So, this is something i’ve had on my mind since the beta of BfA, and has been only strengthened with the portal purge.
Right now, there are 2 ways of getting to Boralus: A ship in stormwind harbor, and a portal in the mage tower.
Question is… Why do we have a ship if we have the portal and vice-versa? Considering the naval theme of the city, a ship is the most fitting way of getting there, but having a portal will instantly pull 99% of the population in it, rather than the ship, no matter how much more fun and immersion there is aboard.
I think that it would’ve been better if the ship was the only way of accessing Boralus, atleast for the beginning, unlocking a portal via some kind of a quest chain or something later. This adds to the overall immersion to the game, decreases the hastiness of progression in a non-grindy way, makes your trips feel like… Actual trips, and also slightly raises a chance of people socializing while being on the same boat.
What do you think?
I think it’s because the ships have the potential to bug out sometimes… I have been dumped in a sea of fatigue before 
People would just use hearthstones and mage portals, possibly the rings that teleport you to Boralus.
I know I would. 
Pretty much what Adamante said.
Mage portals, hearthstones, rings and etc.
People will only use the ship when all other options are on CD(or they don’t want to beg for mage portals/no mages in SW at the time).
So removing them Borallus portal will only be of minor annoyance. I doubt it will force people en masse to use the ship. 
Personally think they should remove all portals.
They make the world feel small.
Oh man the pain in the butt it’d be to do my dailies mount runs all over the world D: I’m glad there’s lots of portals.
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People constantly use their HS and rings to go back to Boralus, leaving them on a cooldown for most of the time.
Mages are not always available.
Portals, on the other hand, can be used constantly without any drawbacks.
The ship will be MASSIVELY populated if we remove the portal. Never underestimate how many people have a CD on their teleports and how many just don’t ask for a mage portal.
I cant speak for boral. But the zuldazar boat actually goes to the echo isle (troll starting zone), so its mostly there for flavour. Plus on horde we have the portal expert nightbourne. So we should portal everywhere.
I do miss taking boats and blimps. I enjoyed seeing people waiting for them
Don’t know about you but I never had a personal teleport on cooldown as a shaman.
3 hs and shaman hs and all on short cd. Not to mention other teleports: cloack to Orgrimmar, ring to northrend dala etc etc
Im not here to roleplay and waste my time with these LUL theories.
If only i had a Hearthstone i wouldnt even use neither the ship nor the portal.
Let the people play the game the way they like it.
You like to roleplay and visit the sea theme city via ship.
I like to only PvP and move as fast as possible.
We have both.
We are both happy.
This dude got so confused while deciding if he should take portal or ship he forgot where pvp vendors are …
I say we remove both ship and portals! Make people swim to Boralus instead. My shaman deserves to sell overpiced services just as much as mages do. #makewaterwalkinggreatagain
Hmmn I wonder if that and my Hunter pet water walking will get removed with the new mount system… I hope not.
Omg you want everything on the silver platter! All this walking and swimming is so easy, it is not like you gotta actually swim or walk you just press a button! Now i suggest that we (since we have phones right?) add little phoneapp that is connected to wow that when we want to moved to places we actually have to do so for real. Want to walk to that world quest behind the mountain? Well only way to move your character there is to move same distance in real world while your app is recording your progress and if it’s on the mountain then you gotta walk it up the hill. 
This is a difficult topic. On days when I got limited time I’m glad that I can quickly hop around the world using the convenience of portals. But some other days I just miss the feeling of back in the day when you took the train from SW to Ironforge (I bet half the people don’t even know there is a train) or you took the zeppelin from undercity to Org, Ship to stranglethorn, etc.
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Briliant idea! Also, lets make it so that you actually have to carry weight equal to what is in your bag. Items will now diplay a kg value under them. You will then have to load a special backpack with enough weight to reach the same weight total of your in game bag. Only then will the app start recording your progress!
Also to make it more realistic, Blizzard employees will occasionally release wolves and other wildlife on your location to make sure you get the hardcore experience you deserve!
How could i have forgot that! Yes indeed! Anything less is eazymode and free loot! 
And sometimes it happens that the ship will bug out and go half way and Stop.
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You are free not to use them!
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