Have you ever got bored with WOW all of a sudden?

This happen to me… litterally today.

After the playing some M+ yesterday and having Quaking ontop of everything else.

I just have no drive to play WoW today… and my mind is actively trying to find something else to do.

Currently i am thinking about SWTOR… but that’s like a 200 hours endeavour

The only thing that bores me is when there’s garbage affix weeks.
But according to Blizz that’s fine…

Dragonflight is very good expansion, but unfortunately too much problem for some reasons.

  • Full of bugs
  • Bad affixes in M+ (people complain about leavers and blizzard ignore it totally)
  • Bad performance
  • There are alot to add…one of them is new dev team is the problem. I cant say why here!

Have a nice weekend!

Imo, We can do away with affixes that are overly disruptive/Distracting to gameplay.

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