a expectation, and correct roles are a given, and that isnt something vanilla WoW accounted for existing.

Im not imaging.

Im remembering when 2004 when premades werent masisvely used. Meta gaming wasnt popularised and min maxing werent a norm.

The orginal philsophy this game stood by and blizzard stated was something they intended to upkeep.

You saw pre-mades on the US server in Tarren Mill? Or what are you trying to say here?

Im stating premades were alot less common during 2004 then they are today

Just to highlight here, i will be a healer in a premade. That was never my point. My point was to discuss min max gameplay isnt great in a game like WoW.

Yes obviously, since there were no battlegrounds back in 2004. You could just as well write “Deathknights was not so powerfull back in 2004” :wink:

Eh. 2004, 2005. Whats the difference -.- its pretty obvious Im just referring back to Vanilla era.

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I dont care much about dps I care about them doing insane damage with their lizard in pvp while also doing mega damage themselves.