Have you ever been banned? and for what

So cute…

Never even had so much as a forum warning

I would say something…but I’d probably get my first ban

Good thing you already play a chicken…

Your jealousy suits you even less then that haircut!

Banned only on the forum, for trolling. Although maybe someone just doesn’t like worgens… hmm. :thinking:
WE fluff!

Surprisingly enough I never was banned in any game I’ve played, which is odd because I grew up in an era where there wasn’t any parental control, you could say whatever; so if you ran into 12-year-old me and my cousins playing Xbox Live, you were going to get your feelings hurt if you didn’t have thick skin.

On forums, I did get 24 hours for saying the medical term for this :poop:

I still don’t get it, how can you have an emoji of it but you can’t say the actual word? :man_shrugging:


surprised u haven’t served more time…

you let me down.

i was once chain banned on this very forum for 6 months… for making just 2 comments.

neither of them offensive or bannable.


Not in game, but I have experinced on the forum.

Some years ago I experinced a perma ban on another game because I got a new credit card, and the moment I activated the new card I was banned from the game I was playing, the reason was they suspected me for selling my account, I was unable to get it back

I was banned from the forums once, even as MVP. I really don’t remember what it was about, but it was for 24 hours and I probably deserved it.

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I got a forum ban once for a HItchhikers Guide quote which was taken out of context.

Yeah, twice. The second time was pretty long, I did not appreciate that.

I don’t fully remember it, but it was always over some PvP talk :crossed_swords:

*never got banned in-game though

Got a 3 day ban back in WOTLK , think it was when my account got hacked (thus prompting me to get a physical authenticator).
Also a 24 hour ban on the forums for posting a rather revealing pic of Tyrande Whisperwind about 2 years ago

Once in the forums. Right after the burning of Teldrassil cinemanic I joked that the attack and burning of the tree was justified becouse the Night Elfs had hidden there azerite weapons of mass destruction. Someone was butt hurt and replied to me that I shouldnt make jokes like that. Soon after i got a 3 day ban from the forums

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got banned in WoD for using morphing software

Banned under the category of ‘abusive chat’ for calling out incompetent and underperforming players who directly sabotage my gameplay experience.

The response hahaha

Not yet, no.

Do you get some sort of warning if someone reports you on the forums?

Anyways, I believe you. :yum:

On topic, had a brief silence long ago for a swear word I didn’t know was banned here. That’s it really. A single day and was over.