Have you ever got bored with WOW all of a sudden?

They had that in previous expansions(starting from legion at least) and it was meet with forum criticism that it made WoW a 2nd job. Want to miss a week for any real life stuff or plain vacation? Good luck and you will be permanently behind everyone else.

Now its a fresh breath of air when you can log in because you want to not “tomorrow is Wednesday and I still haven’t done X amount of chores and power grind…”

As for the OP’s question. Sure. I have. Its plain normal for people to take breaks from any video game…be it short “1 week to catch my breath” breaks and longer breaks. People shouldn’t feel punished for not logging in every day…

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Give me a break. If the game would have been as great as you said it is, you would have played it. You just confirmed what i already believed that not even you guys that support “modern wow direction” dont trully like how this game is. I’m actually playing more than you DF. But at least i’m not lying myself and others saying the game is great.

Action speak louder than words my friend.

Just take a week off. Maybe watch something or take some long walks.

I took a 6 months break at the end of Shadowlands and came back to Dragonflight born anew.

What can help is set smaller goals, make a spreadsheet to keep yourself buisy, but at that point you just better off with the break.


I DID play it. But the way I play it; I’ve run out of things to do.
I like what’s there, but it has to be worthwhile to do. I like working towards something and for me that stopped being a thing unfortunately because of how Blizzard treats world content.

At the moment, I don’t doubt it.
In total played time; maybe not.

It’s happened to everyone, I think.
Maybe you’ve never played the class/spec you really like. Maybe you’ve always played classes and roles that served your guild or friends, to the detriment of your enjoyment.
It happened to me too, until I started playing the BM hunter. As soon as DF came out, I leveled up and played 5 different classes, from healer to tank to dps and never enjoyed it. I felt that something was missing. My fun. Since I’ve been playing the BM hunter, I can’t tear myself away, I enjoy everything I do, from a few m+ to wandering around the world. I have fun and I’m never bored.
Maybe it could happen to you too. Play the class for YOU and not for the guild or friends or to get easy into pug.
Give it a go. Maybe this is your problem too :slightly_smiling_face:


I find myself really wanting to log in and play, almost compulsively… Then when I do get to play, I am yawning and falling asleep, feeling incredibly bored for my entire play duration! Repeat the next day.


Thats like telling a guy whos 424 ilevel got KSH and Mythic raiding complete and goes on break til the following sesson that they dont like the game.

If u solo focus 1 pillar of content ur ofcourse going to finish the game.

And you will find, most players with a issue are those that farm only 1 pillar of the game.

Doing world quests 2x a week.
Raiding twice a week.
8 dungeons each week at highest key possible.
Weekly event

Is likely about 14 hours a week in content for the average player.

Thats ignoring content with no rewards

Old raid runs

Borrowed power stacked ontop of that and your at a point where the game is taking the equivilent of a full time job each week.

You should run out of content at this point of a patch.
You shouldnt need to play a patch from start to finish to retain Ok.
Missing daily content shouldnt be punishing.

This is a game, your susposed to log on because you want to, not because the game demands a stupid amount of hours.


Ofc certainly now because the daily tasks isnt there anymore, and its a good thing. Now we have more freedom to play other games also. See players have asked for this. And now it backfires in their faces. Because they havent anything to do.

There zre enouhg systems tbh enough content tbh, except its not enticing or well rewarded i dont give a damn about a transmog. In my eyes they can delete transmogs. Also as i said this system you all wished for backfires hard on you.

my friend, that’s not really the problem. That was like in top 3 best changes in DF. The problem with that is that the basics of the games are not good enough to support this kind of change. Because without the carrot, game feels boring. First the basics of the game needs to improve and just after that letting players do what they want will feel good.

Also, for pvp players, the lack of gear progression in pvp convinced them to just stop playing.

Lack of pvp gear? Really are you kidding? Well from my part they could delete PvP at all.

Also this game is turning to a game of snowflakes tbh, fearies etc you cannot spit on someone, if you have a char name that someone finds offensive they can report you and you need to change it.

More often than before i get the burnout feelings with WoW.
I love WoW and it has given me so much joy, but i just can’t get myself to log in most of the times now.
Im a completionist, i want to complete as much as possible with achievements, reputation and so on.
But i feel locked to one main becuse the rep is not accountwide. It should become account wide when a new expansion comes.
Other things that usually stress me out is falling behind every major patch. Falling behind with gear is the the worst feeling. Also the need to get content done withing a few weeks after release before the rest of you are done and less people to do it with.

Its great that blizz is working again on this game but i miss the hype BFA and Shadowlands gave even though the later one turned out to be dissapointing in the end.

Part of me want to move on from WoW but i also don’t want to give up something that has been so special for so many years.
WoW is special in its own way that other mmos doesn’t offer.

So yeah, im bored alot and burned out. I barely do the weekly stuff anymore.

And the poster above has a good point too. There is too many silly rules being implemented as of late.

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they cant just throw 424 rewards everywhere lol, nobody wished anything other then the removal of borrowed power :P. its because i havent had to log on every day that im still online.

so no it didnt backfire in the slightest… its exactly what i wanted.

i log on 3 times a week, i do my stuff i have fun.

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That can really happen, specially when you force yourself to do certain things each day. I felt it the most after farming Famu and Violet Mistake for couple of months everyday in Shadowlands and then all of sudden i left and came back for DF.

It doesnt need to be exacly gear, you can do like transmogs, or maybe some crafting materials. I mean its not hard.

Yep. I get it with anything and sometimes, everything is boring. I just either do something else until I get interested again or I am a grumpy bugger for several days trying to do something mindless until my brain decides it likes fun again.

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Yes there are days I get bored with wow, all my cousins left and I end up being alone. The longest break I took from wow was from MOP to BFA. So that’s like two expansion missed.

Sometimes I make my own fun like collecting for the trading post, or fishing in pandaria, or noble garden, or Roleplay

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giggity giggity

Think that’s called the great vault and the weekly events