Has Warcraft reached the orwellian state?

A quote from the book 1984:
“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”

At least this is how I feel about the changes they are making to the game, twisting everything to be a complete opposite to it’s former self (like the Titans, the Light, etc.)

And this is just the half of the sourse of my sadness, the other can be described with this (little bit overused) movie quote:

“So this is how democracy dies, with thunderous applause” (Star Wars: The Revenge of the Sith)

Even there are ouraged messages from players around the globe, because of these bad changes, bland writing, etc, Blizzard will eventually get away with it because of the overzealous fans of the current game, who will like everything Blizzard throws at them, like the Jailer, the personalityless Aspects, the insulting current story of the night elves, the non-earthen looking earthen new race, etc. (It’s not wrong to like things, but we have to be critical, for our own sake, that the quality of the game remain the same as we used to like decades ago.)

So when you examine the body of the old game, you will se 2 different fatal wounds, one from Blizzard, and one from the playerbase.


When you only see people post with 1k+ posts, it’s fair to say that Retail is starting to become maintenance mode.

You already know the writing is going to be terrible. This screams OC tumblr character syndrome.


Hm, Lothar had a daughter from a wastewander tribe woman from Tanaris, as it seems…

This forced “diversity” of theirs becoming more and more desparate with each expansions.


i dont care what they look like

we have dragons and other things, so what does it matter


Weak excuse, you can add and write anything without it having to make sense under the same assumption. No wonder fantasy is so crap these days.


Even fantasy games need rulesets, or or they loose their authenticity, if you can change everything like this -snap fingers-. And my words are not against black people, but the system, that upsets even those whom it try to pander, a comment from wowhead, about the charactermodel, quote:

“as a black woman I am annoyed at Faerin Lothar, it feels like pandering ! just why ?”


She a half elf? She has pointy ears. I want that armor as a mog!

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maybe if you all stopped worrying about what colour someone’s skin is, you might enjoy the game.



It could be a recessive gene
Someone in her family had more melanin and she inherited that.
In WoW this is a bit more complicated since evolution is more often than not on a backseat and heavily affected or outright replaced by Magic or cosmic-forces
Take Humans from example
During the war between the titans and the Old Gods, the great forger Khaz’goroth oversaw the creation by the Pantheon of enormous servants from the crust of Azeroth itself, the titan-forged.
The first generation of titan-forged was divided in aesir, fashioned from metal, and vanir, from stone. (World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1.)
After the defeat of the Old Gods, the keepers moved to reshape the surface of the world. To this end, they created a new generation of titan-forged through the Forge of Wills. The Forge was able to draw on the life essence of Azeroth and create sentient life. It was here that the various titan-forged were born, such as the stone troggs, earthen, mechagnomes, and the vrykul. (World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1.)
The iron-skinned vrykul were the member of the second generation of Titan-forged and later the the Curse of Flesh began to spread among the vrykul, changing their metal skin into the flesh
Those became the Humans
It is not that farfatched some humans retained the more darker skintone like the deep gray or brownish vrykul “ancestors” have and passed down
Similarly, the Dark Trolls were very deep blue , grey, almost black nocturnal Trolls, later “evolved” to be Kaldorei, who later bacame the pale High Elves - again, it is not that unrealistic some of the High Elves had a more darker skin, like the Kaldorei or the Troll ancestors - or god knows what the Dark Trolls evolved from - and have Blood Elves with dark skin

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Are you sure that “No coloured people in my fantasy game!” is the hill you want to die on?

Let’s judge what she ends up doing, rather than what she looks like.

I mean, we have various shades of purple, blue, and green as character choices, so why is this suddenly such a huge problem?


But they never give us any explanation like this, just simply put in black elves, dwarves and gnomes, and humans. I repeat, my problem is not the color, but how and they implement it. As I have no problem with brown orcs, becase it’s well established that they are original orc colors, the green is the result oth fel magic, that permanetly changed most of the orc’s skin color. Like Thomas Jefferson said, “Give me lore, or give me death”

With a small effort they could easily integrated this into the established lore without changing much, as yourself described it, but they didn’t because the intent was not to extend the story, but to gather those ‘points’.


Well, considering the fact that Samwie Didier quit Blizzard because he didn’t want to work on someone else’s fantasy universe, and he invented Warcraft, I think the answer to your question is a resounding “yes”.

The lore and style have pretty much been completely painted over.


Or maybe he just met a black woman in stormwind? Shocking possibility. Also think it’s meant to be a distant cousin

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Didn’t they literally change white NPCs to black NPCs in Stormwind and we’re just told to get over it?

What’s the next excuse going to be for this stupid pandering?

Easy scapegoat for Blizzard when the expansion inevitably fails again.


While theres a lot of truth to what you say.

It’s also fair to say enough with the pandering.
The pandering is everywhere, it seems a lot of the times, pandering to minorities is more important than quality entertainment which is sad for everyone.

If they want people of colour, or the LGBTQ+ cimmunity to be in the game, actually flesh our the chars and make them interesting. Dont just put them i so they can say they’re there.


You missed my point, but ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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She’s going to be a Mary Sue and you know it.

So? Let’s assume that’s true (Quite likely, but that’s beside the point), where does her skin colour come into it?

when people use pandering to be the scapegoat to be being racist

no1 cares what colour skin you are.
isnt it crazy how the Horde are green yellow or blue orcs… dont have an issue

but as soon as a BLACK human is involved… everyone kicks up an issue


Where is the problem with that? Wasn’t it mostly guards and shopkeepers, not established npcs?