Or why has there been no attempts to remedy the state of holy priest for m+?
We have no way to aoe heal, we can only ST heal.
I have 6 million health on my priest.
Even if you spec into poh, casting a poh heals for 1.5% of my health, roughly 90k. For 110k mana and a 1.5 sec cast. We’re getting trucked in the millions by aoe damage, a 90k heal is nothing. PoH is useless.
Even if you buffed poh by 100%, it still wouldn’t be worth speccing into and casting because it would only heal people at my gear level for 3% of their hp when people are getting trucked in the millions.
Sanctify heals for 250k on each target hit but we have no way to reduce its CD, it’s 1 min cd for a 250k aoe heal since we can’t reduce its cd. Meanwhile people are trucking getting trucked in the millions. Like, is this a joke? Penance has a 9 sec cd and when I send it on target dummies, just one penance cast I get more than a million healing through atonement, closer to 1.5 million. That is a 9 sec CD ability, why does sanctify have a 1 min CD?
Divine hymn? Proper joke of a CD, we stand still to channel it for 6 seconds for 1 million healing. Meanwhile, a boss like anubikkaj is sending his aoe damage every 1 second for 5 seconds when he does shadow decay, that does more damage than a whole 6 sec channel of divine hymn - every tick.
It’s in a bad state, both in dungeons and raids.
I switched to disc for m+ and I’m honestly not looking back because of the sheer aoe heal capabilities, which holy severely lacks in dungeon content.
I can only assume the playrate is high enough so it looks fine in their eyes because a lot of people are playing it. Which is for sure more due to the relative simplicity of the spec more so than the performance of it. As it turns out you don’t need to make overly complicated rotations for a spec to be enjoyable. Who woulda thunk.
I haven’t been getting any invites to any +10s as holy.
Switched to disc this morning and got an invite instantly.
What a joke. I can barely play disc because I always play holy.
The point of divine hymn isn’t the healing it does, its the fact that it increases the healing people take. You don’t use it to heal through big aoe, its prep for it.
Priests are barely a blip this expansion.
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Except they did this:
Developer’s note: We are making some changes to raid healing cooldowns in The War Within to increase their effectiveness in content with less than 20 players. Our goal is to make these spells feel powerful in all forms of content, particularly smaller dungeon, PvP, or raid groups. The healing of these cooldowns will remain equal when healing 20 injured allies as they previously did and only take into account injured allies as contributing to their splash cap. This will be a slight reduction in effectiveness when healing more than 20 players, but this tradeoff has seemed reasonable to us as the availability and strength goes up as group sizes increase.
Divine Hymn healing increased by 400%.
Divine Hymn now decreases its healing beyond 5 targets.
If they want it to be only about the healing increase, there’s no reason to increase the actual healing it does by 400%, they could have left it where it was if the intent is for you to only use it for the healing increase.
They can tune it to be an active healing CD that’s worth picking if they actually do it properly.
Take note:
Our goal is to make these spells feel powerful in all forms of content
Divine hymn is not powerful in 5-man content. It’s a horrible talent to pick. It’s a throw pick of a talent in 5-man content because of how weak it is.
Increasing healing that people take when we don’t move bars in the first place when there’s heavy aoe doesn’t really make any difference. Like… Woo, my sanctify that I can use twice within a minute and then have no way to replenish it will heal for… 300k instead of 250k with divine hymn buff up. Wow. Meanwhile people are losing millions of hp rapidly.
It always was about healing. I remember in previous expansions when I popped Hymn the raid never dropped below 80% solely because of hymn hps. It was a healing CD but now it means little.
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I love to play holy priest nowadays, you can instantly feel the fear in the tanks’ eyes.
Once a warlock, always a warlock… 
Jokes aside it’s bad. It’s like an emotional support class.
healing stream totem is better than holy word sanc xD
but atleast prists can cure diseases! they are SUCH a mAJOR problem in m+ this season its legit broken to have it as priests. class is saved give it time.
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Idk about pve but I can say that in PVP Holy is an aboslute joke at the moment. The tier set for S4 DF felt really good. Without having the extra serneity procs, you find yourself in this dangerous hole that you have to fill.
If you find yourself in a blitz with 4 melee specs on the other team, if your team dont peel you are more or less toast.
The incoming buffs won’t pick Holy up of the floor at all.
it felt like it was a core thing.
honestly serenity isnt that big of a deal. its 1 min cd that heals 1/6th of peoples hp.
its like its this amazing lay on hands ability. nah in reality its just an instant heal.
What incoming buffs? There isnt any and thats why people are asking if Blizzard forgot they exist.
Holy priest is in bad state but you have the luxe to respec to the one which is funnier and stronger. Trust me not every classes have this luck. I call it luck because patches are completly random 
Blizzard hate the holy priest.
They want to make us to pay race change for drag tyr or goblino to be “fine”
We have no buff, nothing, no competitiv interest for m+
We are a disabled class.
My RL litteraly say, with no joke or taunting, “evoks help the disabled class about their motbility” referring to priests.
In 20 years of playing your game I never hate you so much since now (even with the 1.6 weapon nerf)
This is litteraly priest playerbase abuse to let us in trash, swimming in our sh. you put us in
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well thats not quite true.
holy priest does bring PI, and fortitude. and the CDR on defensive spell.
Excuse me Sir, I can’t see your Hpriest RIO or Raid progress on your profil.
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why would that matter? what i said are facts?
I was talking about in PVP.
- Holy
- Renew healing increased by 20% in PvP combat.
- Prayer of Mending healing increased by 10% in PvP combat.
read lower…
If you have no xp in related content then your sentence doesnt matter.
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