Hate to be the guy whaling at tanks but man

There are brm’s at 3400. If you need constant babysitting, thats you - not the class.

Could it be designed better? Probably, its more than good enough for what you’re doing with hit.

he made a forum post

boosted/carried just leave and conserve your sanity, he will learn eventually but it has to hurt since pain is the best teacher.

i would not reccomend typing since blizz is rewarding every little sniveling p who reports every single word typed with a report feedback so just walk away always the best option.

Since i started playing m+ in legion and streamer boom with m+ being popular this was always a thing :smiley:
To their defence streamers they always say Play what you like to people in their chat
and chat still go with this “SPEC IS DEAD BECAUSE OF NERFS”
you can see that clearly on wowhead comments when for example something is nerfed by 5% they scream that bliizard hates fun and it’s unplayable if that nerf goes live.
If they came up with that OK
but it was just someone else said that so i repeat like a good sheep.

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