Hate to be the guy whaling at tanks but man

If the goal is to reduce the chance of finding someone who cannot play the spec they play, yes, I’d encourage them to not take FotM specs. That good players are caught in the cross-fire is unfortunate.

I just wonder how a tank like that gets to a +10.
They should have failed at tanking at +8 or +4 maybe.

Perhaps the game needs to steer tanks into tanking lower levels before they attempt higher levels. Not sure quite how they’d do this. Specifi
sc keys or something but that would have issues as well.

So I don’t think it’s wailing on anyone. There is a reasonable expectation of competence in a +10 (even a +8).
The issue is when players QQ over tanks in leveling dungeons or even Normal dungeons that they aren’t pulling enough or using optimal routes or whatever.
At that level of the game you should expect varying levels of capability whether from skill, gear or experience / knowledge of the zone.


Tbh, at this point I’d kinda feel like this isn’t going to happen. Can imagine it sucked lol.

Same, that’s why instead of trying to teach someone the basic of tanking in a +10 is just better to find another key instead of trying to “help the group improve”.

Is not like that guy did not know about a trick or something that could be explained on the go.

Dumb players plays both fotm and not. There is no “increased chance” of finding trash player just cause the spec is the fotm.

Of course, that is the first line of defence. But same goes for a healer, at least if you want to time it. If the healer can’t keep up with the tank pulls, its either a death or slow pulls = not timed.

As there are 3 dps spots, it’s “easier” to hide behind the two others, but if all dps performed bad, same would go. In higher keys, if a dps kept dying, that would both add -15 seconds to the board and slow the progression.

This season is punishing, but my overall point was, you’ve probably had very smooth runs, even in lower keys when you started your journey where you’ve completely forgot. We tend to only remember the extreme cases (both positive and negative).

That is the pug scene, and I get the frustration of the situation! :slight_smile:

95% of tank deaths are due to the tank not the healer. When I tank I feel like if I play good I will never die unless something goes majorly wrong. That said, novice tanks shouldn’t be tanking 10 keys, and was likely invited without being vetted. Had a 3k Pala tanking a Mists 11 once and it was a complete mess, turns out he was 3k ret and a novice tank.

is this from a imba (god, I feel old) prot war PoV?
Bc as perfectly as I play a brewmaster I’ll still go down like a fly in anything +10, and above, without a healer to babysit me excessively. :<

Hell, it even is a struggle in +8-9, lmao.

Never said damage CDs, i mean all the rest. DRs and utility.

Ah the real reason for the post

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They are damage nerfs, long time paladin players weren’t playing one to do broken damage. It’s the toolkit. Now they will have competitive damage and still have the super strong toolkit.

You don’t save keys with an extra 20% damage as tank. Loh/sac/spellwarding save so many so many runs

My experience is different. Every time we pick an Enhancer or Prot Pala we kind of regret it quite early on.

That’s why character score is just as important as main score

then you play wrong.
i had brews in 10s and the good ones didnt really need much heal.

same goes for dh, the bad ones take sooo much dmg while others are self sufficient

it could be two of the possibilities.either they were getting carried by friends and they were not available on weekend so the guy decided to pug it or second is they buy their carries with gold .

Pugged an Ara Kara with a friend, had 3 druids, all 3 specced into dispel.
Tank proceeds to pull everything until the first miniboss, which is usually fine, however this then results into me trying to dispel myself on cd, and my friend dispelling on cd, with nothing else going out, no one kicks, stuns, dispels apart from us.
We ask the healer to please help dispelling, healer goes “i cant”, which leads to me checking their talents, and as a healer they for some reason had decided to spec out if it right before the key started.
The healer was doing 300k hps in a pull like that, didnt dispel, the boomie didnt dispel and didnt use a single cooldown, these were all 2.6k players.
We left our own key immediately.

Some people are beyond “helping” or trying to help improve. Im not saying i never make mistakes, because anyone saying that would simply be lying, but these Arent mistakes, this has nothing to do with improving. This is either people having absolutely no business in +10 and higher, or intentional griefing for whatever reason, take your pick.

did so many keys with prot paladins / warriors / dh / monks / some druids , my most abysmal experience was with Vdh , no one know how to play that spec they keep going in without using spikes or mini meta , my best exp was with prot paladins/ prot warriors , i had a 579 prot paladin tanking a 8 grim , and we timed it on a 2 upgrade , its just rng players bud , as you can find good dps and bad dps , you’ll find bad and good tanks no matter the s tier tank or not , your just being so silly thinking hes gonna have less rng finding bad tanks not inviting prot paladin , thats crazy lad.

Long time paladin players are not meta rerollers.
I’m a long time paladin player and i never cared if ret is bad or good i’m just enjoying playing it i did spend whole BFA as ret i remember that was not a good time :smiley:

What i was trying to say is that those that rerolled and will see nerfs will stop playing it
also i’m not talking about players that are pushin higher keys those are naturally good players on whatever class they pick
i’m talking about those 7-10 m+ players that saw paladin being now “meta” and rerolled to it
those will stop playing and will flood Wowhead comment section about Blizzard killing fun in game again :smiley:

i wanna bet that streamers will say Protection pala is going to be dead and then people will say Protection is the most bad spec hahaaha sheeps believe me 99% of wow players Are SHEEPS.

Or you could, idk, just admit that brews suffer from horrid class design (and even worse changes)?

But whatever. You saw ONE semi decent BrM in a lower key and = good tonk.

What’s next, Holy Priest S tier M+ PuG healer? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

brew currently is one of the weakest tanks, yes. it probably gets demolished in high keys, but in +10 keys they are basically selfsufficient like every other tank.

if that is not thr case for you, then you are playing incorrectly but if i see your post you are probably one of those tanks that die with all cds not pressed and ask for “heal???”
any tank that dies in a pug is 99% his own misplay.