Hate RIO or any site that creates Bias

Funny that you replied to a post where I said that I had the exact same issues as OP while playing boomie and now you say this. Anything to suit your opinion I guess.

Do you go check rio later to see what the key holder picked for their team, or are you just guessing that it must be a meta because surely thereā€™s nobody more suited than me?

Not sure what youā€™re getting at. Iā€™m simply telling Lillith that you canā€™t just level a boomie and get invited everywhere without gear just because youā€™re boomie. Source: I play a boomie and Iā€™ve pugged a lot

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And the weird thing is that while Fury isnā€™t a meta spec, itā€™s incredibly powerful in M+. The solution is to not pug :frowning:

Iā€™m 225 and I canā€™t upgrade anything with valor, so thereā€™s a big chance valor isnā€™t the reason, so perhaps boosting friends? 220+ geared can easily farm +11~14 keys if they want to upgrade, because anything below that is just a waste of valor

Sorry, wrong reply buttonā€¦

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While I hate a stale or not shifting meta (hi firemages being op in every part of the game for atleast 2 years.) there is no way that you can get rid of a meta.

Metas will allways existsā€¦ they just need to be shaken up more often.

Also every side that discusses numbers and gameplay also creates biasā€¦ even patchnote spoilers ā€¦ so bye bye to guides, addons, wow-head, mmo-champions and co.

The stats just dont back up your claims.

Sure, moonkins will get picked maybe twice as often as a lot of other specs for 15s, but that is in a large part due to a combat rez for groups without a resto druid or guardian and feral being total pants at the moment.

Experience has taught me that outside of moonkins being night fae, having boat and knowing how to play they dont bring dps, but they bring trees, combat rez, silence, roots and typhoon, all very useful in mythic+.

Fire mages are only any good if you can round up big pulls and keep them in their aoe.

Lol, boomkins have more than that. Boomkins are overloaded with utility (treants, CR, soothe, aoe-silence, roots, hurrican, Roar, Innervate, decurse and Vortex), have strong unlimited aoe-sustain dmg + insane ST burst and insane HoTW off-heals.

Mages also are not only good because their aoe dmg. They also have tons of utility, controll and insane burst dmg on low CD, which can be used to delete any trash ST or AoE (especially prides in higher keys).

Both specs are completely broken and need to be nerfed hard.

If you are saying you cant get into a 25, you may have a point, but the OP is complaining about the 10-15 level where there is no problem. As only 1% of the population play at 24+ its not an issue, and the stats back that up if you look at class distribution in 10-15 or 15.

We druids love to innovate.


Most appropriate if you could be a gnome druid.

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Oh God, Druids are going to start walking around in turtle necks soon I can feel it.

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Fixed itā€¦

mistakes happen^^


This was not a mistake. This was a happy accident.


What has Rio got to do with people picking a meta over a non-meta ? Even without Rio you have to know which class the people in your group are.

Besides Iā€™m not sure meta is the reason people pick a Mage over a dps warrior - the bl is reason enough and once again Rio has nothing to do with it.

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Thats the problem though, they cant be nerfed just like that, they would have to be redesigned.

yeah I know, but since blizzard doesnt really do that anymore especially mid expansion. So there will be no other choices but nerfing them otherwise there will be no meta shift, which we need.

I still dont get why boomkin and Rdruid (the specs with the most utility ingame) got Roar with shadowlands, but bears and ferals didnt got innervate.

If moonkins gets over nerfed, resto druid will be the new healer meta like BFA.

The reason is simpleā€¦ people pick these classes because they are broken. They really make M+ that much easier.

I run 19-20 (Still climbing) now and you feel every spec in your group that is meta.

A lot of people do, some just like being a druid or mage. Iā€™ve tried both moonkin and fire mage on level 60 alts to see what all the fuss was about. Hated eclipse gameplay with boat, very clunky, loved the utility though. Hated playing fire mage where everything revolved around combustion and boring outside of it, prefer frost mage.

I do like druids, my main has largely been a resto druid since cataclysm (priest before that), changed to tanking in BFA. Now play VDH and Guardian, I like being able to kite effectively with VDH and find the Guardian a bit boring by comparison, but Iā€™m heavily invested in Druid.

But getting back to the point, large numbers of people roll FOTM, but the reality is also large numbers of those donā€™t know how to play them.