Have the devs forgotten holy priest exist?

you say you HAVE NOTHING as holy priest. NOTHING.

and then i state some quite powerful things you DO have, that doesnt matter?

if you dont want to come across as a salty person then you need to acknowledge what you do have instead of lying.

I invite you to look at the top 5 world Hpriest Vs Dpriest Vs Rsham Rio Leaderboard.

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did i ever say holy priests were fine? or even good?

very passive aggresive and salty assumption.

Dpriest also has PI and fortitude and MassD etc etc

my dear I m the non silenced voice of Hpriests, I m sick and angry to see us dying because of blizzard.

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dpriest has less utility actually.

i would also like to see holy priest buffed. but not based upon lies.

+200-250 rio rating on top players

“less utility”

is that a goblino joke?

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actually cba you are too salty you think everyone is against you for some reason, even though im a fellow holy/disc priest player and mutli class healer.

Can you link me the last Hpriest upgrade? In comparison of all other classes upgrades we saw last weeks/months

even though im a fellow holy/disc priest player and mutli class healer.

So In your humble opinion, which healer is the worst atm in m+ ?

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holy priest? i never said or claimed otherwise.

So what was the point to say “thats not true you have pi fortitude and hope” ?


yes and we also have hands and feet and we can healer people Oo

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you said holy has NOTHING ZERO utility DELETED spec. and i simply said it wasnt true.

those 3 spells are quite good.



only facts matter

We are litteraly a disabled and useless spec

holy priests healing profile is just terrible for m+.

but pi is probably the strongest buff in the game.

Bloodlust buff is laughing

stop with PI, Dpriests also have it… this is not an argument

Just pain supp alone already puts disc above holy when it comes to utility.


disc priest also having is imo not a very good argument.

that is a valid point but disc also majorly lacks spot healing which is the only place where holy excells

Wait! Wait! Wait! Hold the discussion! Millennial here needing some clarity.

Trucking? Trucked?

What does that mean?!

Explain it to me like I am the middle-aged adult that I am. :crazy_face:

Probably the mobs hitting like a truck coming at you with full speed leaving but a big sad ketchup spot on the asphalt :man_shrugging:
:truck::tomato::tomato::tomato: :womens: :underage:
mio bella delizioni pomodori :pinched_fingers:

It’s not often I see someone take a point made hyperbolically and then extrapolate it as if the statement was of hard fact.

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