Has Blizzard officially explained why pugs are matched vs premades in WSG?

As i said above

it was susposed to say Builds. but i cannot edit the post.

think as established above this isnt true.

If u whispered this players to join the group with outlier Speccs the likelyhood is you wouldnt get a Reply and at best said “No”, you find even with alot of Premades who DOnt specify in opening message, upon messaging them they will care.

that’s on a sliding scale, every group is different…and it is just random classes 50% of the time. It just isn’t as elitist as you think it is.

How many shadow priests you see?

I never said CLASSES.

i said BUILDS

We’re talking talents / Rune set ups. Im aware All classes are present, we’re not talking this. Saying “We accept priests” is Different to “We’ll take a DPS Priest”…

but but…that just isn’t a thing. You do know a supposed dps priest with 15 pts in shadow can still cast penance and shield right ? You don’t know what talking about.

pvp priest is A LOT better than a pve priest at the mo, but you knew that, right ? Bejesus half the time i go with Humunculous myself, am i then a dps priest ? the 2 sec stun that can proc on dots is nasty.


U basically just said “u can be a Healer anyway” Which yes, in pve and pvp U can defintly do right now. im not asking you that.

no, you seemed to think a dps priest wouldn’t be invited to a pvp grp, which is not true, but is 100% true for a BFD run.

get your facts straight.

There are litteral Logs with Shadow priests in BFD…

No. a DPS Priest would be taken to fulfill a Healer Spot in PvP. lol. Just like a DPS Priest can be taken into BFD as a Healer. because priest in both sides are able t ofulfill the full role of a Healer in a Shadow specc.

indeed. Bottom. crap in pve, ace in pvp.

Why is it the above poster can even admit even tho hes For premades, that a Shadow priest prolly wont get taken in current situation

Yes Shadow priest is a Very strong PvPer, however in 25 Meta its actually considered F Tier by most PvP content creators + More. What bolsters is, is even as a Full shadow Specc you can play a Healer. Which means by technicality. you are a “DPS Priest in a BG”

you’d never know, if i was using penance, shield, and flash heal, you’d never know.

No you wouldnt.

That be true, i could apply to fill the healer role, enter the BG and Outright Refuse to heal and go in Full DPS.

I can Do that, I’d likley never get invited back, but i could.

being an Ahole will do that. Best plan : do both. I haz genius level ideas.

A Shadow priest doesnt have the Mana to heal and DPS. please dont try pretend they could, its extremely prevelent that if you were to commit to Actually outputting DPS. (AS I SPECIFIED IN A DPS ROLE). u’d be Oom trying to heal or keep someone alive simultaniously.

oh i agree, it’s utterly beyond the realms of possibilty to be a hybrid, like impossble 100% man. The other day I saw a balance druid cast a Rejuv and a Healing touch, Blasphemy i say, how dare his cast heals on a dps spec, it just ins’t cricket. Dotting 5 ppl and watching them freeze like having lag issues is very satisfying. You do know ‘dps’ can encompass different playstyles, right ? You want more schooling from my 1000s of hours in AB ?

U mean a class that had Mana Use taken off primary SKill abilities and Most of his Damage comes from RUNES which cost FAR less mana then Normal Spells.

Are you trying to tell me, Shadow Priests Do NOT have mana issues?.. are you honestly having that Debate with me right now?.. Because honestly… Oh, Dear. if theres one thing thats NOTORIOUS. its that shadow goes oom fast, that is VERY NORMAL.

what your telling me is “Well u dotn need to be a Healer in Every fight. so Heal when u need to be a Healer, and DPS when it isnt Nessercary” Which is a Clever way to dodge around the question. when i state being a DPS…

Do you need further schooling from Basic Knowledge that somehow your 1000s of hours in AB hasnt taught you.

Shadow priests have always gone Oom, they Use HIGH level Mana i na DPS Rotation, Due to the fact still a Large portion of its Damage comes from abilities which are NOT runes, this has Remained in SoD.

If i was to run into a FIght, and Cast several offensive spells, Stop to heal a Party member, then Bubble a 3rd member coming through, to then try a DoT up a Second target into Healing a Flag carrier coming through, to then Nuke a Straggler running away

I’d be Oom.

what in thralls name are you on about ?

I’m L25…what are you on about ???

a L25 shadow priest will have mana for longer than any that’s healing. the mana regen talents also work in PVP…would you like a video showing you this ? they are on youtube.


Your telling me in a Active FIght. i could Both heal and do a Full DPS Rotation without casualities Simultaniously For a Extended Period of time without Having a Whiff of a Mana Issue?